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Abott was doctor . In the past ,he had a passive attitude about life .It was said that he patterned himself on his fathers behavior pattern .He liked to wear jeans that had a patch on the knee .His favorite pastime was patting his kittens soft paws .One day ,one of his patients died of cancer ,which awoke Mr . Abott. He read a passage in the Bible for the dead man .From that day on ,Mr.Abott had a passion to invent a new kind of medicine .He had great patience with it . He knew the only passport to success was hard work .On the day he finished the work ,the laborers who worked for him demanded prompt payment .He paid up all he owed .After paying off the laborers .He pasted up the pattern of his invention on the wall. Mr .Abott got a patent for this invention .His patron had great interest in it .He came to visit Mr. Abott by bicycle .The patron came down a path paved with cobblestones .No parking on the pavement .So he had to keep his bicycle in the passage .Mr .Abott was at home alone.His wife put their cattle out to pasture. The patron was quite a patient person.He advised Mr .Abott to sell the patent to him . Mr Abott paused before making the important decision.Finally he decided to contribute his invention to society .He did that to pay back society .His patriotic action raised many peoples admiration fficeffice" />


ffice:smarttags" />ersonName w:st="on" productid="艾博特">艾博特ersonName>先生是名医生,在过去,他对生活是一种消极的态度。据说他是模仿他父亲的行为模式。他喜欢穿膝盖上带补丁的牛仔裤。他喜爱的消遣就是轻拍他小猫柔软的爪子。一天,他的一个病人死于癌症,这唤醒了ersonName w:st="on" productid="艾博特">艾博特ersonName>先生。他为死者读了圣经里的一段。从那天起,ersonName w:st="on" productid="艾博特">艾博特ersonName>先生有着热情发明一种新药。他对此有很大的耐性。他知道通往成功的惟一护照是辛苦工作。他完成工作的那天,为他工作的工人们要求立刻付款。他全部付清了他所欠的钱。在给清工资遣散工人后,他把他发明的图案贴在墙上。ersonName w:st="on" productid="艾博特">艾博特ersonName>先生就这项发明获得了一项专利。他的赞助人对此非常感兴趣。他骑自行车来拜访ersonName w:st="on" productid="艾博特">艾博特ersonName>先生。赞助人经过一条着鹅卵石的小路人行道上不准停车,因此他不得不把自行车放在走廊里。艾博特得天独厚生一人在家。他的妻子赶牛群到牧场去放牧了,赞助人是个非常有耐心的人。他建议艾博特先生把专利卖给他。艾博特先生在做重大决定之前暂停了一会儿。最终,他决定把发明捐赠给社会。他那样做是为了回报社会。他的爱国行为让许多人钦佩。fficeffice" />


Am telling you about a peaceful peninsula .Most of local people there are peasants .they planted peppers, peanuts and green peas at the foot of the foot of the mountains .The mountain peaks are planted with pear trees and peach trees .To check the trees ,the peasants pedal their bicycles up and down the mountains everyday .The pears and peaches cost 3dollars per kilogram. The pears and the peaches peel easily .There were many pretty  pebbles along the coast .The local women use them to make necklaces together with pearls. The pearl and pebble necklaces are a peculiarity of the peninsula .The local people live in thatched cottages .But rainwater cannot penetrate their cottages .The pendulums of the clocks in their cottages are the same ,a bear ! That is their mascot .When one gets sick ,he will be injected with penicillin ,when one gets old , ,he will be paid pension by government .The local people have a peculiar habit ,They dislike visitors. Peeping from visitors is forbidden -----penalty 50 pence .The visitors perceive that they are unwelcome and soon leave .fficeffice" />


我将告诉你一个安宁的半岛。那里的当地人多数是农民。他们在山脚下种植了胡椒花生和绿豌豆山顶上则种植了梨子树和桃子树。为了检查那些树,农民们每天骑自行车上山下山。梨子桃子每公斤3美元。梨子桃子很容易剥皮。海岸有许多漂亮的卵石。当地的妇女用它们和珍珠一起来做项链。珍珠卵石项链是半岛的一个特色。当地人住在茅草房里。不过雨水无法渗透过他们的茅草房。他们房里钟摆是一样的,一只小熊!那是他们的吉祥物。有人生病的话,就会注射青霉素;有人年迈了的话,政府就发养老金的给他。当地人有个古怪的习惯,他们不喜欢游客。游客的窥视是禁止的------违者处罚50便士。游客察觉到自己不受欢迎后会很快离开那里。fficeffice" />


From the top of the hill, you could get a perspective of a theatre. Agnes was a singer there. As a singer, she was perfection itself. Her performance was perfect. Agness photographs often appeared on the periodicals. Perhaps she was so famous that Nazis wanted her to perform for Hitlers birthday. The personnel manager called on her in person . He tried to persuade her to perform the contract and sing for Hitler. with your permission, I will inform them now. he said. Agnes refused, I will not permit it happen. This is my permanent decision. The manager said , I have no right to interfere with your personal liberty. Last night, almost a hundred people perished in the struggle against the Nazi . lf you persist in that they will persecute you. All personnel hope you can agree to perform. Agnes was a woman with a strong personality. In spite of his efforts at persuasion, she didnt agree. She replied , I know that perfectly well. But dont perplex the issue; it isnt so complicated. What percentage of the audiences is Nazi? I must get the story in its proper perspectives. I am a Jew. I am a hundred percent in disagreement with you . This is my perpetual loyalty to my faith. The roses perfume the air in summer and perish in winter. I know it is the most difficult period of my life. But I d rather die as a rose.fficeffice" />


