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Thanks for hosting this forum- excellent input on many issues.

My question is: If I got admitted into a top ten program (my preferred school), but unfortunately, they offered me no financial aid. My dilemna is that I have offers from other schools which are not as renowned, with substantial financial aid. Is there any chance that I can successfully convince my preferred school to offer me some financial aid, either by leveraging my other offers or by other means?

Thanks again!


以下是引用hsWang在2005-9-23 0:27:00的发言:

Good question. As a general rule of thumb, the more a school likes you, the more financial aid they are likely to offer. Let me also take this opportunity to defuse yet another urban legend that applicants with the highest GMAT scores tend to get the most non loan financial aid. There's simply no truth to this.

You can try to leverage the other offers, but don't do anything to insult the school and don't get your hopes up too high. If it's a higher-ranked school, it may not feel obligated to match offers from its lower-ranked counterparts.

Finally, you should have no problem repaying your loans with your post-MBA salary. As a result, if your heart is truly set on attending the top 10 school, I wouldn't be overly worried about the loans you need to cover the cost of your education.


H.S. Wang

thank you very much.

your eveluation and advice are so helpful!



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