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Round 2 / On-campus / Second year student (Published February 1st, 2010)

what should I know about you? (threw me a but off; took it as "walk me through your resume"
why an mba
what if you don't get in? (back up plan/try again/figure it out thru experience)
why ross
tell me a time that you failed
tell me about a time you were in a team that dealt with a lot of obstacles (be sure to include what you learned for next time!)
tell me about a time you showed initiative
how would you be involved outside of class?
there might have been others, but she said my initial review covered a lot of what she needed (had a checklist/form she was trying to make sure she had info for) 30 min total, 5 min for questions she said i did much more research on ross than she had! (maybe that's a good thing?) the admissions desk by phone had told me the person would have seen my app; but this felt like a pretty blind interview!

Other notes:

Stayed the night in Lamp Post Inn. On the older/simpler side, but cheapest best option. And find if you get in late and leave early! Free breakfast - basic bagels, coffee, jams/butter/cream cheese, quaker oat packets to make, break, english muffins, juice (starts at 6am)...owner is nice, retired, graduated from ross in '60's..... 5 min/ 9 buck (w/ tip) taxi from campus. Call blue cab or yellow cab the day before for a pick up.
was told by tour guide that tho they say it doesn't matter about doing interviews off campus, they really like it if you come to campus. they want to see you excited about the school
if you haven't been before, highly recommend "VIP" with q&a, tour, class & lunch (all with ambassadors) 8:30-1...My interview was at 2pm and that was fine; got me energized!
if you have luggage you can leave it in the office closet, and they're very casual; I wore jeans and boots and changed into suit before interview
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


Round 1 / Off-campus / Alumna (Published January 21st, 2010)

My interview was with an alum who is actually working in the field I'd like to be in after graduation (automotive marketing). I expected it to be pretty informal (she pretty much told me to dress casually – not business-casual, just…casual, so I showed up wearing nice jeans and a sweatshirt), but it seemed like she's had quite a bit of experience with these and had a list of prepared questions (and a manila envelope with them) which were mostly HR-type stuff: resume walk-through, strengths, weaknesses, tough situations at work, leadership experience, extracurricular activities, why Ross, why marketing. She threw me for a loop when she asked me if I had considered any other program at Ross other than the Full-time and why not. The strength question was in a form of "if you had to describe yourself to your future classmates, what three words would you use?" We talked for about half an hour, after which she said that the official part was concluded and opened it up for a Q&A. She told me quite a bit about the school and even though the "on the record" part was done, I didn't really let my guard down and exhibited a pretty decent knowledge of the school even when asking questions.

All in all, it was pretty dry, but certainly friendly and she warmed up after we discovered a common ground. I thought it went pretty well considering my more than mild distaste for HR-type interviews.

Result – denied. Not even waitlisted. Considering the fact that my stats were very decent (720 GMAT/3.4 GPA/5+ years work experience, etc), I was quite upset. My thought process now is that the interview probably did me no favors.
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


Round 1 / Phone interview / Second year student (Published January 21st, 2010)

Phone Interview, however have visited before for a recruitment weekend; Beautiful, new building and they really do a great job of selling the school to prospectives.

Tell me about yourself.
Tell me about your role on a team.
Tell me about a time when you had a professional failure and what did you learn from it.
Tell me about a time when you received negative feedback from a supervisor and how did you respond.
Tell me how you dealt with a team member who was under-performing.
What 3 adjectives would your friends use to describe you and why.
The interview seemed pretty straight forward. There were no tricks although it wasn't articulated to me how long the interview was so I only had the chance to ask 1 or 2 questions before being cut off at the end. Must have been an OK interview because I did get admitted last week. Prepare before hand and have really good reasons why you want to go to Ross.
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


Round 1 / Off-campus / Alumnus (Published November 19th, 2009 courtesy of Indian86)

I had an [blind] alum interview for Ross in India this November'09. He was very cool person, and he told how the interview would proceed. About 50 minutes for the interview, and 10 minutes for me to ask him questions

List of interview questions

Walk me through your resume in about 6 minutes? (Had some cross questions such as why I left company X, why I joined Y. Why left X only in 1 year)
International exposure - working with counterparts in country X? What did I learn from them? Their charachterstics, etc
Other cross questions from resume such as how I reached this 20% productivity in my org, how I quantified it? How I measured this figure?
Some hypothetical questions about my interest in a sport - such as Even with 1 billion people, why India is lagging in this sport? What would I do if I become sports secretary for this sport so as to make sure India triumps in this sport?
Questions on long term goal, short term goal, why ross, why mba?
Which clubs I will join?
What I have done to connect with Ross?
What does Leadership means to me?
Failure at Work?
Challenging time in Life?
The interview was much interactive, with time given to think for response, cross-questions, probing, etc. I was surprised by hypothetical questions, and too much probing. Overall it was a nice Experience. Alum was very friendly, and he treated me well.
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


