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Helen worked at a nursery since last month. The novelty of her surrounding soon wore off. She was not very homesick, only every now and then. As a nurse, Helen had a number of things to do every day. After standing for 8 hours a day, she often felt her two legs became numb. Now that she came here, she fulfilled her duties well. Lovely children made up the nucleus of the nursery. They wore in same clothes made of nylon. They liked to eat nuts, such as cashew nuts and walnuts. Milk was drunk to nourish their bodies. Their bodies needed adequate nutrition. The children had eaten their lunch just now. They were allowed to go nowhere at noon. So they went to sleep. But Helen heard their whispers now and then. Helen liked reading novels in this period of spare time. She was learning many new nouns from novels. Unfortunately,   nowadays , children often preferred watching TV to reading numerous books, Helen thought ,what a nuisance that some TV program advocated nuclear war!


海伦自上个月起就在一家托儿所工作了。环境的新奇感很快就淡化了。她不是很想家,只是偶尔才会。 作为一名护士,海伦每天都有许多事情要做。一天站完8个小时后,她常常感到双腿麻木既然她来到了这里,她就很好地履行她的职责。可爱的孩子们是托儿所核心。他们穿着一式的尼龙衣服。他们喜欢吃坚果,比如腰和核桃。牛奶用来给他们的身体提供养分。他们需要足够的营养。孩子们刚才吃过了午饭。他们中午任何地方都不准去,于是他们就去睡觉。但海伦还是不时地听见他们的耳语。海伦喜欢在这个闲暇时间读小说。她正从小说里学习很多新的名词。不幸的是,现今,孩子们更喜欢看电视而不是读众多的书了,海伦这样想着。而且有些电视节目还鼓吹原子核战争!这是多么讨厌的事呀!


Thomas was a writer by occupation. Thomas was an objective writer. His book was not obscure at all. To write an other good book, he went to a village working there as an occasional worker. The village had been in the occupation of a headman for thirty years. He was an obstinate man. He obliged the villagers to obey his orders. Obedience was an obligation falling on every villager. The villagers were obedient to him. Every order had been observed well. No one made any objection. On occasion, the villagers swore an oath to support the headman. Thomas was there on such an occasion. various objects were put on the table. One of them was an oar. It was made of oak. He observed the oath ceremony carefully. It was obvious that lack of education was an obstacle of their awakening. Thomas objected to this kind of obsolete autarchy. He smoked an occasional cigar. Thinking of the solution occupied most of his free time. Though the headman adopted a policy of obstruction, Thomas led the people to obtain their civil rights. The villagers had succeeded in their main objectives. They were obliged to Thomas for what he had done for them. fficeffice" />


托马斯的职业是作家.托马斯是个客观的作家.他的书一点也不晦涩.为了再写一本好书,他去了一个村庄,在那里做了一名临时工人.村庄在一个酋长的占领之下有30年了.他是一个顽固的.迫使村民遵从他的命令.服从失落在每个村民身上的义务.村民们对他都很顺从.每项命令都被很好地遵守.没人发出任何异议.不时,村民们还发誓约来支持这个酋长.托马斯出席了一次这样的场合.不同的物体被放在桌子上.其中一件是一支.它是橡木做的.他仔细观察誓约仪式.明显缺乏教育是他们醒悟的一个障碍.托马斯反对这种过时的专制.偶尔抽一支烟.思考解决方案占据了他大部分的空余时间.虽然酋长采取了妨碍政策,托马斯还是领导村民们获得了他们的民权.村民们成功地到达了主要目标.他们很感激托马斯为他们做的一切.fficeffice" />


David worked in an oven factory . the outer walls of the factory were painted blue . One day , the boss draw the outline of a new kind of oven on the paper . David advised him over and over not to produce it without an overall market research . the boss’s ability was very outstanding at the outset of his career . But now he had not an ounce of common sense . That was the shortcoming he ought to overcome .  But the boss had been cheated by the outward appearance of the market . He overestimated the market demand . the workers wore blue overalls , working day and night . The factory increased the output . But the boss could not find new outlets for their products . The outbreak of price war made the factory run out of money soon . The failure beat the boss out of his courage . David was very sorry with the outcome . He had nothing to do but resign . Anyway , he needed some outdoor activities . He ought to go to outdoors for fresh airs . On a sunny day , David went to the outermost outskirts . He had prepared a camping outfit . The outskirts had a pleasant outlook . The river overflowed its bank . David took off his overcoat since it was warm . It was such nice a day




