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2.3        Geography & Geology
2.3.1        Extinction

1)        传统观点认为大量的火山爆发引起了动物的大量灭绝,接着否定了这种说法,火山爆发威力再大,也不至于造成这么大规模的毁灭(只是其中一个factor)
2)        作者开始探讨深层次的原因: 地壳沉降。后来地壳上升,海平面下降,露出的地壳发生大量氧化反应oxidation,使得空气中的氧气含量下降而二氧化碳增多。因此,溶于海水的氧气量减少,造成生物窒息而灭绝。这时候加上火山喷发,有毒气体和物质溶于海水,毒死了一部分物种。二氧化碳增加使温度上升。总之,这些因素使气候极不稳定
3)        虽然火山爆发对于动物灭绝很重要,但是最重要的还是因为海洋的减少

归纳题        Q:火山爆发对于生物灭绝到底的作用。作者同意下面哪个观点?
我选a factor but not the most important
细节题        Q: 文章中论述了下面什么的cause,except
1) drop sea level   
2) 氧in ocean 下降
3) 二氧化碳增多
4) 海洋中有毒的物质增多
5) 气候不稳定
我选了海平线下降,他提到下降了,但是是直接说的, 并没有说是由什么引起的,其他的都找到了 。(730)

Q: 海平面下降后第一个发生的是什么?

s(一段路程)of land with basalt(玄武岩)lava(熔岩).

逻辑题        Q: support题 支持最后高亮的那句话“火山爆发不足以使所有生物灭绝”   


2.3.2        美洲大陆
归纳题        第二段的作用
细节题        有个15,000到15,500的数字题


Astronomy & Environmental Science
2.4.1        行星颜色的变化—找英文背景
indirect间接的, 迂回的cycle/period*周期diameter直径radius半径pulsation跳动,有节奏的跳动,震动luminosity发光度volume体积(好像是sidelight侧光; 侧灯)radiation辐射(能); 放射aging老化,老龄化,成熟的过程
slight 轻微的, 微小的

Color change 颜色改变-> temp decrease温度降低 -> size increase体积降低
Based on two evidence (or observation evidence):
1.    Pulsation decrease 心跳变慢(observed) -> size increase体积变大---- 成反比
2.    Luminosity (observed) = radius (size) * temp; luminosity same, temp decrease -> size increase

JIAWEN: 我的理解
Color change 颜色改变,认为是由于温度变化的原因;然后整个文章就是证明颜色的变化是由温度变化造成的;
1. Pulsation period 增加(observed) -> size increase体积变大
2. Luminosity (不变observed) = radius (size) * temp; luminosity same, temp decrease -> size increase

第一段:说科学家们观测到有SG星的颜色从蓝色变成了黄色,所以推测星星的温度 decrease(这好像是直接判定方法,若碰到请留意), 并且从两个方面的研究(间接方法)都支持上述结论:
第一种研究是针对SG(supergiant)星的pulsation(心跳)变化, 就像是人的心跳一样,而且与体积成反比,科学家们发现星星心跳变慢了,所以星星的半径变大了。
第二种研究是针对SG星的luminosity, 并且举出了发光度(luminosity)= 半径X 温度(luminosity=radius * temperature) 的关系来辅助说明,发光率恒定,所以当星星的半径大了,温度降低。
(问题里有一道就是问哪个是直接判定法。) 這篇讀的時候要看清楚那些是direct evidence,那些是observation evidence


主旨题        Q: 主旨题
V1: 有两个选项都是phenomenon这个单词,但是第一个肯定是错的,说的是分析了这个现象的结果。但是原题是分析了这个现象所造成的原因(JIAWEN: 颜色从蓝变黄的原因是温度降低了),所以是最后一个带有interesting的选项。
V2: 我选了presenting evidence of a well explained phenomenon。其它选项貌似都含有作者观点的意思,但是本文完全没有作者的观点,全部是事实阐述。
归纳题        Q: 然后还有一个是高亮题划了横线两个observation分别什么东西,
选“更长的脉冲周期(pulsation period)和光总量(luminosity)不变”
        Q: 问dependency(依赖,附属物或依附物)的两个因素是什么,dependency是文中出现的一个词。

