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Everyone in competitive society faces keen competitionincluding love competition. In a citythere were many young men who competed for a beautiful womanNancyThe chasing team was composed of about 20 peopleffice:smarttags" />Nancy received many compliments on her beauty but she only cared about Arthur and lke. Arthur was an editor. It took him years of hard work to compile a good dictionaryAnd he would complete the task soonNancy enjoyed reading the dictionaryIkeWas a strong competitor of ArthurHe was a handsome but not compatible piano playerHe always complained that life was getting more complex and difficultHe had enough complication in his lifeI would tell you the complicated processes soon He played many of his compositions for Nancy and she liked his musicAs we knowmost of the timejealousy was a component of loveAnd one day it even compelled lke to shoot at Arthur! The injured man was granted 20 thousand dollars in compensationIke couldnt be a competent lover foreverHe was put into jailA sentence could be an excellent complemnent to the storyThat isin every competitionevery one must comply with the law.




I saw a film last night. The film compressed ten years into two hours. Joseph was a chemist. We know a small baby has no concept of right and wrong. But Joseph wanted to inventr a conmpound to help babies to have good comprehension. The conception of thc plan occurred at a meeting of scientists. Joseph showed great interest concerning this plan. He was very seriously concerned with the problems involved. He concentrated all his attention on chemical research. No one could conceive of his hard work. But he concealed the research from his wife. So far as she was concerned, housework was more important. Everything went right except Jaseph must stop his work because of compulsory military service. He computed his losses at three months. So he worked harder after he went back. Eight years had passed before Joseph succeeded. He wrote a concise summary of his invention. A committee that comprised men of dif ferent views was sent to test his invention. They concluded that the compound really did work. A director of a big company tried to persuade Joseph to make some concession to sell the invention. But Joqeph had prepared to make no compromise. He'd like to give it to the public free. The newspaper made a comprehensive report of his deeds. A concert invited Joseph to make a speech. At the end of his speech, he said, "In conclusion, let me take the opportunity to thank all of you for your support."                  


我昨晚看了一场电影。电影将10年光阴压缩为两个小时。约瑟夫是个化学家。我们知道婴儿是没有错对概念的。但约瑟夫想发明一种让化合物来帮助婴儿拥有很好的理解力。些个计划的构想来源于一次科学家的聚会。关于这个计划,约瑟夫有浓厚的兴趣。他非常关心与此相关的问题。他集中他所有的注意力在化学研究上面。没人能设想他工作的辛苦。但他对妻子隐瞒了研究一事。说,家务事更重要。所有的事情都进展顺利除了约瑟夫必须因义务兵役而暂停工作他估计他损失三个月的时间。于是在回来后他更加努力工作。8年过去了,约瑟夫成功了。他为他的发明写了一个简明的要。一个由不同见解的人构成的委员会被派来检测他的发明。他们下结论说这个化合物确实有作用。一个大公司的董事长试图说服约瑟夫作些让步来卖掉他的发明。但约瑟夫早准备好了不妥协。他愿意将它无偿献给大众。报纸对他的行为做了内容广泛的报道。一个音乐会邀请约瑟夫去做演讲。演讲快结束时,他说:“最后,我借此机会感谢大家的支持。”fficeffice" />


A friend congratulated me on my new book about my trip. Then he asked me many questions in connection with life abroad. I said I would tell him a confidential story on condition that he kept it secret. My words confused him but also confirmed his thinking. Last year, in the country I visited the conjunction of the heavy rains and high winds caused flooding. At the same time, the conflict between the employers and workers led to the strike. The workers refused to conform to the unfair contract. They had been confined by the contract for many years. They condemned the employers for their bad conduct. And they had no confidence in the enlployers any more. Confronted by the angry crowd the police retreated. Congress conferred upon the strike but had no idea. A killer hired by some employers killed the strike leader, a confident orchestra conductor. A bus conductor caught the criminal. The criminal was confined in a prison and soon he confessed his crime. The criminal was condemned to death. The Queen conferred knighthood on the bus conductor at the press conference. But one month later, the bus conductor was murdered too. He was found dead nearby a post. made of concrete. I condensed the story to half its original length.




A party consisted of ten conservatives. They were conscientious men. In consequence of their conscience, they worked constantly to raise people's consciousness on the conservation of natural resources. They said that the human being kept conquering nature and in consequence one day we would pay for the conquest at a considerable cost. It's conspicuous that forest was getting less and less. Consequently, every conscious person should give careful consideration to this problem. The ideas in their speeches were consistent. Analyzing their speech into its constituent parts, we knew that the strength of it consisted in the justice of it. Many people consented to support them. So their confidences were consolidated. The consensus of opinion at the latest meeting was that they would try to persuade the Congress to constitute some new constitutions,They were really considerate!


一个团体由10保守主义者组成。他们都是勤勤恳恳的人。由于良知缘故,他们不断地努力来唤起人们对自然资源保护意识。他们说人类一直在征服自然,因此有一天我们将为这征服而付出相当大的代价。森林越来越少是很明显的因而每一个有意识的人都应该对这个问题给予认真的考虑。他们演讲里的思想始终如一。分析他们演讲的成分的话,我们知道演讲的力量在于它的正义。许多人答应支持他们。于是他们的信心也加强了。在最近一次会议上,他们一致同意去说服议会制定一些新宪法。他们真的是考虑周到!fficeffice" />


There are seven continents in the world. There's too great a consumption of alcohol in ffice:smarttags" />Europe. Mr. Keble was an alcoholic. He said he cared for his health but his actions contradicted his words. He constructed a wine cellar for himself. And he consumed a big container of alcohol a week. He was content with alcohol. His favorite was to enter drinking contests. On the contrary, Mrs. Keble disliked alcohol very much. She still loved Mr. Keble, but felt a touch of contempt. She contended that he should stop drinking. But he always contradicted her. They quarreled about this continually. One day when Mrs.Keble arrived at home, she found her husband sleeping on the floor. The wine had contaminated his shirt. So she contacted his consultant at once to consult with him about this. The consultant was contemporary with the Keble's. In contrast with the Keblet's, he was always calm. He watched and concluded that continuous drinking had made Mr. Keble thoroughly week. He suggested Mr. Keble make a contract with him. Mr. Keble read the contract and agreed with him. Later, Mr.Keble took a new kind of medicine his consultant gave to him every day. After much difficulty, he contrived to stop drinking! Can you guess the contents of that contract from the context? Its about the new medicine. The new medicine proved an important contribution toward Mr. Keble.





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