Painstaking painter was hired to paint a wall of the palace .A panel would judge his painting a week later. Before work, the painter had collected many pamphlets about the palace.He noticed  that the palaces ceiling had a carved panel. He drew a draft on a pad then began his formal work. His assistant followed him ,carrying a paint pail  and a pan. The painter worked so fast that his assistant hardly kept pace with him. Soon, there were three paintings on the wall.One was a merry girl paddled her boat on the ffice:smarttags" />Pacific ocean. Another was a person jumped with a parachute .The last one was a giant panda lying under a palm tree. The painter was satisfied with them. He packed his package and took out a packet of cnt looked pale because of panic. The painter was unhappy, I take pains to paint them. Why are you sad? You make my heart painful . Thus , the assistant panted out the reason. The king once was bite by a panda on the palm fficeffice" />


一个苦干的画家被雇佣去描绘宫殿的一面墙。一个专门小组一周后会评判他的绘画。工作之前,画家已经收集了许多关于宫殿小册子。他注意到宫殿的天花板是带有雕刻的面板。他在便笺簿上画了草图,然后就开始正式工作了。他的手提着一个颜料提桶和一个盘子跟在他后面。画家工作得如此之快,他的助手都差点不能跟上。很快,墙上出现了三幅绘画。一幅是一个欢快的女孩在太平洋用桨划船。另一幅是一个人跳伞。最后一幅是一只巨大的熊猫躺在一棵棕榈树下画家对他们很满意,他捆扎包裹并掏出一盒烟来。但他的助手却因为恐慌而看起来很苍白。画家很不高兴:“我煞费苦心来画它们。你怎么如此沮丧?你让我的心都疼痛了。”因而助手气喘吁吁地说出了原因。原来国王曾经被一只熊猫咬到过手掌   fficeffice" />


Isaac was paralyzed in both legs at of 10. His teacher had pity on him .Every morning ,she let Isaac read a paragraph from an article in the class. She taught him the parameter of judging grammar accuracy and why more haste ,less speed is a paradox ,the teachers partial attitude called forth another student , Jacks envy . Another naughty boy was his partner .Both of them mocked Isaac that he was a parasite on his parents .Isaac felt discriminated against since childhood .When he grew up .he worked in parliament and he played a part in it ,His parents passed away in an accident .Isaac passed out when he heard the news .Even he knew they were happy in paradise ,the pain in his heart never passed off .From then on ,he participated more actively in all kinds of politics .Last month ,he took part in a parade .The people paraded on the highway .The highway ran parallel to the river, which reminded Isaac the happy swimming time with his parents .Today ,Isaac received a particular postal parcel .It was from his classmate .In it was an apologetic letter. There was not a particle of false in the letter .Dear Isaac ,pardon our strong language when we were too young .We stress that point in particular .We are all partly to blame .Jack and Tom.fficeffice" />


艾萨克在10岁时双腿瘫痪了。他的老师很同情他。每天早上,她让艾萨克上课时读一段文章。她教他判断语法精确性的参数以及为什么“欲速则不达”是似非而是的话。但老师偏袒的态度激起了另一名学生,杰克的嫉恨。另一个淘气的男孩是他的合伙人。他们两一起嘲笑艾萨克说他是他父母寄生虫。艾萨克从小就感受到了歧视。当他长大后,他在议会工作并且他在里头起着作用。他的父母在一次事故中去世了。艾萨克听到消息后昏倒了。虽然他知道他们在天堂很快乐,他心中的痛苦从未停止过。从此,他更加积极地参加各种政治活动。上个月,他参加了一次游行。人们在高速公路上游行。高速公路同一条河流是平行的。这让艾萨克想到了与他父母游泳的快乐时光。今天,艾萨克收到一个特别的邮政包裹。是他的同学寄来的,里面是一封道歉信。里面没有一虚伪。“亲爱的艾萨克,原谅我们非常年轻时那些强硬的措辞。我们特别强调这一点。我们都必须负一部分责任。杰克和汤姆。”fficeffice" />



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