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Share Wharton/ HBS interview 2007.3

well...I hv to admit I am lazy...I should hv shared it earlier, but my lazy mind dragged it by stating..."maybe no one cares to know...whatever..."

Anyway, I saw someone's post asking for interview experience sharing...so here it is mine.

Wharton Alumni Interview 03/01/2007 12:00pm—12:40pm:

Overall impression: The interviewer didn’t take any note…looks like she considered it more of a required step to check out anything wrong with the applicant if there is. She dressed really casual…while I was sooooooo formal…haha~~

I think I didn’t do things wrong, although sometimes rambled a bit…but pulled myself back to topic quickly always…(I guess I was just too light hearted…didn’t feel even a little bit nervous…bad...). The good part I would think is I was all the way smiling and kept a steady pace and stable voice…fluent and clear in speaking. Yet the bad thing is i also didn't show the outstanding coz she didn't really inspire my interest to talk passionately...all questions were standard...and were not quite challenging. well...

1.       Walk me through your resume. Emphasize those team work and leadership experience.

Education – in and off-class learning; extra-curricular, what I did and what I learnt; part-time work(sales promotion, xxx internship) She asked about what’s specifically I did for the sales promotion work, what’s the biggest challenge, and where I got the job.

Then she asked I did internship in xxx, and noticed my first and only company is also xxx. So why I chose to be in the admin. area in the beginning and why I transferred to other function.

She then continued to ask how I managed to transfer from admin.

Asked about PMI’s structure, Shanghai office structure. How many people I supervise.

2.       Why MBA ---I talked about my background and a little bit of my goal here, then I told her 3 reasons.

3.       Why Wharton ---I also gave 3 reasons…then she asked any Wharton alumni you know….haha…..fortunately I do know some…I said one alumnus helped a lot to give insight of the Wharton community….and then we talked about a class my friend doesn’t like….she drilled down to ask which class…

4.       How to contribute to Wharton

5.      How I will continue to reach my career goal if I don’t get into an MBA?

6.       What I want to do exactly in my career xxx, general management or a particular part?

7.       What kind of challenges I think the manufacturing industry faces ---I mentioned unfair competition….then she immediately asked what I mean by that…..so I gave an example…

8.            Any question for her.

Hope it helps.

Wharton Shanghai Hub Interview


1.               why undergraduate major?

2.               your extracurricular acitvities in college?

3.               why go straight to graduate school?

4.               the culture of your company? does it support your application, why?

5.               why mba, why Wharton? I replied career goal question there

6.               talk about the city you live?

7.               talk about a book you read recently, non-profession related one!

8.               some specific quesiton and chitchat about my current work

Good luck to all Wharton's applicants

Wharton Shanghai Hub Interview

Wharton Shanghai Hub Interview

1.     why chose your undergrad major?

2.   what is your undergrad life?

3.   Tell me how do you work with your team in your current job?

4.   What do you do outside of work?

5.   Why Wharton? What program you want?

6.   What extracarricular activity you want to join in Wharton?

7.   What do you want to tell me?

That's about it.  Judith is very nice and pretty, but I asked a stupid question in the end.  I know I failed, but I tried my best... When dream is over, life goes on...

Wharton Alumni Interview in Beijing


面试官超级nice, 刚开始还有点紧张,不过不知不觉被他带得一点都不紧张了,完全的relax, and be myself.


没有walk through resume, because he said he reviewed my resume several times and get much from it. All the questions are tipical:

1.             the frustation situation from the clients (he said, my client is so huge, and powerful, sometimes maybe arrogant)

2.               the leadership experience

3.               teamwork experience

4.     long-term and short term career goals

5.               why now

6.               why MBA and why Wharton

7.               your contributions

8.               strenths and weakness (这个问题我回答的不好,被他反复的challenge)

9.               my turn to ask him some questions

For every question, he went to details.


最有意思的是,他有个经典动作,左右双手一起伸出食指,放在头的双侧上方,然后弯两下(好像friends 里面的Ross曾经作过的那个动作),好可爱!呵呵!


他还说和judith( interviewer in hub interview) 聊过,说今年的invitation 太多,学校面试的压力也很大。

Wharton Shanghai HUB Interview 3/6



Blind Interview,而且連resume都是去到那再給她當場看當場問,就像前面分享的朋友說的,問題大多不是很structured,主要是想了解你這個""

1.               Tell me about your undergrate major and your club involvement

2.               Tell me about your company

3.               A typical day of your work

4.               what you do outside of work

5.               Future goal

6.               Why MBA, why now, why Wharton

7.               the most challange you will face in Wharton

8.               Any extracurriculum activities you are interested in Wharton

9.               Tell me about the city where you live

上面是比較共通的題目,其他還問了一些跟resume內容有關的題目,比如說How many ppl are in your excutive team?



               Wharton MBA申请校友答疑汇总


[此贴子已经被作者于2007-11-28 9:14:20编辑过]

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Wharton on campus 面经

Wharton是我第一个interview。今天面试的地方,看到几个2年级的MBA student interviewers, 一个是老美(男的),一个是黑人(男的),2个中国的JJ (都是美丽动人的ABCoral english没有口音的).  等面试的有几个老印, 一个老美,一个是黑人。全都是男的。我求神拜佛的希望见我的不是黑人或JJ.

和我面试的是一个老美,background Media Management , 现在念 finance+marketing的。感觉挺laid back.

