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[分享]Just back from Kelley interview in Beijing

I guess I am the first one to be interviewed today because my time is 8:00 a.m! So early.

That's probably because I replied their interview invitation letter too quickly

Because I arrived early, my interview started ten minutes earlier and lasted for about 40

minutes. James Holmen is a nice person, so the atmosphere was good.

Questions I can remember:

1.why mba?
2.why kelley?
3.your contribution to kelley?
4.what's the best part of your work?
5.If you can make a change to your work, what is it?
6.what will your collegues describe you? more examples for your strengh?
7.what's your hobbies?
8.do you have any concerns about going back to school to pursue mba?
9.any other things admissions committe should know?
10.what's your questions about kelley?

My advices:
1. be familiar with what you talk. You may be asked some details.
2. try to communicate with interviewer, not just answer questions.
3. prepare more examples for every point because interviewer may want to listen more than one examples.
4. prepare more questions to ask interviewer. I just prepared two and because I had many time left, I have to think of more questions on the spot.
Good luck to everyone.
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


I submitted it on Jan. 12.

I know Kelley admitted some Chinese students without interview before, but I don't know what's their policy this year. Anyway, since they didn't say interview is a must, you have chance to be admitted directly Good luck!

I think you may write a letter to them to check your status of completeness. In the letter, you'd better also talk about your strengh and show your interest to Kelley. If you have any recent progress(work or life), tell them too.
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


R2. Got invitation on Jan. 23.

"We have three options available.  I will be traveling to Shanghai (February 13), Beijing (February 15), Taipei (February 17), Seoul (February 20-21) and Tokyo (February 23-24) to conduct interviews. If you are not able to meet with me during my trip to Asia, we invite you to schedule a phone interview with a member of the admissions committee.  Of course you are also welcome to make a trip to Bloomington for an on-campus interview."
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


[原创]kelley and smith interview experience


kelley的james非常亲切,问的题目也都很老套。why mba ,why kelley, decrible yourself, your value, etc.15分钟不到就开始让我提问。我没有准备那么多问题,他居然非要和我聊聊天,说时间还早。我只好硬着头皮继续找词。这是我所没有预料到的内容。问我怎么过年,问我是否去过美国,觉得美国怎么样,平时都去那里玩耍,等等。


smith的面试就比较formal了,sabrina一直在challenge,虽然表情温和。而且题目比较随意。除了典型的any other schools, why smith, what is your challenge when u graduate from smith,还有很多具体的个人问题。尤其针对了简历。比如你如何管理自己的资产,比如身为女性,你有什么concern,甚至还有当场的模拟presentation。不过由于我问了大量的问题,把时间盖过去了。大概45分钟结束的。


Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


面试经历—IU Kelley School of Business


等了将近4个小时以后(我已然快疯了),终于看到教授给我写了一email,说电话打不通,于是我赶紧回了一个,又给他写了一遍我的telephone number。终于,将近6点的时候,电话响了。


Prof. (P)   Me (M)

P: What are your research interests currently?

M: 因为准备好了,就照着念~~结果速度没掌握好,说的太快了……

P: What makes you believe that you are interested in this area? Have you learnt any courses related with it?

M: I told them I chose a marketing related course during my master’s
study and my working experience was related with the topic…

P: Have you read the attached file in my email containing the research
interests of all the faulty members? Do you have any idea about which
one you want to be your supervisor?

M: …..

P: Do you have any deadline limits?

M: You mean the results from other uni?

P: yes.

M: (told them my status…)

P: Okay, do you have any question?

M: I am interested in your minor system, would you please briefly introduce it to me?

P: Sure. blah blah ….

M: I would like to choose psychology as my minor if I was admitted… The minor system in IU is very attractive to me.

P: (change to the German accent prof): Then tell me why you think you
wanna study psychology as your minor. I thought you want to be a
modeler based on econometrics models. Is there any connection between
psychology and modeling?

M: (Faint a million times, never prep a question like this) Em, I am
currently doing is that…. And I believe it is important to know the …
from psychological point of view…

P: (still the German prof): Then tell me which area of psychology are you interested in? A or B or C or D?

M: (I have no idea about the ABCD he mentioned, so I have to repeat
what I just said in the last question, sigh…totally failed at this

M: When could I complete my PhD study if I was admitted?

P: Our structure is designed for 4 years, however, normally 5 years. Do
not worry about scholarship, we will offer 5 year scholarships for
every PhD student…

M: I C. Another question, When can I get the formal result?

P: mid next week. We will give out offers before spring vacation. 3 positions for this year.

M: Thank you very much.

P: Please email me if you have any document to add or question you want
to ask me. Let’s keep the connection channel between us open.

M: Sure. I contacted with … and they would like to be reference for me as well, so can I let them email you…

P: Sure, please let them do so! Any we also want to read your working
paper as well, please send it as a attachment file to me and I will
hand it into the committee.

M: No problem for that. Thank you!

P: Great to talk with you. Thanks for your time!

M: Thanks for calling me! 88

That’s all…
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


To dullpen and other Kelley applicants:

I had an interview with Mr. James Holmen today. He's a very nice guy and he tried hard to creat a friendly atmosphere of conversation. So just relax and try your best, gangs.

Here's the questions he asked:

1.Why MBA

2.Why Kelley

3.What value can you add to the program

4.What makes you pursue a career in your industry

5.What's your biggest achievement

6.What motivates you

7.What would your boss say about your strength

8.What's your leadership style

9.What's your concern on pursuing an MBA

10.How did you learn English

11.What do you do in your spare time

To maerge:

When asked if I was the type of person who would fit into  Kelley, Mr. James Holmen said he thought I would be a good fit. And he asked me to contact him if I had further questions. Do you think that was a positive signal? Do you think I have a fair chance to get in? Thanks!
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.



今天早上到早了,一位GG正在那里和james比划,我枯坐在那里等,忽然一位金发美女MM上前与我搭话,开始还以为是james的助手,聊起来发现是希尔顿饭店的大堂经理。这位MM和我探讨了在国内外读MBA的利弊,并且诚挚地推荐我去读中欧,而且对它的排名变迁比我都清楚--算是面试前的warm up吧。

然后和jame holmen 作了面试,他问了大概6-7个问题,基本上是iris2005提到过的。真是感谢iris2005!我连比划带说的,讲了20多分钟,讲到口吐白沫。因为回答比较长,所以他问的问题比较少。自我感觉还可以,有一定的互动。IU的申友好好准备吧!
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.




1.Why MBA?
2.Why Kelley?
3.Short-term and long-term goal?
4.What is your quality bringing to the team?
5.Team work experience?
6.What do you think the ideal working environment is?
7.When you are facing projects with same priority, what will you do?
8.What if you have to make a decision but without enough information?
9.Your leadership style?
10.What will be the most challenging part when working in a team?
11.What is the good thing about working in a team?
12.If you encounter problems in a team, what will you do?
13.What will your boss describe you? Give me two words


Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.



1. 大概何時會收到decision?   就是三月了嗎?

2. 問了他一個consulting management academy 的課程,請他解釋一下,因為網上沒怎麼看到...


Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


interview的人是个committee的成员,话题很轻松,没说几句就和我说I assure you that you will be admitted了。

唯一的一个相关问题就是问我为什么要选择他们这所学校,事实上我还没答完,他就把我掐断了。其他的话都在聊天,对了,他还问我上没上过英语课,我说当然,从初中到大学上了十年了。最后问我自己觉得是否需要先上语言班,我说:frankly, I don't think so (主要还是怕花钱),然后他就跟上一句:I don't think so either...

Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.



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