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Graduates who accepted full-time jobs in the following regions:

Africa: 1  %
Asia: 1  %
Eastern and Central Europe and Central Asia: 1  %
Latin America and the Caribbean: 1  %
Middle East: 1  %
North America: 2  %
Oceana: 1  %
Western Europe: 92  %

Within North America, graduates who accepted full-time jobs in the following regions:

Companies that recruited MBAs for internships on campus in 2008-09:

Companies that posted internships for MBAs on school job boards in 2008-09:

Top recruiting organizations for internships, most recent academic year:

Societe Generale   58
BNP Paribas   42
Ernst & Young   18
HSBC   18
Calyon   15
Natixis   14
Euro RSCG   14
L'Oréal   13
Total   10
Deloitte   10
Crédit Agricole   10
Hermes   10
Havas   9
Areva   8
Accor   8

Internships awarded that are paid:
100  %

Weekly internship compensation:

        Mean: $ 436
        Median: N/A

Average internship length in weeks:


School Comments:
ESSEC MBA offers a flexible curriculum structure permitting students to combine academic courses with international and professional experiences. The ESSEC integrative philosophy is an asset for students who wish to take their careers further and for those who are just beginning theirs. At ESSEC, each student learns what it takes to be become a responsible leader through an on-going skills assessment with the help of a personal coach. The ESSEC MBA innovative approach provides students with the necessary tools and opportunities to excel in their careers in a highly competitive environment and contribute to the world in which they live.



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