1. Tell me important points about your resume

2. What is your short term goal

3. Why Wharton?

4. Why now?

5. Tell me what you do outside your work?  Any activities? Any extracircular?

6. Tell me your teamwork experience with leadership.

7. What is your biggest achievement?

8. Do you have something to tell me?

9. Any question for me?

10. Tell me why you studied finance / CFA on your own?  (I told him I have several reasons, then he said tell him only one)

5题我们谈到羽毛球,老美说WhartonWGA能够帮我建立一个Badminton Club, blah blah blah 问到第67 题的时候, 这个老美看钟!我心想。。哎呀,这次没啦。。我感觉我还没有把我准备的全部说出来。。。唉。。。

离开Wharton后,我立刻飞到Cornell,准备第2天的interview.  Cornell的酒店把我的房间Upgradesuite, suite的名称叫 "Wharton Suite"!!  希望能为我带来好远。。

Wharton Alumni Interview - 3/2/07

Interview Time/ Date: 2:00pm, Mar 2

Duration: 30 min

Place: Alumni's office


1.               Go through the career progression after undergraduate study

2.               Why MBA/ Why Now/ Why Wharton

3.               Discussed for a while on short & long term goals

4.               any experience of feeling frustrated at work?

5.               weaknesses and strengths

6.               out of work activities

7.               Q&A

标准化的问题,面试官比较在乎时间的控制。30分钟后,就用中文闲聊了一下venture capital wharton 学校生活的事情,我安慰自己也许这是学校限定的吧,这样对其他面试的人都fair 些。

Good luck to everyone!


1.               tell me about your undergraduate experience

2.               why mba, why now,why wharton

3.               tell me a challange time, and how you deal with it

4.               tell me about your company

5.               what will you do after you get your MBA?

I believe I failed.

Good luck you guys.


校友非常非常非常的nice,以至于我们俩一见面就开始聊家常。interview过程非常不structured,因为她跟我有很类似的经历,所以就没有walk through简历,她好像想起什么就问一下,有时候是事实性的,有时候是behaviorial question,结果我准备的很多答案都被打散,又因为我太放松,当时根本没意识到后果严重性,还傻乐呢。




2、不管你面试时感觉多么放松,一定记着把自己的长处、优点、passion找机会说出来。毕竟你是去MBA面试,不是单纯交朋友去了。记住:校友还得就你的leadership potential什么的严肃话题写interview report呢。

[原创]Wharton 校友面经---毒药还是良药各位自己斟酌吧

想了好久,还是决定放上来给大家分享一下,校友人很聪明,也挺实在的,但是一看到我正正经经的打扮有点皱眉头,上来就劝我不要over prepare



1.         Why MBA

2.         Why Wharton

3.         Why not EMBA (本人年事已高)

4.         Strength and Weakness

然后,我就问了两个关于学校优势/弱势的问题,接下来聊了会天。一个小时结束。校友很厉害,充分做到了激发我be myself

从面试地点出来,我是壮士断腕一般,这个时刻,我的命运已经定了,be sincere, be yourself。自问这两点作得不错,是否录我,已经不是我能努力的了---约了朋友在金山城大吃一顿,回家哄孩子睡觉。

wharton hub interview


Judith非常professional and friendly,整个过程始终面带微笑,让人感觉很轻松。


1.         是什么把你带到这里来的?(我回答了why mba?)

2.         (看简历)你为什么选择现在的公司?

3.         我看你有写到你是team leader,你工作的时间并不长?为什么就做到了team leader?

4.         leadership  and teamwork 的例子

5.         你的业余爱好有哪些?

6.         你的最独特的特点是什么?为深么我们能录取你?

7.         如果你被录取了,你认为你在学习过程中最大的挑战是什么?

8.         如果你到了美国,你最想做的事情是什么

9.         你大学里参加了一些club,告诉我一些这些club的活动

10.      有关房地产方向的探讨,你毕业后回去美国那家或者哪方面的房地产公司?为什么,你喜欢中国的哪家房地产公司,为什么?

11.      你的朋友是怎样描述你的

12.      你今年春节怎么过的?

13.      有什么问题要问我?


good luck to everyone!



Wharton Beijing Hub-interview in a rainy day


Interview question:

1.         Why do you choose your major in college?

2.         Talk something about your working experience in the student union as the chairman of the sports department?

3.         Why do you choose join this company?

4.         What’s your responsibility at your current position?

5.         Why MBA? Why Wharton?

6.         Why do you think you will be admitted by us?

7.         I want to know more about what you are in person?

8.         Weakness?

9.         Question?

可能自己今天中午喝了点酒,讲话具快(自己都没想到原来我口语这么流利?),所以被问到了很多问题,对大家有共性帮助的我已经都写在上面了,others are all the improvisational questions related to my personal experience)。总体感觉:

·                  Judith经验比较老到,不太喜欢按套路出牌,偶有challenge

·                  Wharton的面试好像更侧重于了解你这个人,而不是你的achievement


Wharton Hub interview - March 4

Similar with other ppl's experience today, overall interview very relaxed, not so many structured questions:

1.               Tell me about your education abroad. Why MBA now?

2.               What's the culture of your current company like? Are they supportive for your decision to pursue MBA?

3.               Why did you choose your current job?

4.               What do you do outside of work?

5.               What do you think will be your biggest challenge when you start your MBA at Wharton?

6.               Any questions about the Wharton program?

7.               Why did you choose your major in university?

8.               Tell me about your current role and leadership experience.

I am a bit worried now that I did not get to the point straight away for some questions, and provided all the information as best as I could as I tended to let off my guard since Judith didnt make it so much like an interview but more like a free-format conversation/meeting

But what's done is done, wish all the XDJM out there best of luck!

Wharton Interview

I had my Wharton interview this morning in Shanghai. Set forth below are the questions I have encountered. Many questions are not so well structured such as strengths/ weaknesses/ leadership experiences; some are of quite ad-hoc nature.

