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Kellogg 面经,希望对大家有帮助

interviewer: a lady working in Investment Banking

length: around 45 mins

questions: very standard such as tell me about yourself, why Kellogg, why MBA, what do you want to learn in Kellogg, what courses you want to take, career goals

The interview was really relax, and the interviewer asked me do not wear Suit because it was in Saturday, the interview was under a enjoyable, informative and smooth enviroment.
Hope it helps you all!

sambainan:请问楼主在哪里面的啊?是校友面试么?我下周二在多伦多校友面, 好奇他们是不是都经过alumni admission comitee简单培训?问题应该大体差不多吧。

realrual:to Sambainan,

in HK by one of their Alumni.

I guess they prepare by themselves so very flexible, and they may have a feedback from including some key ratings such as

- understand of the program and school
- motivation of applying
- whether clearly have goals
- communication skills.
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.



面试官是中国人,先中文寒暄了一下,解释自己发那么晚的email的原因,不过他很诧异,问我是不是自己把gmail的垃圾邮箱设置调整过,他用gmail就收­到Kellogg发给他的面试名单的,看到我带了hard copy的简历,他就没必要打印了,所以他根本没时间事先看我的简历

问题1:walk me through your resume, your career goal, why Kellogg, why now. 我本来的准备是他如果一开始只问walk through resume,我就讲完工作方面的东西插个人的,提一下community service和hobbies(朋友认为我的Uniqueness在community service和hobbies),但是都没机会讲


问题3:"ok,你要做marketing对吧,那假设你MBA毕业,现在拿到3个offer,一个是上海办公室McKinsey,一个是美国Intel的什么­program,一个是L'oreal HK的marketing,你会接受哪个?"我就先和他细讲了一下我的short-term career goal,说最希望在美国做consulting或者marketing,他说现实不是这样ideal的,做marketing是很受culture限制的,所­以美国人一般不会找外国人做marketing,个么我就说在HK做marketing了,因为HK的biz environment也很diversified

问题4:讲讲community service的经历,怎么处理好service和工作的时间安排呢?我说这个问题我很早就考虑­到了,我答应了做这件事就会遵守commitment,而且为了解决我的时间问题,我需要一个团队支持,再讲自己怎样利用monthly concall安排工作,用自己对team member的关心和自己的working experience来motivate他们为我做事,总之有个团队,我的时间问题可以解决不少

问题5:"假设你的project上,你的team lead "sucks",项目出现问题,你手下人说拥戴你做lead,把他换掉,manager明天要找你聊项目情况,你怎么说?"我说我不会同意随便换人,特别是在项­目出现问题的时候,我要做的是全力support他,补足他的不足。"你的手下可能没有你那么mature,得知你没有提出要替代team lead,都很失望,你怎么motivate他们?"我说我会告诉他们,把focus转移到怎样把项目做好上去­,只要他们对我还有信心,那就好好support我。"那过了1、2个星期,你的team lead也发生了微妙的改变,他觉得你老是告诉他应该怎么做,似乎是在越权,你怎么处理?"找他好好谈,我认为communication解决一切问题,找个比­较friendly的环境,比如starbucks,跟他交心,说自己完全没有越权的意思,我不是在命令他怎么做,而是给他option,最后的决定还是他的,­我只是希望更好地support,出发点都是一致的,就是为了把项目做好

