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Which of the following most logically completes the passage?

Each species of moth has an optimal body temperature for effective flight, and when air temperatures fall much below that temperature, the moths typically have to remain inactive on vegetation for extended periods, leaving them highly vulnerable to predators.  In general, larger moths can fly faster than smaller ones and hence have a better chance of evading flying predators, but they also have higher optimal body temperatures, which explains why ______.
外部温度小于体温时----不能达到effective fight----inactive in vegetation
A.        large moths are generally able to maneuver better in flight than smaller moths
B.        large moths are proportionally much more common in warm climates than in cool climates(根据文意给出线索推论,而不是发散出没提到过的他因)
C.        small moths are more likely than large moths to be effectively camouflaged while on vegetation
D.        large moths typically have wings that are larger in proportion to their body size than smaller moths do
E.        most predators of moths prey not only on several different species of moth but also on various species of other insects


Which of the following most logically completes the reasoning?

Either food scarcity or excessive hunting can threaten a population of animals. If the group faces food scarcity, individuals in the group will reach reproductive maturity later than otherwise. If the group faces excessive hunting, individuals that reach reproductive maturity earlier will come to predominate. 比较生育成熟年龄Therefore, it should be possible to determine whether prehistoric mastodons became extinct because of food scarcity or human hunting, since there are fossilized mastodon remains from both before and after mastodon populations declined, and ______.

A. there are more fossilized mastodon remains from the period before mastodon populations began to decline than from after that period
B. the average age at which mastodons from a given period reached reproductive maturity can be established from their fossilized remains
C. it can be accurately estimated from fossilized remains when mastodons became extinct
D. it is not known when humans first began hunting mastodons
E. climate changes may have gradually reduced the food available to mastodons[B]
原文知两个关系:如果FACE FOOD SCARCITY,则慢到reproductive maturity 。如果FACE EXCESSIVE HUNTING,则早到reproductive maturity (早到reproductive maturity 的占大多数)。
所以作者认为有可能确定M是由于FOOD SCARCITY灭绝,还是EXCESSIVE HUNTING灭绝。理由是有M数量减少前后的化石。另外,B说可从化石知道到达reproductive maturity 的平均年龄。因为如果减少前的reproductive maturity 年龄大于减少后的年龄,则原因是EXCCESIVE HUNTING(根据第二个关系)。如果小于,则是FOOD SCARCITY(第一个关系)


Which of the following most logically completes the argument below?

Although the number of large artificial satellites orbiting the Earth is small compared to the number of small pieces of debris in orbit, the large satellites interfere more seriously with telescope observations because of the strong reflections they produce. Because many of those large satellites have ceased to function, the proposal has recently been made to eliminate interference from nonfunctioning satellites by exploding them in space. This proposal, however, is ill conceived, since _______.

A. many nonfunctioning satellites remain in orbit for years
B. for satellites that have ceased to function, repairing them while they are in orbit would be prohibitively expensive(因为修贵所以炸掉好,反而支持这个计划了)
C. there are no known previous instances of satellites’ having been exploded on purpose
D. the only way to make telescope observations without any interference from debris in orbit is to use telescopes launched into extremely high orbits around the Earth(虽然前半部分理由没错,但要否决某计划不好应该先说为什么这个计划不好,而不是说另一个计划更好)
E. a greatly increased number of small particles in Earth’s orbit would result in a blanket of reflections that would make certain valuable telescope observations impossible


Which of the following most logically completes the passage?

A certain tropical island received food donations in the form of powdered milk for distribution to its poorest residents, who were thought to be malnourished. Subsequently, the rate of liver cancers among those islanders increased sharply. The donated milk was probably to blame: recent laboratory research on rats has shown that rats briefly exposed to the substances (新概念)aflatoxin tend to develop liver cancer when fed casein, a milk protein. This result is relevant because _______.

原因支持:aflatoxin----liver cancer

A. in the tropics, peanuts, a staple of these island residents, support a mold growth that produces aflatoxin?(解释了为什么aflatoxin会出现在牛奶引起的肝癌反应中)
B. the liver is more sensitive to carcinogens, of which aflatoxin may be one, than most other bodily organs是在说为什么是肝癌不是别的病。无关选项
C. casein is not the only protein contained in milk
D. powdered milk is the most appropriate form in which to send milk to a tropical destination
E. the people who were given the donated milk had been screened for their ability to digest milk


Which of the following most logically completes the argument?