1.         What was your motivation for choosing your postgraduate study?

2.         Have those motivations and dreams been realized so far?

3.         How do you like Singapore (my working place)?

4.         What is the biggest surprise about Singapore?

5.         Why MBA now?

6.         What's the career goal

7.         Which movies do you like best

8.         What will be the most exciting thing at Wharton

9.         How I can contribute to Wharton

All the best for the rest in your interview.

Share my Wharton on-campus interview

面试时间:Feb.21 9:45 - 10:30 a.m.

面试准备:1819号将从www.accepted.comCOPY下来的一些Wharton面试曾问过的问题都在心里理了一遍头绪,大致将回答问题的范围和逻辑理顺。20号晚上我挑了其中三个问题(walk through your resume why MBA & Whartonteamwork failure),自己对着镜子回答了一遍,并将答案写了下来,用文字的方式再确认一下自己在回答的严谨性和完整性上还有无遗漏。21号早晨7:00起床,再用一个半小时的时间在心里将所有问题都快速过一遍。我共用了三天时间准备面试,但去除中间从芝加哥飞费城的折腾,再加上跟wharton的朋友一起出去腐败,大概也就两天多点吧。我个人认为时间有点紧张,因为面试前的两个晚上我都是到2点多才睡觉,大家可以在安排时间上更宽裕点。


面试经过:9:25到达WhartonHuntsman Hall Room 420 (专门面试的一个房间)。交了Resume注册好之后一看还有20分钟,就下二楼买了杯黑咖啡提神。然后再进420室跟学校特地派来的一个一年级学生及一个纽约来面试的MM,一个东京来面试的GG(日本人真下血本啊,就为一个面试就越洋飞)交换名片,瞎侃了一阵。

然后跟着我的面试官进了一个非常小的房间(之前做过DukeOn Campus Interview,房间巨大,呵呵),面试开始。


1.         Tell me something about yourself after your university graduation.

2.         Why MBA 

3.         Why Wharton 

4.         Long-term goal & Short term goal (感觉这位JJ搞错顺序了,害得我在前面Why MBA时不得不讲了一大通我职业目标的问题)

5.         Why you chose your first industry after your gradution

6.         Why you changed your career path several years later

7.         Tell me a time that you feel frustrated and how you react to it, and what you learn from this experience?

8.         What is teamwork spirit in your mind? Give me an example.

9.         If you are a learning team member at Wharton, what contribution do you think you will bring to the team?

10.      What is your definition of leadership, have you ever demosrated charismatic leadership in your work?

11.      What do you do outside of work? hobby? extracurriculum?

12.      What extracurriculum or club you would like to join after you get into Wharton?

13.      Do you have anything else outside of your application material you want me to show to the Wharton Admissions?

14.      Any questions to ask me?

大致就这么多吧,我想到了再补充。其中几乎每个问题她都挑细节部份challenge我一下,兵来将挡水来土淹,偶bala bala都给挡回去了。估计最后这个MM都怕了,因为变成我揪着她问个没完了,偶问了她5个问题,咔咔

面试完在等电梯时,研究了一下贴在墙上的admission staff里二年级学生学生的照片,发现帅哥一位,美女两位。

Huntsman Hall的感觉:象迷宫,又暗又曲折,全是走廊,我都是跟着exit标志才能找到大门的。还有一点,WhartonUndergraduate也在这里上课,所以下课时简直太拥挤了,Teamwork Meeting Rooms全都有人占着,大厅里也满是人。Cafe不错,瞄了一眼东西不算太贵又很新鲜的样子。下午去听了半节课,感觉很好,课堂参与度很高,氛围很活跃。宾夕法尼亚大学环境不错,有好几栋building都很charmingkilled my many films. 学校的生活也很方便,超市餐馆咖啡厅都散布在校园里。在校园甚至还看到了治安巡逻车,心头一热。(呵呵,没办法,我这个人机警度特高,胆小的紧)





Wharton on campus 面试经验分享

今天下午的on campus interview,提前60分钟到Huntsman building,外面看也就5层楼高,并没有想象中那么突兀,坐电梯才发现有至少八层。另外在等候的时候居然发现admission office 里挂了一幅中国花鸟画,居然是一个1947级中国校友捐赠!我好象是第一个发现的巴。


1.         what motivates you to work every day

2.         why mba, why wharton, why now

3.         what's your long term short term goal

4.         what's your personality in a team player, and a leader role

5.         what's your weakness

6.         what's a weakness of your personality, must not be job related?

7.         any concern to address

我在第一个问题就stubmle 了,没想到这个问题。另外他总是同时把俩个问题同时问,我在回答是尽量区分开,可还是感觉不爽,比我准备的啰唆了很多,条理比较乱。很可惜看了小米和面团的面经,可临场有点失常, 根据大家经验要是问到十个问题就必将好了。另外感觉weakness题不能说大路货,被黑GG追问后有点措手不及,不过 大家好好准备,不用紧张,气氛还是很放松的。

Wharton On-campus nterview 分享

26号从纽约开车到的Wharton27号的面试,住在Inn at Penn名字很吉利,哈哈!我提前十五分钟到的admission office,和几个在等面试的人聊了会,好多亚洲面孔。


1.               What makes you choose basketball?
(It's my biggest hobby and gained a lot of Championship since high school. He told me that he's from Houston and a big fan of Yaoming)

2.               Why MBA?

3.               Why you choose your first job?

4.               Why you change your job?

5.               Long term and short term goal

6.               What clubs do you want to participate?

7.               Why Wharton

8.               Strengths

9.               Weakness

10.            Anything that you want to add which is not included in your essays?

11.            Questions about him.


原创] Wharton interview 也别高兴太早

刚刚在 BW 看的。

Wharton 会面试 60% 的申请人,然后取其中的 25%
会面试 25% 的申请人,然后取其中的 50%

所以只是前进了一小步,最后还是要面临 4 1 的局面。同志们还要继续努力呀。如果你参加 HUB,自己看一下竞争对手的情况,是不是有信心比过一起去的另外 3 个人。

wharton Hub interview 全过程版本


提前了1个小时到。喝了点咖啡。到3点差一刻,发现他出来,左右看,估计就这哥们了,但我定的是3点的time slot,我前面难道没人?anway, 上前,自我介绍,他问我:准备好了?咱就前就开始吧。

进入就警告我,房间很热,让我可以脱衣服。给resume, 交换名片。



2why wharton

3why now(这个问题纠缠了一会,so far i see you're doing excellently in your area, why now you want to do MBA?

