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Pictograms for Love 半圆是情 整圆是爱

原著:董刚 译注:骆海辉 传神社区

This is a story about an ordinary family in a remote village. They became well-known overnight in their place this year because one of their twin sons is allowed into Renmin University of China in Beijing and another one Nankai University in Tianjin. I have learned their names by heart though I am unacquainted with them before. What has impressed me most is not the excellent performance of the twins in their entrance exams to universities. Of course, I know it is not easy for high school graduates to go to a top university, let alone key university directly under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education. What have engraved in my memory are the semi-circles and circles drawn by their parents every day. In my eyes, they are nothing but pictograms full of love!

Hong Yingbo is the father's name while Xiong Minglan the mother's, both being names in style. However, they are both barely literate. Because of their deficiencies in education, they have to stay at home and make a hard living on farm while most of the fellow villagers are able to immigrate into cities to make money.

Like other parents, they also have young children to rear. However, they have to overcome no small difficulties to bring the twins up in rural areas. Because they are often literally embarrassed, they have named the twins Hong Jie (Jie, literally means excellence) and Hong Shuang (Shuang, literally means two), hoping that the two brothers will be both excellent in world. The twins have been indeed as good as gold from childhood. In school, the twin brothers seem so aware of the significance of being knowledgeable that they are keen on studies, always ranking the top list in class. After school, they do their bits to help with farming works. Among their classmates, they are simple in life but superior in studies. With years passing by, they have grown up into high school students, for whom the entrance exams to university would be a chance to test their abilities for the future life in society.

However, the family is too poor to afford a higher education for the twins. They have been suffering extreme poverty, for the parents' hard work in the fields all the year round brings home merely the daily bread. And the elder brother's congenital ptosis - a drooping of the upper eyelid from birth - has also been a big worry for the whole family. So Father Hong has to find himself some odd jobs when villagers in the neighborhood happen to need hands either to build a house or to do farming works. Willing to help him release the financial tensions, villagers would offer such job opportunity first to Father Hong, who would spare no effort to do things well in turn.

Doing odd jobs in the countryside is quite different from that of in cities. The employee can not be paid in time, for the employer himself might have no money as well. For the inferred payment, the father has to keep a record. But it is no easy work for him to record all he has done, because he does not know how to write. However, Father Hong has his own way: he would draw a circle for a whole day and a semi-circle for half a day of work. When he has been paid each time, he would cross out either a circle or a semi-circle. Years after years, there is a thick pile of such records, telling what roughest and toughest times he has experienced.

Of all the people in the world, our parents are the very persons who bother their heads about us. It is our parents that we should give our one hundred and one thanks. No matter being rich or being poor we shall cherish the love from our parents to the utmost. Not all of us, however, have realized that our parents would have drawn such circles or semi-circles in their own way as Father Hong did - with us young children being the center, they are drawing pictogram for love!
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  1. 翻译这篇文章的时候,译者的内心充满了一种对"奇迹"的感叹。在一个偶然的机会里,我翻译了董刚先生的《那个叫失信的病源》,放在了自己在新浪的博客上。巧的是,董先生看到了我的博客,留言说很高兴自己的文章被译成了英文,丝毫没有追问版权。译文被原作者看见,可谓奇迹矣。以后再与董先生QQ联系时,他又给了这篇刚刚通过二审的美文。同样是在新浪博客里,我看到了《传神译讯》的杨姗姗编辑的约稿邀请。这又称得上一个奇迹了!在新浪众多博客之中,为什么她就看到我的呢?《传神译讯》和小杨编辑给了我极大的信任,投寄的两篇短文都采用了。董先生的文章给我已经半年了,一直忙于各种琐事的我现在特地将此文译成英文,以感谢董先生对我的支持;同时将译文寄给小杨老师,以感谢她的信任。一举多得的美事竟然是由我完成的,幸莫大焉!