问题6:"假设你在NGO里,手下有人老给你找麻烦,想要取代你,你怎么处理?"我说看她提的建议是不是真的有用,如果是对的,我完全接受,如果­是trouble,那就找她好好聊聊,如果她真的比我优秀,完全可以把位子让给她。"这个例子好像不好,那换成工作中,如果你的tea­m里有这样的人,人很聪明,但总挑战你,其他组员对她似乎也很赞同,你怎么处理?"我说可以私下里接近她,比如,我有那么多兴趣爱好(想把这个点­提出来的,因为之前一直都把这个忽略了),可以约她一起运动、shopping、旅游,通过建立私人感情来赢得她的respect。"她根本不甩你这一套,不和­你去shopping,然后项目上也出现了问题,manager也挺欣赏她,先找她聊,她肯定说你坏话,现在manager叫你明天早上跟他汇报,你会怎么说?­"我得承认自己肯定处理得有问题,不管是我工作上的、我的team member工作上的还是我在项目管理上的,因为既然出现问题了,我作为lead就应该承担责任(想体现自己的responsiblity)我会前一晚先找te­am member谈,我还是相信communication才能解决问题,问她的想法。"她会说应该是你给我solution,你是team lead"我说我当然会准备solution,但我会open to diversified opinions。"那第二天你老板对你提出的solution也表示怀疑,他也开始偏重那个小姑娘了,你怎么办?"我说,我还是那句话,既然项目出现了问题,­关键时刻换人可能引起更大骚动,当然如果manager对我不信任了,觉得她能胜任,这是对项目好,那我肯定可以退出,但是只要我的team能support我­,我就愿意继续做下去,把问题解决。最后他问我怎么评价那个trouble maker,我说"intelligent, innovative but need to be improved in teamwork"
——又是assume的case study,也没碰到过这样的情况,事后想想,我感觉自己的回答太soft了,比如应该加上,给她一次机会,但是如果她还是没法teamwork的话­,就该当机立断地不要她在team里,不过,毕竟是第一反应,体现了我的性格了

最后问了我的GMAT成绩和第几轮申请,顺便问我申了哪几个学校,回答我的问题的时候给了不少MBA学习中的建议,说希望不管是Kellogg还是其他b-school都能对我有用。结束时又用中文问我你下一轮还申请的对吧,我说是,之前时间不够,但是我最想进Kellogg,所以还是把它放在第一轮了,他说没准备好的话还是第二轮吧(暗示我fa­il?),我说其实开始的还是挺早的,想多花点时间心思在Kellogg上,他说learning curve可能会在第二轮里显现出来,送我到电梯口,我手里拿着包包和手机,也没和他握手

总的来说,面了1小时左右,但他竟然一点笔记也没做,除了写了我的GMAT分数和first round,中间描了几眼他的小本本看问题sample吧,但是都是我没办法准备的东西,竟然都玩role play。感觉没出啥大问题也没出彩,我完全没有方向,自己也不是很满意,你们对我的表现评估一下吧,也希望对大家的面试有用
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.





Go over your resume
Why MBA? Why Kellogg?
Challenges in your career?
Your style of leadership?
What kind of specific leadership skills do you plan to get from Kellogg? And how?
How do you contribute to Kellogg MBA class?
What makes you stand out among 5000 applicants?
Experience as a team member? a team leader?
Personal hobbies?

Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


开篇问题是介绍自己,也就是walk through your resume.
然后聊career goal and why?
why MBA
然后是talk about life
然后是any questions about Kellogg?

Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


EMBA / Adcom (Published April 9th, 2010)

I had my interview at the end of March. I got the decision this week – admitted. The conversation last for 1,5 hours. Meeting was very nice and I had a great opportunity to present myself and when I say myself I really mean it. Don’t talk about your resume only, talk about your story and your life (not only professional) and use your CV as a template to follow. As you can see I’m European and not native English speaker. The interviewer created relaxed atmosphere, she was asking some questions related to topics I was discussing.

I read the book “how to get to top MBA program” and in all honesty don’t over do it. Be yourself, present your values and believes, personality and how it is tight to your professional career. Don’t play and plan too much. They require extensive professional experience. If you have required experience you should already know what kind of questions you shouldn’t ask during conversation like this one. Leverage international experience if you have such – mine is extensive and I could present it.
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


Round 2 / Adcom (Published April 2nd, 2010)


Walk me through your resume.
Why MBA?
Why now?
Tell me about your views on teamwork.
Tell me about a time you lead a team.
What will you contribute to Kellogg?
The interview lasted about 45 minutes and most of it was covering my resume and questions the interviewer had about my resume. She allowed me to lead the conversation and seemed to ask questions based on where it was going. Make sure to have a few good questions for the interviewer
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


Round 3 / Alumnus / Off-campus (Published 27th March 2010)

Interview lasted 75 minutes, held at Panera. Interviewer was friendly and informal but professional. Got into the questions pretty quickly. The list is not in order after the first one.