4where does your seed money come from if you go back to China to start your own business?

5follow-up questions (为啥我离开family business)

6:我的leadership style (我说的是persuasive style,并举例说明)

7:最后还有4分钟的时候让我介绍anything he could know,我拿出了我工作上的一些成绩给他看(翻译的书、文章、采访的人物)


9:最后结束。告诉我知道Wharton发出最后通知的时间吗?我说知道,DEC 21啊。然后握手,说very pleasant to meeting you. 还记得他说Looking forward to seeing you in the future?听了有点晕,客套得过头了吧?万一你不要我,咱哥俩还会见吗?



Wharton是我生平第一个Interview我的MBA学校。Mock interview也只做过一次。感觉自己有很多要点还不够突出。大家还是要经常做Mock啊。。。

Wharton interview

Sorry to share the wharton interview so late, I just finished all the interviews today.

The interviewer was an american, graduated from wharton and currently working in INSEAD, which made me a bit shocked as I was still waiting for INSEAD to assign interviewer to me (couldnt be the same person?!)

I was told that wharton interview normally last for around half an hour, but this lady talked to me for over 1 hour. the good thing was that she didnt feel bored to talk to me. the topics covered my name (how to write in chinese), hobbies, her experience, her husband, her baby, rental houses etc.

questions include the following, as whatever i can still remember:

1. what do you wanna tell me? (sh*t, i really wanted to ask her: what do u wanna know)

2. job switches

3. conflicts and difficulties in work? and how did I resolve them?

4. did you have culture shock and how did you manage it

5.what will you do if you are not admitted (i hope she didnt really mean that...)



we talked about crime rate in phil, cantonese, HK movies etc. exchanged name card, pay the bill (she told me it is wharton policy that interviewer pays the bill, how true is it?). She told me that i would be her last interviewee this year as she is going to give birth soon. "So do let me know the outcomes from adcom" (I perceived it as a good sign...)

the interesting part is that, she was working for insead and keeping asking me whether i was interested in insead. even invite me to visit the school and direct her any questions about the school (yes, the school means insead, not wharton ).  I would say wharton really fostered good graduates who dedicate to employers' success :-P



[原创]Wharton Beijing Hub Interview

Just had a very pleasant talk with Thomas. 45 mins. Did enjoy the process.

No surprising questions.  

1. Self intro.

2. CV walk through. a lot of questions related to CV. Undergrade experience, working, hobbies.

3. Career goals.

4. Why MBA

5. WHy Wharton

6. Contributions

7. Anything I wanna address.

8. Questions for him.

I spoke really fast, so we talked a lot.

The important thing is that you should really know the program inside out, and show you contribution. And be yourself!! Just be 10% different that the herd, and you will stand out!!

Good luck to everyone.

wharton interview experience

Today I had the Wharton Alumni interview in Tokyo four season hotel.

The alumni is quite nice, although she was late for about 1 hrs. But the interview process is quite happy, we had a nice talk for about 1.5 hrs.

Question is quite typical. Here is the question list during the interview.

1.Your background

2.Why MBA

3.Why school

4.What is the difficulty you encountered in job

5.Did you have any question about wharton.

I think that we should focus on the question about why school. What I learned through the interview is that it is totally unnecessary to do any preparation for interview. Just be yourself and hold the faith. 

Wharton Interview in LA

I just interviewed with Wharton alumni in LA area in his office after work.

Very casual start with what I am doing now, then why MBA, what other schools I applied, and off course why Wharton, then I talked about my Phily trip. In between we discussed a lot about transportation development which I am looking for after MBA, some issues in USA, in California area, then some alumnus I got to know during application process and he knows most of them. At the end, he gave me the chance to ask questions, so “what’s his experience of Wharton MBA” is easy. Total about 40 minutes, lots of casual talk, lots of smiles, I am the one who was trying to answer some questions in between.

No leadership, no strengths and weakness, no any challenging question, although I prepared all three examples for each of these. I hope he won’t have problems to fill out the evaluation form.

Since I am not sure how I did for the strange and pleasant interview, my advice so far is to know what you are going to get out of MBA, and convince them that MBA is the only way to fulfill your next step.

Now the thing I can to do is wait and check email at November 21st.

Good luck to everybody.

wharton interview and chicago interview

I had Wharton alumni interview and Chicago alumni interview last week.

Generally, both interviews were very laid back and both interviewers are very nice. 40 min. approximately. I prepared some questions and examples, but I felt preparation was not necessary. As long as you know your goal clearly and can talk about your experience with some details, it will be fine. Nevertheless, I still suggest to prepare in advance so that you will be more confident.

I had a very pleasant talk with both interviewers and did get positive feedback at the end. I spoke fast so we talked about a lot of things. I don't think there are so many questions usually. But I couldn't slow down, which is my habit. So I decided to be myself, although this meant more questions for me. Try not to talk too fast if you can.

Both interviewers had my resume before interview and I felt both had read it beforehand. I talked about my experience, my goal, why MBA, why this school, teamwork, a challenging thing...... These are what I remember. In short, general questions plus questions about my personal experience. I felt both interviewers were very experienced in interviewing people and there were some follow-up questions.