  2. 原文标题不仅以两个对仗工整的简单句很好地揭示了文章的主题,而且,"半圆"、"整圆"可以极大地激发读者的兴趣。但翻译时如果按字面直译,两个主、谓、宾成分齐全的句子却不宜处理为译文的标题。现译作Pictograms for Love,其中pictogram,也可以拼作pictogramme或pictograph,英文定义为:a symbol representing a concept, object, activity, place or event by illustration,指的就是记事的符号。故,译文标题的含意为"爱的符号"。

  3. 在翻译第一段时,首先运用了"添加法",以This is a story about… 作为译文的开头,似乎更符合英语的行文习惯。其次,运用了"词序调整法",将双胞胎兄弟的成绩放在前面"我"记住了他们的名字这一句的前面。另外,中国人民大学和南开大学的英文译名,当以两所学校各自的英文译名为准,即人民大学不能想当然地译为people's university;同时,为了说明两所大学的地理位置,在大学的名称后面分别添加了北京和天津两个地名,而且还添加了Of course I know it is not easy for high school graduates to go to a top university, let alone key universities directly under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education这样一个整句,意为"高中毕业生考试一流大学已是不易,更不用说是教育部直属的重点大学",旨在为整篇译文做个铺垫,以便英文读者更好地理解故事:两个孩子虽然生在贫困家庭,但是,父母以自己的方式深爱着自己的孩子,而孩子们也以优异的成绩回报艰辛劳作的父母双亲。 短语engrave [impress, imprint, stamp] in sb.'s memory是习惯表达法,意为"牢记在某人心中, 深刻印在某人头脑里";最后一句本可简单地译为They are pictograms full of love! 现译为In my eyes, they are nothing but pictograms full of love!添加的in my eyes在篇章上起到转承作用,同时,… nothing but … 结构表示强调,突出显示作者对每天默默画下整圆和半圆的父母的敬意。

  4. 在翻译"名字起的挺响亮时",不能用sounds great,现译为names in style,其中in style是习惯用法,意为"别具风格地, 时髦地; 很成功地";barely literate比illiterate要委婉一些,illiterate表示完全"不能读写的, 目不识丁的"。

  5. "他们也有自己的孩子"译为have young children to rear,其中to rear是添加成分,原文虽无其字却有其意;在翻译父母给孩子起的名字时,添加了hoping that the two brothers will be both excellent in world,作为对"双"、"杰"两字的解释,更利于英语读者的理解;as good as gold 是习惯用法,指小孩很乖,好到极点,十分可靠;do one's bit to do something意为"尽微薄之力";在翻译"在学校里,他们吃的最简单,学的最好"一句时,做了灵活处理,"在学校"没有直译为in school,一则避免与前面出现的school重复,二则此句的本意是将双胞胎兄弟与其他孩子做一比较;"吃的最简单"中的"吃的"不能译为what they eat,汉语中可以用意象非常具体的词语,但是英语习惯用意象笼统、模糊的词语,所以,将此句译为they are simple in life即可;最后一句"一转眼,他们就要高中毕业了走入社会了,这也就意味着他们将要走进高考,让高考来检验他们的能力"译为With years passing by, they have grown up into high school students, for whom the entrance exams to university would be a chance to prove their abilities for the future life in society. 意为双胞胎兄弟在转眼之间长成了高中学生,对高中生而言,高考检验的是他们今后步入社会的生活能力。这样翻译符合愿意,也便于英语读者理解。

  5. 在翻译"这个家实在是太穷了"时,添加了to afford a higher education for the twins,因为父母的收入微薄和哥哥的先天眼疾是家里穷的原因,而结果是难以供养兄弟俩上大学。如此添加,方能保证上下文的逻辑关系。在本段最后一句的译文中,采用了相同的方法。

  6. 在翻译"他们是我们最值得感恩的人"时,考虑到了英语国家的人们的习惯,他们往往认为单数吉利,在表示更深程度时,常在整百、整千的偶数后再加上"一",如one hundred and one thanks(十分感谢、千恩万谢),have one thousand one things to do(日理万机)等。


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