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i'm looking to apply to US top 10 MBA next fall, below are my stats, what do I need to do to overcome my weak gpa?


GPA: 2.6

GMAT: will take by year end (aiming 700+)

W/E: 3 years in top ibank as analyst, 2 years as trader/analyst in fund house (rank top 3 by morningstar out of 100+ funds within same category)

Professional title: CFA, CAIA

Post graduate degree:  Executive diploma in M&A, Graduate with Distinction

Extra Curriculum:  Co-founder and treasurer of student club back in uni. and volunteer experience


My biggest concern is obviously my weak gpa back in university, i had to work 2 jobs throughout university to help pay for tuition (work roughly 40 hours a week) and back then the thought of mba never crossed my mind.  I heard most grad school will ding applicants with low gpa, is there any way for me to go around it?  I still have 1 year before applying, what's your suggestion to strengthen up my resume further?

Do you see if i have any chance at all in getting into wharton, columbia, kellogg, MIT??


many thanks for your help!



Hi HSW, thanks so much for the prompt reply, really appreciate it!

i just have one more question regarding extra-curriculum activities...

I read that adcom loves interesting stories in this part of the application, there are olympic athletes, secret agents, people who climbed mount everest, 28 year-old who built multi-million company....etc

If i'm competing with the top candidates from around the world, do you have any suggestions that perhaps there are things we chinese can do in the extra-curriculum category to make our application stand out?  (i have some thoughts on this part, and i'd be happy to discuss with you off line)


can we send pm here?


Hi HSW,  i was talking to kathy this morning and learnt that you have a small cold, i wish you a speedy recovery.  pls rest well

I also learned that you are pretty busy lately, I was wondering if it's possible to squeeze me in for a quick phone session in the next 2 weeks when your schedule is a bit freed up.

Many thanks in advance!






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