In a word, be confident and relax. This is really a good opportunity to let the school know more about you through a conversation with its representative. Any questions you have, feel free to ask the interviewers.

Good luck to everyone!


实时面经Wharton Shanghai Hub Interview


感觉这次Thomas改了风格了,一开始就说:my style would be informal。接下来的大部分时间也都是casual talk about my resume.

1) go through resume.  I took the opportunity to answer why mba too, so no why mba questions;

2) why career change after graduate?

3) why I chose the university majority?

4) some topics in my job, including leadership, client relationship maintain, etc.

5) anything else I want to tell him.

6) why wharton.


感觉就是要放松,to be confident, to be mature, to keep smiling. Do not treat it as an interview but as a free talk with friend, and u will make it.

Good luck! Look forward that we could be admitted and meet in Wharton!




实时 Wharton Shanghai Hub Interview 2

Just had a very pleasant interview experience with Thomas. [1:30-2:00, 2, Dec] slot. He laughed a few times and gave many good feedbacks to my responses during the interview.

The questions included:

1.               desciption of each job

2.               reason for short term goal(he purposed an alternative and asked me why i was not interested in that)

3.               why mba

4.               why now

5.               why wharton

6.               school eca involvement (this is a follow up question on one of point i mentioned in why wharton)

7.               how to contribute to wharton

8.               what do i do outside work

9.               any other things i want to bring up that he hasn't mentioned.

Suprisingly, he didn't ask any leadership, strength/weakness examples. the interview was very informal but effective.

Wharton On-campus Interview

话说约了最早一批的校园面试,难免有些紧张。在网上寻觅了许久只有去年面试的一些资料,于是只好去wharton be myself了。




1.               面试人介绍了一下面试形势,以及整个录取过程。 (面试人会在面试后写一个面试报告并加入你的申请材料,由最后一个Adcom成员参照所有材料,评语决定是否让你过个Merry Christmas)

2.               walk me through your resume. (面试人在中间问了一些细节问题, 不是那种挑刺的,质问的形式,就是想具体了解了一下我到底做了什么,所以不用紧张).

3.               team experience. How did you handle the difficult team?

4.               career goal?

5.               what you can bring to wharton?

6.               what's your weakness in your application?

7.               questions?




Wharton Alumni Interview

Just had a Wharton alumni interview in Singapore, with a nice guy graduating in 2003.

He was not prepared. It's understandable since I can see that he is quite busy. He told me that the school had sent him something but he got no time to go through.

It took him about two minutes to browse my resume and he started asking questios he was interested in. 

Typical questions I can recall:

1. Tell me something about your job. (He was quite specific since I put my job scope on my resume).

2. Your education background, how did you get here.

3. Why MBA, Why now, Why wharton. (He poped up these questions at one time!)

4. How do you see Wharton can help you?

5. How can you contribute to Wharton community?

6. You are quite young, how do you think about the opinion that people shall have enough working experience before B-school. (He had worked for 10 years before he went to Wharton). 

The interview was not formal. It seems that those questions came in just as part of our chitchat. Talk topics included world cup, China's growth, environmental impact of industrialization etc.

-P.S. He told me he'd been Beijing twice in Chinese. "Wo qu guo Beijin Liang Ci". He also knew some other words like "Xie Xie", "Yi dian dian", "Zai Jian".

Nice talk with him for about 45 mins.

Wish everybody good luck.

Rambling after Campus Interview @ Wharton2006-3-3

I had my campus interview with a 2nd-year student at Wharton this morning.

Arriving at the front desk, I handed in my resume to the receptionist. (According to my research, she must be the Renée who is originally from Alabama but also has family in Georgia.) Then I blended into a group of fellow applicants in the waiting area and started chitchatting with them. Among this crowd, there was a guy with a European accent, and he turned out to be French currently working in the Bay Area. So I said to him, “Je suis de la Chine, et je peux parlez juste un peu Francais.” :-p As my memory of French dried up quickly, we started to talk about French wine vs. Californian wine. But suddenly everybody else stopped talking to stare at somebody behind me.

Yes, behind me stood a 2nd-year student. When she repeated an Asian name with perfect pronunciation, I guess it was my turn.

The interview was just like what others have reported. It was exactly 30 mins, highly standard set questions, and quite conversational.

1. The same question as the Chi alumnus asked about a bullet at the bottom of my resume.

2. Walk me through your resume.

3. Why MBA?

4. What are your criteria of selection b schools?

5. What would your supervisor say about your 2 strengths and 2 weaknesses?

6. Give an example of your involvement in a challenging team environment.

7. Will you return to your current company after MBA? Will you stay in your industry?

8. Describe an experience that exhibits your strategic view as a key element of leadership.

9. What can you bring to the Wharton community?

10. How would your Wharton classmates describe you after graduation (in one sentence)?

11. What kind of concern the adcom might have on you?

12. Any questions?

I think there were some other questions, but I just can’t remember, because I didn’t spend time jotting down the Qs right after my interview. Instead, I met with several friends at Penn for lunch at a Japanese restaurant, which was scheduled even before I started the prep of my W interview. :-p And I even shopped at a toy train store and dreamed

my boyhood fantasy.

I know this is supposed to be an interview report, and I do have one more comment on today’s experience. The weird thing is that I was just exhausted. Even a whole cup of coffee didn’t stop me from dozing off for at least an hour. So I figured that my nerve was still intense during the 30-min interview, no matter how pretty the interviewer’s smile was.