Q:  (问题里有一道就是问哪个是直接判定法。)
這篇讀的時候要看清楚那些是direct evidence,那些是observation evidence

Q:作者用了哪些技巧 Except?
逻辑题        Q: 有一个题目according to的题目,非常简单是说温度下降了,亮度不变,体积会怎么样,体积会增大。

Q: 说如果一个星体的pulsation period变长了,那么这个星体一定会发生什么。


2.4.2        宇宙膨胀 红移
1)        1920s有几个科学家说,宇宙在膨胀,这个说法奠定了“哥白尼revolution”
2)        提供证据,段首有个one evidence include,有科学家观察到星星出现了红移的现象,有galaxy和distance的关系,出现了多普勒现象,说明这些星星离我们的距离变远了,所以宇宙确实在膨胀。
3)        一直到late1930s,宇宙膨胀才被人广泛认可
4)        宇宙膨胀什么时候会停止,有人说要到gravity和一个什么东西抵消的时候就不会膨胀了,甚至会收缩。


2.4.3        月球的形成
1)        LUNA 上的那个形成,是什么造成的,(有和地球的扯上点关系)
说有三个理论  A:fission分裂 B: C:capture被地球虏获
2)        分别推翻ABC(注意该段细节)
3)        提出第四种可能D:collision碰撞

第二段:从两个方面驳斥以上三个假说。第一从转速方面来讲:如果抛出(fission)形成,现在的地月系统应该转速更快;而如果同期形成(condensation),这个速度又应该慢得多;如果俘获(capture)形成,那么月亮这个独立的星应该运动的很慢,以至于能落入地球的系统;第二从物质构成方面来讲:月球的表面太薄,地表的易挥发金属(volatile mental)比如锌也很少,否定了fission理论和condensation理论。月球铁质内核(iron core)不够大,否定了condensation理论和capture理论;[结构上]:这些证据不是一对一的驳回,而一对多的驳回;
第三段:科学家提出了一个新的假说,就是所谓的碰撞理论(collision)。 碰撞理论说地球和宇宙中另一星体擦肩而过,撞出去的地球物质就和那个星体一起形成了月亮。这个理论可以解释上一段中的所有问题。1)月球的易挥发金属少是因为擦肩而过时,由于撞击产生的高温把部分物质挥发化了。2)对于core的问题,解释为:地球和那个物体侧面擦肩的,而不是正面。最后一句,科学家觉得当时是撞偏了,不是head-on撞上地球的。而由于这两个东西是成一定角度的撞滴,所以星体的速度变慢了。


分裂说Fission        共生说condensation        吸引说capture
P1三个理论        地球自转甩出去        地月同时由同样的方式形成的        天体飞过来,被地球引力抓住的
P2反驳:旋转速度        无法解释现在地球速度不够快,不足以甩出去。        无法解释现在这么快的旋转速度        high velocity(速度)应该使得capture很困难
如果成立,那么旋转速度        地球速度应该更快        速度应该慢得多        月球速度应该更慢
P2反驳:物质构成        1-月球的表面太薄,地表的易挥发金属(volatile mental)比如锌也很少        1-月球的表面太薄,地表的易挥发金属(volatile mental)比如锌也很少
2-月球铁质内核(iron core)不够大        2-月球铁质内核(iron core)不够大

主旨题        Q1:文章的主旨?


细节题        Q4:问这理论认为月球形成的material来自哪里,
This would explain why the moon is so poor in iron and why the abundances of other elements are so similar to those in Earth’s mantle.
逻辑题        Q5:如果capture theory是正确,月球对地球而应该体现出什么样的特性?
我选地月系统自转更快(spin slower, 考场看)。- Also, on encountering Earth, the moon would have been moving so rapidly that Earth’s gravity would have been unable to capture it without ripping the moon to fragments through tidal forces.