从山顶你可以看到一座剧院的院景。阿格尼丝曾是那里的一名歌唱家。作为一名歌唱家,她自己就是完美的化身。她的表演是尽善尽美的。阿格尼丝的照片经常出现在期刊上面。也许她太有名了,纳粹想让她为希特勒的生日演出人事经理亲自拜访她。他试图说服履行合同为希特勒演唱。他说:“得到你的允许的话,我立刻就通知他们。”阿格尼丝拒绝了:“我不会允许这种事发生的。这是永久的决定。”经理说:“我没有权利干涉你个人的自由。昨天夜里,大约一百人在同纳粹的抗争中消亡了。如果你坚持这样的话,他们会迫害你的。我们全体职员都希望你可以同意演出。”阿格尼丝是一名个性很强的女子。尽管经理为说服她而费尽努力,她还是没同意。她回答道:“我知道那点清楚。但不要使问题复杂化了。它没有那么复杂。观众中纳粹的百分率是多少?我必须从正确的观点来了解事情。我是一名犹太人。我百分之一百不同意此事。这是我对自己信仰永恒的忠诚。玫瑰在夏天使空气芳香,在冬天里凋谢。我知道这是我一生里最困难的时期,但我宁愿像玫瑰那样死去。”fficeffice" />


Philosopher was fond of philosophy . His physical force was weak ,but his mental fore was great .He noticed every petty phenomenon :A pianist played the piano .A physicist was a person versed in or studying physics, and he must understand photoelectric effect .Both physicians and surgeons knew physiology well. A photographer must learn photography , thus he could take nice photographs .The philosopher could pick out these people from a group of people . And because he picked up some knowledge of physics and chemistry ,he knew physical thing were those he could see ,touch ,etc It was a physical impossibility for the sun to rise in the west .Petrol could be made from petroleum .He spoke in simple phrases to explain these to children .But the philosopher was going through a difficult phase . The government rejected his petition for eliminating the pests . This made him a little pessimistic . But he wasnt a petty person .So he decided to take a trip .He picked out a cat as a pet to accompany him .On the way to the railway station ,he picked up a coin on the floor .Then he got on a train to Paris .The train stopped to pick up passengers then it picked up speed .The philosopher picked up French while he was staying in Paris .fficeffice" />


一名哲学家喜欢哲学。他身体的力量很弱,但他的精神力量却很强。他注意到每一个琐碎现象钢琴家弹奏钢琴物理学家是精通或研究物理学的人,并且他一定理解光电效应;内科医生和外科医生都清楚生理学;一名摄影师必须学过摄影术,这样他才能拍好照片哲学家可以从一群人中间将他们辨认出来。并且因为他偶然学到一些物理知识和化学知识,他知道物质的东西是那些他可以看到和角摸的。太阳从西边出业从自然科学来说是不可能的。汽油可以由石油得来。他用简单的短语来向孩子们解释这些。不过这名哲学家正经历着困难的阶段。政府否决了他要求消灭害虫请愿书。这让他有点悲观。但他不是一个气量小的人。于是他决定来次旅行。他挑拣出一保猫作为宠物陪伴自己。在去火车站的路上,他拾起一枚地上的硬币。然后他登上了去巴黎的火车。火车停下来中途搭载旅客然后增加速度前进。哲学家待在巴黎的时候学会了法语。fficeffice" />


Redress a Mishandled Case 平反错案fficeffice" />

Mr. Martin set up a small company that sold many kinds of sensors. His wife set him up in his business. But one day Mr. Martin was charged with serious defalcation. A judger dealt with cases in time sequence. The witnesses appeared in court in sequence. After a series of legal procedure, Mr. Martin was sentenced to three years in prison. The sentence didn’t separate the family. The sensible husband comforted his families. His sentimental wife and his sensitive daughter still believed his innocence. And a servant who served the family faithfully for 10 years stayed with them, too. Mr. Martin decided to appeal. The wife set off immediately to see a famous lawyer. When she arrived at his office, the lawyer was presiding over a session. The woman set down her bag and set forth her purpose in coming. Her words set the lawyer off thinking a while. Then, he accepted the case and they set out to the prison. Soon, the lawyer set out to documents, He set about collecting evidences. He filled in the blanks in the sentences to set aside the useful ones. and also he set down every sensible doubtful point. The second trail was set back half an hour. Evidences were set out in front of the jury. An important letter served the lawyer as evidence. It pointed out the real criminal was Mr. Martin’s partner. The judge set aside the decision of the lower court. the real criminal was arrested, which served him right.


ffice:smarttags" />ersonName w:st="on" productid="马丁">马丁ersonName>先生建立了一个小公司,卖各种传感器。他的妻子资助他的生意。但有一天,ersonName w:st="on" productid="马丁">马丁ersonName>先生被控告严重挪用公款。一个法官按时间次序处理案件。证人按顺序上庭做证。在一系列法律程序之后,ersonName w:st="on" productid="马丁">马丁ersonName>先生被三年徒刑。判刑没有分离家人。明智的丈夫安慰他的家人。他那多愁善感的妻子和他那敏感的女儿仍然相信他的清白。并且一个在他家衷心服务了10年的仆人也同他们待在一起。ersonName w:st="on" productid="马丁">马丁ersonName>先生决定上诉。妻子立刻出发去找一位著名的律师。当她到达他的办公室的时候,律师正主持一个会议。这名妇女放下她的包后阐明了她的来意。她的话引起律师思考一会儿。然后,他接了这件案子,并且两人动身去监狱。很快,律师着手准备文件。他开始收集证据。他在句子里填空来挑出有用的证据。并且他还记下每一条明显的疑点。第二次审讯推迟了半个小时。证据陈列在陪审团面前。一封重要的信件律师作为证据。它指出了真凶是ersonName w:st="on" productid="马丁">马丁ersonName>先生的拍档。法官拒绝了下级法院的决定。真凶被抓起来,他活该fficeffice" />



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