[原创]wharton面试题目分享 2006-2-28


1、从本科说起,work through your resume






原创]Wharton hub-interview的特例 2006-3-1


1. 如果你的团队中有人非常不配合,你会怎么做?(之前已经问过了关于处理团队困难的问题)
你的leadershipstyle是什么?(之前问了最大的leadership achievement是什么)





他先简述过程,称面试是录取的必需过程。首先祝贺我走到这一步。这说明学校已经认为我是个不错的applicant, 但是接着就说中国的录取比率是非常低的。我就趁机问他可能的比率是多少,他说可能是810个取一个。我在心里说不会吧,不过嘴上没说出来。然后他说他的面试时很open的,他没什么问题的,主要是我讲。想讲什么讲什么。然后说开始吧。

我说好,开始讲Background, 讲完之后,他说’go ahead’, 我就有讲了Why MBA? Why Wharton?在讲why wharton时,因为我就申了这一所,他插话说我把自己置于一个非常危险的境地,因为top school admission process is quite random. 都讲完了他还说go ahead, 我说那我share 一个leadership story吧,他说可以。讲完之后他还没有问题,我又接着把strength and weakness说了一通。然后他终于憋不住了,问了问我以前公司和现在公司的情况在中国的发展状况。我随便说了说。因为我是从finance 转到general management的,他就问我很多人都想这么转,凭什么认为我能够成功。我又说了一下我的long term goal是怎么形成的,他说他并没有被说服,让我给他一个成功的例子。其实我身边有太多这样的例子,但是那时候脑子进水,不知怎么就给了一个很大的金融服务公司的大佬名字。他说因为这是一家金融服务公司,所以finance的人成为CEO并不奇怪。后来我还真有点急了,我把leader的三个要素说了一通,有说明一下为什么我认为自己拥有这三个方面的素质,从而可以成为成功的leader。他说OK,问我有什么问题问他,我就根据他的经历问了他几个问题。他这时候开始真正眉飞色舞起来,说了些自己的感受。

总体感觉:因为我就申了Wharton一所,所以面试有点生涩,因为以前没试过。虽然做过mock interview若干次,但是感觉还是很不一样的。我想说的好多东西都没说出来,可能还是紧张的缘故,虽然当时也没觉得有多紧张。而且我说自己的long term goal的时候,说起来国内一个著名企业家在世界上的影响,他看起来一点也没有buy in或是打动,恨不得马上打断我。所以还是那句话:别紧张,别紧张,千万任何时候都要自圆其说。而且还得是特自信那种。

wharton Hub Interview (Shanghai) 2006-3-2



·            tell me something about yourself, walk through your resume

·            why MBA, why warton

·            How to deal with difficulites in a team?

·            Your understanding of success

·            Who do you admire in the world and your family

·            Your leadership style

·            How did your classmates discribe you after two years' life in Wharton?

·            Weakness

·            What else do you think we should know about you?

·            Any question?



[原创]Wharton interview归来 2006-2-27

我是今天下午在北京的hub interview, 因为interview的地方没有任何指示,开始还被保安指到了B座,幸亏去得早 Interview的地方应该是在A4层会议室,请后来人注意。


1. Walk through your resume
2. tell me more about what you do
3. why mba? why now?
4. why wharton?
5. teamwork experience with difficulties
6. short-term goal (because I have talked about my long-term goal in the 3th)
7. What will your classmates think of you after your graduation in Wharton?
8. will adcom have any reservation on your application?
9. anything else you want to tell me in the interview?

Wharton校友面试 2006-2-28

刚做了wHARTON校友面试,感觉不错。校友人很NICE AND OPEN 真个对话开始以我为主,后来演变成自由的交谈。谈论内容如下:

·            WHY MBA

·            WHY SCHOOL

·            WHY NOW





Wharton interview experience

Just finished my Wharton interview. I did the interview with an alumnus in my local city in Virginia. Overall, the interviewer was very nice and quite talkative. He made a lot of comments when I was talking about my career goal of going back to China in the financial services industry. He also offered me advices to be open with other career choices if I get in the school. The interview lasted for about 45 minutes, probably 15 minutes was him talking. The guy was very comfortable to talk with, very impressive, I wish I can leave such an impression to the people I talk to in the future. I guess a top MBA experience will help tremendously on that front.

Here are the questions, hope they will be helpful to other applicants here,

1.               Career progression, why you made the choices? How you got here and where you are going?

2.               What are the biggest challenges you see in realizing your career goal? ( I talked about my career goal of going back to China and work in the financial service industry towards the end of the first question, that's why he asked this question. I talked some general challenges faced by the industry and some personal challenges )

3.               Why MBA, why Wharton?

4.               What made you successful? ( he spent about 40 seconds asking the question, his original question was sth like "you've had a great career success so far, there are a lot of other folks how also had really impressive career achievements, blahblah, what do you think that made you stand out from the pool? )

5.               Give me an example of making an important decision in your career/life. What kind of risk you took.

6.               Talk about a disappointment in your life, how you handled it?

7.               What do you do for fun

When I answered question 6, I felt he was asking more about a disappointment in my life, not necessary in my career. But I didn't prepare such an example, , so I still talked about a failure in my work and what I learned from it. I guess I didn't do very well on this particular one because after I finished, he said something like "let me push for the other direction again", then he asked question 7. I guess he wanted to see the other side of me. this could be a lesson learned.

Another experience I want share is don't be afraid to ask the interviewer to clarify the question. In my question 5, the interviewer spent 3 minutes asking the question, to be honest, I was a bit lost ( he probably realized his rambling too, ). After he finished, I clarified the question by rephrasing it back to him before I started to answer it. That helped a lot.

I am so glad that I am done with this process ( rewarding, but painful too ). Hopefully I don't have to repeat it again next year.

Hope everybody the best luck!