Q6:以下哪点成立可以削弱the objection to the 3者之一的一个理论


The origin of Earth’s Moon
During the last two centuries, astronomers developed three different hypotheses for the origin of Earth’s Moon, but these traditional ideas have failed to survive comparison with the evidence. A relatively new theory proposed in the 1970s may hold the answer. You can begin by testing the three unsuccessful theories against the evidence to see why they failed.
The first of the three traditional theories, the fission hypothesis, supposes that the moon formed by the fission of Earth. If the young Earth spun fast enough, tides raised by the sun might break into two parts. If this separation occurred after Earth differentiated, the moon would have formed from crust material, which would explain the moon’s low density.
But the fission theory has problem. No one knows why the young Earth should have spun so fast, nearly ten times faster than today, nor where all that angular momentum went after the fission. In addition, the moon’s orbit is not in the plane of Earth’s equator, as it would be if it had formed by fission. (反对fission theory的理由: 1-地球应该转得快, 2- angular momentum去了哪?什么是angular momentum?3-月球的轨道应该在地球的赤道平面 )
The second traditional theory is the condensation (or double-planet) hypothesis. It supposes that Earth and the moon condensed as a double planet from the same cloud of material. However, if they formed from the same material, they should have the same chemical composition and density, which they don’t. The moon is very poor in certain heavy elements like iron and titanium, and in volatiles such as water vapor and sodium. Yet the moon contains almost exactly the same ratios of oxygen isotopes as does Earth’s mantle. The condensation theory cannot explain these compositional differences. (反对condensation theory的理由:1-构成物质的化学成分和密度应该一样。 但月球含iron and titanium, 以及易挥发的物质如water vapor and sodium很少)
The third theory is the capture hypothesis. It supposes that the moon formed somewhere else and was later captured by Earth. If the moon formed inside the orbit of Mercury, the heat would have prevented the condensation of solid metallic grain, and only high-melting-point metal oxides could have solidified. According to the theory, a later encounter with Mercury could have “kicked” the moon out to Earth.
The capture theory was never popular because it requires highly unlikely events involving interactions with Mercury and Earth to move the moon from place to place. Scientists are always suspicious of explanations that require a chain of unlikely coincidences. Also, on encountering Earth, the moon would have been moving so rapidly that Earth’s gravity would have been unable to capture it without ripping the moon to fragments through tidal forces. (反对capture theory的理由: 1-地球应该转得快,)
Until recently, astronomers were left with no acceptable theory to explain the origin of the moon, and they occasionally joked that the moon could not exist. But during the 1970s, planetary astronomers developed a new theory that combines the best aspects of the fission hypothesis and the capture hypothesis.
The large-impact theory supposes that the moon formed from debris ejected into a disk around Earth by the impact of the large body. The impacting body may have been twice as large as Mars. In fact, instead of saying that Earth was hit by a large body, it may be more nearly correct to say that Earth, and the ejected debris formed the moon. Such an impact would have melted the proto-Earth, and the material falling together to form the moon would have been heated hot enough to melt. This theory fits well with the evidence from moon rocks that shows the moon formed as a sea of magma.
This theory would explain other things. The collision must have occurred at the steep angle to eject enough matter to make the moon. The objects could not have collided head-on. A glancing collision would have spun the material rapidly enough to explain the observed angular momentum in the earth-moon system. And if the two colliding planetesimals had already differentiated, the ejected material would be mostly iron-poor mantle and crust. Calculation show that the iron core of the impacting body could have fallen into the larger body that became Earth. This would explain why the moon is so poor in iron and why the abundances of other elements are so similar to those in Earth’s mantle. Finally, the material that eventually became the moon would have remained in a disk long enough for volatile elements, which the moon lacks, to be lost to space.
The moon may be the result of a giant impact. Until recently, astronomers have been reluctant to consider such catastrophic events, but a number of lines of evidence suggest that some planets may have been affected by giant impacts.


2.4.4        CO2排放问题

1)        政府对公司环保有要求,要把产生的CO2找个地方埋起来。原来都是埋在哪,但是不太好。后来新技术,埋到深海海底。
2)        有人担心埋到海底有问题。因为有一个海底原来埋了CO2,但是因为什么原因(有题),泄漏出来了,在山谷里形成了很多CO2云
3)        即使公司拥有了先进的技术,公司也会因为利益(economic incentives,考点)去把CO2排到空气中,因为这样谁也检测不到

主旨题        Q1:作者主要提倡什么?
归纳题        Q2:暗示深海也有此类湖的问题。
细节题        Q3:如果要在海里埋葬二氧化碳,应该要考虑什么因素保证不泄漏?


many  thanks!!!



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