Why MBA? Why Kellogg? Why now? (all in one)
Why do you want to make this particular career transition? What attracts you to the field? (not exact words, but that was the general sense)
What clubs do you plan to join?
What five words would your friends use to describe you? Then: If you heard them use these words, what one would make you the proudest?
Leadership example
Example where you weren't the leader
Do you find yourself filling leadership gaps in a group when they exist?
What is the one thing in your *life* that you are the proudest of?
My interviewer was particularly adept at picking up on the little comments I would make and reading into them. My recommendation is to just talk. Don't be afraid to go off on tangents in your answers as long as you eventually get back to addressing the specific question.

RESULT: Rejected May 12th 2010
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


Round 2 / Alumnus / Off-campus (Published March 22nd, 2010)

I had my an off-campus interview with an alum. It went for about 75 minutes. The alum was really warm and welcoming throughout the conversation and it was clear he had a fantastic experience. Pretty standard set of questions

Why MBA?
Why Kellogg?
Give example of a work conflict?
Biggest accomplishment?
Interests outside of work?
My key points of advice: Ensure that you show all facets of your personality especially ability to work in teams, collaborate and contribute to Kellogg community; I found it very worthwhile to visit campus and speak to current students as it was informative and provided some discussion points; if it’s in a open place as mine was, ensure you are well versed in keeping focused on the conversation and not get distracted by surroundings.
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


Round 2 / Alum / Off-campus (Published March 11th, 2010)


Walk me through your resume.
Why MBA?
Why now?
Why Kellogg?
Tell me about your passion(s) outside of the professional or education realms (e.g., extracurricular pursuit).
What was your single greatest professional accomplishment?
What do you do for fun?
Tell me about a time when your communication with a colleague was a catalyst to achieve a team goal.
What are the 3 most important attributes of a successful leader? How do you rate yourself in each of these attributes?
Who do you admire as a leader?
What is the most challenging part of your job (current or previous)?
What was a weakness in your application?
What will be your unique contribution to Kellogg? (i.e., what will you give to other students?)
The interview was conducted at her office. Casual dress, so I was free to wear whatever. I arrived 10 minutes early and we started exactly on time.

From the outset, she was welcoming, affable and conversational, setting a friendly but focused tone. She clearly laid out the game plan at the start (her background, then her questions for me, then my questions for her). She said the interview would probably take 1 hour, but it ended up lasting 1 hour and 45 minutes.

I thought the interview went extremely well. She was a great enabler, an active listener with easy-to-read facial expressions and responsive body language. This was very useful, as it let me know when I was dragging and when I was flying. Her questions gave me the opportunity to relay all of my best professional and personal stories (even some that I didn't expect would come up in conversation).

Since my experience with the first two-thirds of the interview was so positive, I was very confident and comfortable tackling questions that I didn't anticipate and hadn't specifically prepared.

When the table turned and she was answering my questions, she was very candid about her Kellogg experience. Having spoken at length with a mix of students and alums, I had a sense of Kellogg's primary advantages and disadvantages, but my interviewer enlightened me with additional highlights and drawbacks.
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


Round 2 / Alumni / On campus (Published March 8th, 2010)

There were 8-10 people waiting to interview at the same time, when I was only expecting 2-3 people. I interviewed on campus, but with an alumni. She said they asked her to volunteer because of the high volume of applicants. She said the interview would last 30 minutes but it was 45-50. She was friendly.

The questions posted by everyone here were the same except that since I am a high-level manager at my current job, she did not ask me any pointed leadership questions. I assume I was expected to cover this in my narrative when I walked her through my resume. She did not ask me any failure or what are your strengths/weaknesses type questions. I think she wanted to see how I presented myself and to get a feel for my personality and motivation for Kellogg rather than hear rehearsed answers to typical interview questions.
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.



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