Interview with Wharton - Henry Winter 2006-2-24

Somebackground of the interviewer:

male, got MBA and Lander in 1996

then joined Booz Allen & Hamilton in HK

extensive experience in China, can speak mandarin, cantonese and now is learning shanghaiese

CEO of smartclub.com

I must say the interview is really unusual and maybe a weird: 80 minutes interview, no Why MBA, no Why Wharton, no team work, no leadership, no weakness & strength, no contribution, no any traditional questions.

1. go through resume: asked some questions on honors and what drove me to choose current job;

2. what's you will do if you get plenty, says USD10000000M, of money;

3. the famous question Su Buqing was asked when he studied in Japan;

4. what's the constructive criticism you have received;

5. what do u do for fun out of work;

6. what might the biggest concern the adcom might on you;

7. Is there anything you want to tell the adcom to help it get a better understand on you.

I must say that the questions are not limited to the above. The questions are all spantaneous ones that I never expected.  But I like it, for it can tell what kind of person you really are.

For those who chose to be interviewed by Henry Winter in Shanghai, I must say that it is a difficult job and you are advised to get prepared for any questions which might jump to his brain.

Good luck to everybody in your application!

[原创]Wharton interview experience


Walk me through your resume


Why Wharton

What's your leadership style?

How do you plan to participate in Wharton community?

do you have any question for me?

Anything else you want to tell me?

他还推荐了一门他喜欢的课让我去visit class,可是时间太紧我就没去。好了,现在能做得都做了,等着吧。Good luck to everyone!


[原创]wharton alumni interview-2006-2-26

刚面完. alumnioffice. 是一个粉年轻,smartgentleman.

一个小时的面试中,基本是即兴提问,讲到哪,问到哪并且很bottom up.


1.go through your resume.

2. leadership (是最后才问的,当我以为不会有standard question的时候).


1. 如果你在目前公司继续,不去wharton的话多长时间可以实现你下一个目标,为什么?(类似short-term goal).

2. why do you think wharton people will bring you something different? what' s the difference between what your colleagues can bring you and what Wharton will bring you?

3. why do you think Wharton network will benifit you if you will come back to your industrial after graduation.

4. tell me what you are going to do for wharton community? in detail please.

5. if you are authorized to promote leader, how do you handle conflict when two candidates with same experience but you could only promote one.

6. other B-schools you applied. differences besides ranking and curriculum.

7, your uniqueness.




[此贴子已经被作者于2007-10-30 16:04:22编辑过]



[原创]Wharton 面试经验 2006-2-27



1.               简单介绍自己

2.               Career goal

3.               Why Wharton

4.               What an MBA can give you

5.               An example of leadership experiences

6.               What are the concerns AdCom might have on your application

7.               Hobbies listed on resume


提醒去校园面试的申友们,记得一定要带至少一份简历。面试前office会问收一份上去, 然后面试官就会用这份。好在我带了一份,本准备自己用,上飞机上看了几遍,然后就随手就塞在包里,等拿给office的时候已经很破烂了, 很丢脸的说。


Wharton Beijing Hub Interview Experience

几十分钟前刚刚做完北京Wharton Hub Interview。赶紧上来和大家分享一下:

Micheal Belden 是一个非常nicelady。我提前二十分钟到,等了一会儿,她送前面的女孩出来,和我打招呼,要了我的简历,告诉我先等一会。十分钟后我敲门问是否能进去,她还在忙着记录,请我再等几分钟。然后我被邀请进入会议室,我们面对面的坐着。她很年轻,很热情。问我是否允许她边听边做记录。我的回答当然是no problem:)



1walk through resume.

2Why MBA.

3Why Wharton.

4Career goals.

5Team work experience, what's your difficulty and how do you solve it?

6Ourside work activities.

7Anything I want to supplement.

8One question for her.



[原创]wharton 面试归来

选了on-campus interviewthe interviewer is a second year wharton student, very nice and handsome as well at the beginning, the interviewer briefly introduced himself, then the interviewer informed me that the interview is not the final step of the whole application process. after the interview, the admission office will review my application materials again to determine whether to give me admission.

well, the questions were quite general, all within the list of questions for which I've prepared for, such as walk thru resume, why MBA, why wharton, short-term and long-term goals and hobbies. In addition to these questions, other questions are as follows:

1. what were challenges faced by you as a teamleader;

2. how did you inspire teammembers

3. after graduation from wharton, what do you want to do;

4. do you want to work in the US or in China;

5. You said you want to further improve some business skills, but you may also acquire these skills from your work experience if you still work in xxxx (my previous company), would you disagree?

6. will you be interested in working in banking industry after graduation from wharton? why?

7. is there anything you want to specify/explain for your application, e.g. low GMAT score or low GPA?

等我问问题时,我先问了三个问题,1。他最喜欢wharton哪一点. 答曰diversified environment2. 如果他可以给wharton做一个改变,他想改哪方面. 答曰core courses 的规定较死板. 3 关于免修一些核心课程的问题。后来为了显示我对wharton的激情,我问还有没有时间,我可以再问两个问题,他态度很好的说可以我们还有几分钟时间,然后我就又问了两个。出来之后发现我基本上完全占用了两场interview之间的休息时间,真是不好意思。

到了今天,终于可以轻松了。没有问什么很challenging的问题,甚至没有问我的弱点在哪里,也可能是我在why mba里已经提到了一些过往经验中的不足之处吧。也没有问我有什么failure,how to deal with conflicts with teammembers, etc. anyway, I tried my best, and I believe adcom has their good reasons to make the final decisions.


I am back in Toronto, the interview went pretty ok. The
interviewer is a second year student and her business card states that
she is a member of the admissions committee. First of all, she
explained the purpose of the interview was to help the school to know
more about me, as well as an opportunity for me to get to know more
about the program. She also briefly introduced her background, an
investment banker at Goldman.


