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明尼阿波利斯圣保罗(Minneapolis_St. Paul): 孪生城(Twin Cities)

  莫比尔(Mobile): 海湾城(Gulf City)

  纳什维尔(Nashville): 音乐城(Music City)

  新奥尔良(New Orleans): 新月城(Crescent City)

  纽约(New York): 大苹果(Big Apple)

  奥德城(Old Town): 独木舟城(Canoe City)

  帕特森(Paterson): 丝绸城(Silk City)

  费城(Philadephia): 博爱城(City of Brotherly Love)

  匹兹堡(Pittsburgh): 钢都(Steel City)

  雷丁(Reading): 椒盐饼干城(Pretzel City)

  圣弗朗西斯科(San Francisco): 金门城(City by the Golden Gate)

  圣路易斯(St. Louis): 西方之门户(Gateway to the West)

  萨福克(Suffolk): 花生城(Peanut City)

  托莱多(Toledo): 世界草都(Grass Capital of the World)

  杨斯顿(Youngston): 钢谷(Steel Valley)



  William Shakespeare

  George Washington

  Thomas Jefferson

  Franklin Roosevelt

  Abraham Lincoln

  Bill Gates

  Thomas Edison

  Alexander Fleming

  Christopher Columbus

  Winston Churchill

  Neil Armstrong

  Walt Disney

  Dwight D. Eisenhower

  Margaret Mitchell

  Ezra Pound

  O. Henry

  Pearl S. Buck

  John F. Kennedy

  Mark Twain

  Theodore Roosevelt

  Albert Gore, Jr.

  Ernest Hemingway

  Henry Ford


  The Statue of Liberty (自由女神像)

  The Boston Tea Party

  The Yangtze River

  The Mississippi River


  The Pulitzer Prize (普利策奖,相当于美国的诺贝尔)

  Mount Rushmore National Memorial

  The Rocky Mountains

  Mc Donald’s

  Harvard\Princeton\Yale University (耶鲁大学)


[此贴子已经被作者于2008-10-21 11:46:36编辑过]



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