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MBA essay writing最容易犯的错误

Applicants consistently make mistakes on some aspects that result in a less than stellar essay.

One of the glaring mistakes is that they try to answer our question with an essay written for another school. They just cut and paste. That's a real mistake.

Also, a lot of people are unsure of where they're headed, or their goals are unrealistic given their background. They don't think it through. And that's a huge mistake, because we know that, at least before the economy weakened, most people going to business school were going to change careers.

We're evaluating people not just on an answer, but on their thinking, their thought processes, their analysis of their own skills and strengths. There are people who can do almost anything because of who they are. The emotional quotient kicks in, and they can just do it. What people really need to understand is that there isn't a right answer. Just think through what we're asking, and let us have some insight into how you're going to accomplish this.

The other obvious mistake is when they've done no research on the school, and they haven't a clue. That's a huge mistake.

[此贴子已经被admin于2007-6-25 11:45:18编辑过]

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MBA essay writing最容易犯的错误-2

1) One of the glaring mistakes is that they try to answer our question with an essay written for another school. They just cut and paste. That's a real mistake.


2) Also, a lot of people are unsure of where they're headed, or their goals are unrealistic given their background. They don't think it through. And that's a huge mistake, because we know that, at least before the economy weakened, most people going to business school were going to change careers.

很多人的career goal写的不够spiecific, 不够reasonable, 你的career goal务必能先说服自己及周围的朋友,否则不要放在MBA申请的essay里

3) We're evaluating people not just on an answer, but on their thinking, their thought processes, their analysis of their own skills and strengths. There are people who can do almost anything because of who they are. The emotional quotient kicks in, and they can just do it. What people really need to understand is that there isn't a right answer. Just think through what we're asking, and let us have some insight into how you're going to accomplish this.

这里强调了认真审题的重要性, 回答一定要有针对性。很多人以为essay的内容可以任意重复使用,结果往往张冠李戴。

4)The other obvious mistake is when they've done no research on the school, and they haven't a clue. That's a huge mistake.

许多人都对why choose this school这个题目敷衍了事,以为其不是重点。然而,态度决定一切,并且你的态度在essay里面暴露的一览无余。通过这样的essay很难看出申请人对学校的兴趣和向往程度。

[此贴子已经被admin于2007-6-25 11:46:01编辑过]

Your future. Our mission.
MySpace: http://forum.topway.org/sns/?11416
Weibo:  laowang_topway




Your future. Our mission.
MySpace: http://forum.topway.org/sns/?11416
Weibo:  laowang_topway


1) One of the glaring mistakes is that they try to answer our question with an essay written for another school. They just cut and paste. That's a real mistake.

one friend of mine made this mistake last year, and got rejected by all schools






good article!






thanks for sharing!



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