Researchers recently asked dozens of shoppers, chosen at random coming out of a FoodBasket supermarket, what they had purchased.  The prices of the very same items at the nearest ShopperKing supermarket were totaled and compared with the FoodBasket total.  The ShopperKing totals averaged five percent higher than the FoodBasket totals.  Nevertheless, this result does not necessarily show that shoppers at ShopperKing would save money overall by shopping at FoodBasket instead, since ______.
A.        shoppers who shop regularly at a given supermarket generally choose that store for the low prices offered on the items that they purchase most often(消费者总是买最低价,所以比总价没有意义)
B.        for shoppers with more than 20 items, the ShopperKing totals averaged more than five percent higher than the FoodBasket totals 要说明问题这个样本不具代表性
C.        many shoppers consider factors other than price in choosing the supermarket at which they shop most regularly
D.        there is little variation from month to month in the overall quantity of purchases made at supermarkets by a given shopper
E.        none of the people who conducted the research were employees of the FoodBasket supermarket
A. 消费者通常到选定这样一个超市,他们最频繁购买的东西在那家的超市里的价格是最低的。


Which if the following, if true, most logically completes the argument?

Aroca County’s public schools are supported primarily by taxes on property.  The county plans to eliminate the property tax and support schools with a new three percent sales tax on all retail items sold in the county.  Three percent of current retail sales is less than the amount collected through property taxes, but implementation of the plan would not necessarily reduce the amount of money going to Aroca County public schools, because ______.

A.        many Aroca County residents have already left the county because of its high property taxes(支持新计划应该先提出它好在哪里和可行性,而不是提原本的政策不好在哪里)
B.        a shopping mall likely to draw shoppers from neighboring counties is about to open in Aroca County
C.        at least some Aroca County parents are likely to use the money they will save on property taxes to send their children to private schools not funded by the county
D.        a significant proportion of parents of Aroca County public school students do not own their homes and consequently do not pay property taxes
E.        retailers in Aroca County are not likely to absorb the sales tax by reducing the pretax price of their goods


Which of the following most logically completes the argument below?
The expansion of large-scale farming in Africa and Asia has destroyed much of the natural vegetation on which elephants have historically depended, forcing them to turn to cultivated land to satisfy their enormous appetites. As a result, farmers have lost millions of dollars worth of crops annually. Yet even if elephant sanctuaries(自然保护区) were created on a widespread basis to guarantee elephants sufficient natural vegetation, the raiding would likely persist, since            
A.        when elephants forage for food, they typically travel in herds.范围太大不够具体
B.        Foraging elephants have been known to cause substantial damage even to plants that they do not eat.范围太大
C.        Some of the land where crops have suffered extensive damage from elephants has been allowed to return to its natural state.
D.        Elephants tend to prefer cultivated crops to wild vegetation as a food source.
E.        Elephant sanctuaries are usually created in areas that are rich in the natural vegetation on which elephants have historically depended.好像是在说大象应该会转向自然植被。与文中不符合
其实,我觉得,逻辑上没有所谓的有关和无关的"标准".最重要是找到题目问的是什么!(并非仅仅只是support, weaken, assumption等抽象的东西),要求你进行分析的对象是什么,分析的方向是什么!几乎每个逻辑题的题目都有一个自己的逻辑链,有时候看似都是陈述事实,但作者都是有倾向的! 我一搬都是把这些元素抽象出来.我做逻辑的方法就是,
像上面那道题目, 1.整个题干: 对象: 大象, 作者倾向: 大象要吃种植物.不吃野生的.
2. 问为什么大象要吃种植物. 回答方向就是找原因.


Which of the following, if true, provides evidence that most logically completes the argument below?

According to a widely held economic hypothesis, imposing strict environmental regulations reduces economic growth.  This hypothesis is undermined by the fact that the states with the strictest environmental regulations also have the highest economic growth.  This fact does not show that environmental regulations promote growth, however, since ______.

A.        those states with the strictest environmental regulations invest the most in education and job training(为说明环保条例不能促进经济增长,举例严格环保条例管辖下的州的经济增长其实是由教育和职业培训带来的)
B.        even those states that have only moderately strict environmental regulations have higher growth than those with the least-strict regulations
C.        many states that are experiencing reduced economic growth are considering weakening their environmental regulations(只是观点不是原因)
D.        after introducing stricter environmental regulations, many states experienced increased economic growth
E.        even those states with very weak environmental regulations have experienced at least some growth



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