As usual, she asked me to go through my resume, and then why mba.
I guess I gave very specific answers to that question, eg improve my
teamwork skills in a team environment, acquire specific knowledge by
taking such such classes, get involved by joining particular clubs, so
she didn't ask me the why wharton question. After that she asked
me how I can contribute to the program and how I would handle team
conflict. The last question was what concern that I believe the
admissions committee might have, my answer was my age, one possible
concern for younger applicants is that they are not as focused as their
older counterparts, therefore once at wharton, a place full of
resources and opportunities, they might got lost and end up accomplishing nothing
if with no clear career objectives, as for me, I said I always have a
clear goal of what to accomplish, I chose go back to school to develop
a sound implementable business plan, build a team of accomplished
individuals with entrepreneurial instincts, receive the training and
knowledge required to execute my business plan, and of course have the Wharton brand
name on my resume to attract angel investors.

In the Q&A section, I asked her what factors encouraged her to join
the wharton community, and then we started to talk about some irrelevant
topics, I shared my awkward experience at the restaurant called pod the night
before, how I was surrounded by loving couples and spent the valentine
day by myself the first time in 6 years.

Overall, the interview was more like a conversation and I totally didn't use the
script that I prepared earlier. My strategy was to focus on my
uniqueness as someone who has the small business background, and can
contribute to class discussions especially in those entrepreneurial
classes. I believe I have done the best I could, so there are no







Wharton Interview- On Campus

I had the interview on Fri afternoon, but I tried to arrive in the morning, I found it’s really worthwhile for 3 things at least to interview on campus,

(1) Talking to several first year students on everything you can think of about the school and the program.- This really eased out some nervousness …

(2) Listening to other applicants (who are to be interviewed) ask all sharp questions –some real deep questions.

(3) Had a tour of the site to understand the place, a place to stay for 2 years

As to the preparation, the simple but effective thing I did is to have printed out almost all materials available (50 pages- curriculum of pre-term, core and elective/ programming/ majors/ faculty/ community and club life etc.) from the school website and went over them. I have found many new aspects of the program which I did not think of during my application preparation. In the mean time, I was able to prepare for questions to ask, a few relatively in-depth questions of Wharton MBA.

During the chat with 1st year students, the most favorite topics discussed about are:

(1) waiving of core course

(2) study load and time to attending various clubs and activities

(3) what you want to change most about the program now

(4) grade non-disclosure

(5) one major or more majors

(6) space issue in Huntsman Building- competing with undergrads in some areas

(7) class size

(8) course auction and bidding

(9) leadership ventures

(10) family life

(11) what is the misconception before and after entering Wharton

(12) women in Wharton

(13) accessibility to professors

(14) ….

The good thing to mention about all the above is that in most cases the students offered two sides of an issue and then gave his/her opinion. For example, as to waiving of the core course, some hold the opinion that it’s better to stay with the learning team to go through all the courses. Some think you can waive as many course as you want, for you learn more interesting electives in 1st year.

As to the course auction and bidding, I used to think that there might be chances not being able to register a certain course, then it turned out not to be the truth. What is meant is that you need your points if you want to attend a course offered by the most famous professors, the points limit the chances you can register for all such courses in a way to be fair to all students.

One of the students said about one of the most things he wanted to change about the school is that he prefers career services/ information sessions to be started in the 2nd quarter instead of first quarter, and they are overwhelming! (Probably GOOD NEWS for us prospective students). Several other students agreed.

As to the interview, I think it went well and it can always be better I got out the interview room, hard questions (to me), …..your leadership style…..your setback in your life……….

The interviewer is really a nice guy, outgoing, not like the director as other CDers interviewed with in Shanghai.

If one can visit the campus for interview, the best day is Thur, for one can have a class visit, and there is a pub every Thur evening, and we went there during site tour, VERY STRONG SMELL of beer/ wine!

Anyway, no matter what will be result coming out on Dec 22nd, that’s some experience to share with the later rounds applicants to Wharton

原创] Wharton Shanghai hub interview

1) what's you work in ... job?
2) what you learn from it?
3) why you select ... job after university?
4) what's the difficulty in ...?
5) why MBA,
6) why wharton
7) what you do in spare time?

8) any question about wharton.

感觉和校友的面试非常不同。由于是 adcom的人来做的,问问题很灵活,而且她会根据你的回答再追下去。所以,温习好自己的resume很重要。

Wharton 面试归来

地点:香港 信德中心及最新的世界金融中心,美丽的九龙一览无余。
Tell me something about yourself and walk through your resume.
2.You seems excellent in your career, why do you want make a change now?
3.China is full of opportunities in the next two years, will you lose these opportunities if you spend two years in the Wharton school?
4.What do you like most and least of your university?
5.What is the biggest difference between Wharton and your university?
6.The courses in Wharton is daunting and taxing, do you have the physical and menta strengths to survive?
7.The Fortune 500 companies often have cocktail parties on campus. But only three our ten students can have the chance to be interviewed. What will you do if you want to be one of the three candidates?
8.What do you like particularly of Wharton's curriculum?
9.What is your strongest interest in your current company?
10. Will your company be your sponsor and pay the tuition?
11.What is your career plan after graduation from Wharton?
12.Where did you learn English? Your English is excellent!



感谢面试官。感谢MICHAELCHUCK。一个在等待面试时还和我通国际长途,帮我克服紧张。一个来我家帮我做严格的MOCK INTERVIEW。感谢公司帮我办港澳通行证。感谢老板支持我去WHARTONHARVARD深造。
感谢SERITA帮我在焦急中重新安排WHARTON ALUMNI。费城已下大雪,祝她平安。






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