Round 2 / On-campus / Second-year Student (Published February 26th, 2009)

I interviewed on campus with a current student. The interview lasted 30 minutes. It was very conversational and the following topics were covered:

Tell me about yourself.
How did you choose your current employer?
Tell me about a leadership experience.
What about Ross made you apply?
Why do you want to get an MBA? What are your goals?
What do you hope to get out of an MBA?
Have you heard about the Wolverine Fund (this was in response to a discussion about venture capital).
What is your dream job coming out of school? In 10 years?
What do you do outside of work?
From there we had a conversation about college football, Ann Arbor, and his opinion of my recent admits. Like I said, it was very conversational and quite enjoyable.
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


我分享一下我的Ross Alumni Interview

Conversational interview 30mins

walk thru my resume

Discuss myself

why MBA

short & long term goal

why Ross

what else B-schools I applied

challenge during the work

Q&A 15mins

Summer Intern

MBA Life

Why she chose Ross
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


Michigan State University (MSU) Broad 面经


我准时打过去介绍自己,接着就被转到招生部的Paul North。这个人恰巧是我以前一直联系的,感觉就熟悉起来了。一上来他就介绍他今天有两个方面要和我谈。除了常规面试还要讨论下我的学历。


1. Why MBA, Why MSU (整个过程就是why school最后一点差点忘了,小紧张了几秒)
2. Introduce yourself (说了international, self-driven, passionate)
3. Accomplishment ( Take initiative doing sourcing )
4. Teamwork ( motivate engineer at BOM project)
5. Personal international experience (我现编了一个做房产的时候的故事)
6. Take Initiative (临时编了一个自己在做房地产的时候take initiative to help expats, learning就是在主动帮助expat解决问题的同时提升了自己解决问题的能力。)
7. 完了QnA。我问他international招生策略。他说了一堆,听到最有用的就是他们今年国际学生比例下降到20-25%,因为国际学生不好在美国找到工作。

第二部分:学历的问题,他们还有点不太清楚。因为我的认证结果说等同美国4年学习,而别人的一般会写等同学士学位。我问他4年不就是undergraduate吗?他似乎接收了。但是这个是研究生院决定,不是MBA招生办。完了我跟他解释了高考失败后面通过努力拿到专科和本科毕业,以及过专八。他说very helpful。希望学历他们不再有问题了。。。


再就面完几个小时后,follow up了一封感谢信。
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


攒RP,MSU Broad MBA面谈后的一点儿总结

我是 on-campus interview,提前一天到EAST LANSING. 正赶上寒流,鹅毛大雪。

1. why mba
2. why broad
3. leadership experience

然后就开始天南海北的聊。面试官很友好,也很健谈。后来又找来CAREER CENTER 的一个DIRECTOR,大家一起聊。话题五花八门,2个小时谈下来,真挺累的。

1.教学质量还是不错的,marketing, human resource,supply chain 方面的教学还是有独到之处。

2.现在的就业形势非常不好,国际学生尤其难找工作。原来特牛的那个CAREER 主管跳槽了,现在感觉CAREER CENTER不像以前那么强了。
3.地理位置比较偏,PROGRAM 的规模较小,所以ON CAMPUS RECRUITING 的公司数量有限,而且大多数不招国际学生。

Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


发个MSU Broad MBA面经


面试者:Joe Garcia,Director of Career center,正好问问他找工作的事情。

1. Why MBA, Why Now
2. Something Unique
3. Most significant accomplishment
4. Teamwork experience
5. Something you initiated
6. Have you worked with North America people?
7. Where do you see your career chance (location)?

最后一道题目呢,我又直说愿意去美国呆两年,他就直言现在美国机会对于international student比较少。还说塑造一个capable的MBA到哪里都能用才是他们的目的。我就随声附和了一下。说我明白当前的形式,know my goal,在哪里实现都是一样的。关键是要实现自我价值。不过三年以后有可能还是希望留在美国一段时间,strengthen我学到的,开拓视野,在different culture里面开开眼界等等。

Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


Phone interview by MSU


Why broad?
How will others describe
     your leadership skills

What leadership style you
     want to improve

Is there anything you
     would like to share with the admission committee

What is the most valuable
     working experience

Pls give me an example
     when you are Influential in a team

Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.



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