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大全-12-11.        When a person is under intense psychological stress, his or her cardiovascular response is the same as it is during vigorous physical exercise. Psychological stress, then, must be beneficial for the heart as is vigorous physical exercise.
The argument above relies on which of the following assumptions?
(A) Exercise is an effective means of relieving psychological stress.
(B) The body’s short-term cardiovascular response to any activity indicates that activity’s long-term effect on the body.
(C) Cardiovascular response during an activity is an adequate measure of how beneficial the activity is for the heart.
(D) Psychological stress can have a positive effect on the body.
(E) Vigorous exercise is the most reliable method of maintaining a healthy heart.


大全-12-20.        The wild mouflon sheep of the island of Corsica are direct descendants of sheep that escaped from domestication on the island 8,000 years ago. They therefore provide archaeologists with a picture of what some early domesticated sheep looked like, [before the deliberate selective breeding that produced modern domesticated sheep began].未读懂这句的意思
The argument above makes which of the following assumptions?
(A) The domesticated sheep of 8,000 years ago were quite dissimilar from the wild sheep of the time.
(B) There are no other existing breeds of sheep that escaped from domestication at about the same time as the forebears of the mouflon.

(C) Modern domesticated sheep are direct descendants of sheep that were wild 8,000 years ago.

(D) Mouflon sheep are more similar to their forebears of 8,000 years ago than modern domesticated sheep are to theirs. M羊比现在家养羊更像他们8000年前的祖先.
(E) The climate of Corsica has not changed at all in the last 8,000 years.


大全-11-1.        The school board has determined that it is necessary to reduce the number of teachers on the staff. Rather than deciding which teachers will be laid off on the basis of seniority, the school board plans to lay off the least effective teachers first.
The school board’s plan assumes that
(A) there is a way of determining the effectiveness of teachers
(B) what one individual defines as effective teaching will not be defined as effective teaching by another individual
(C) those with the most experience teaching are the best teachers
(D) those teachers who are paid the most are generally the most qualified
(E) some teachers will be more effective working with some students than with other students


大全-10-3.        Previous studies have indicated that eating chocolate increases the likelihood of getting heart disease. However, a new, more reliable study has indicated that eating chocolate does not increase the likelihood of getting heart disease. When the results of the new study become known, consumption of chocolate will undoubtedly increase.
Which of the following is an assumption on which the conclusion above is based?
(A) Most people who eat a great deal of chocolate will not get heart disease.
(B) Although they believe that eating chocolate increases the likelihood of getting heart disease, some people still eat as much chocolate as they want.
(C) People who have heard that eating chocolate increases the likelihood of getting heart disease do not believe it.
(D) There are people who currently eat as much chocolate as they want because they have not heard that eating chocolate increases the likelihood of getting heart disease.
(E) There are people who currently limit their consumption of chocolate only because they believe that eating chocolate increases the likelihood of getting heart disease.


大全-10-5.        Bonuses at DSR Industries cannot be awarded unless profits exceed a ten percent return on stockholders’ investments in the company. Higher profits mean higher bonuses. Therefore, bonuses in a year of general economic recession will be considerably lower than bonuses in a year of peak profits at DSR.
The conclusion above depends on the assumption that
(A) the firm will have relatively low profits in recession years
(B) the amount represented by a ten percent return on stockholders’ investments in the company will increase from year to year
(C) profits rarely exceed a ten percent return on stockholders’ investments in the company
(D) profits in excess of a ten percent return on stockholders’ investments in the company are all distributed in the form of bonuses
(E) bonuses at DSR never drop to zero


大全-10-7.        Suitable habitats for gray wolves have greatly diminished in area. In spite of this fact, the most sensible course would be to refrain from reestablishing gray wolves in places where previously they have been hunted out of existence. Striving to bring back these animals to places where they will only face lethal human hostility is immoral.
The argument above would be most significantly weakened if which of the following were true?
(A) Effective laws against the hunting of gray wolves have been enacted.
(B) Ranchers, farmers, and hunters still have an ingrained bias against gray wolves.
(C) By the 1930’s bounty hunters had exterminated most of the gray wolves in the United States.
(D) Programs for increasing the gray wolf population are not aided by federal laws that require the licensing of hunters of certain predators.
(E) Suggested programs for increasing the gray wolf population have been criticized by environmentalists and biologists.


大全-10-10.        Any tax relief received by the solar industry would not benefit the homeowner who installs a solar-energy system. Even though homeowners would pay a lower price for solar-energy system installations because of this tax relief, with the government paying the balance, government revenues come from the public.
The argument above is based on which of the following assumptions?
(A) The tax relief would cause the homeowner to lose, through taxes or reduced government benefits or both, an amount at least equal to the reduction in the price of that homeowner’s solar-energy system installation.
(B) The tax relief that would be received by solar-energy industries would not be offered at the same time as any tax relief for other industries.
(C) Advertisements of the solar-energy industry, by failing to identify the source of government revenues explicitly to the public, mask the advantage the industry receives from the public.
(D) Homeowners generally believe that they benefit from any tax relief offered to the solar-energy industry.
(E) Tax relief would encourage solar industries to sell solar-energy systems at higher prices.


大全-10-13.        Exports of United States wood pulp will rise considerably during this year. The reason for the rise is that the falling value of the dollar will make it cheaper for paper manufacturers in Japan and Western Europe to buy American wood pulp than to get it from any other source.
Which of the following is an assumption made in drawing the conclusion above?
(A) Factory output of paper products in Japan and Western Europe will increase sharply during this year.
(B) The quality of the wood pulp produced in the United States would be adequate for the purposes of Japanese and Western European paper manufacturers.
(C) Paper manufacturers in Japan and Western Europe would prefer to use wood pulp produced in the United States if cost were not a factor.
1。C的谓语是WOULD PREFER TO,更喜欢的意思,是主观问题,“取非”后变成不喜欢,还是主观问题。而原文的推理是建立在利益基础上,是客观问题
(D) Demand for paper products made in Japan and Western Europe will not increase sharply during this year.
(E) Production of wood pulp by United States companies will not increase sharply during this year.


21. Historian: We can learn about the medical history of individuals through chemical analysis of their hair. It is likely, for example, that Isaac Newton’s psychological problems were due to mercury poisoning; traces of mercury were found in his hair. Analysis is now being done on a lock of Beethoven’s hair. Although no convincing argument has shown that Beethoven ever had a venereal disease, some people hypothesize that venereal disease caused his deafness. Since mercury was commonly ingested in Beethoven’s time to treat venereal disease, if researchers find a trace of mercury in his hair, we can conclude that this hypothesis is correct.
Which one of the following is an assumption on which the historian’s argument depends?
(A) None of the mercury introduced into the body can be eliminated.
(B) Some people in Beethoven’s time did not ingest mercury.
(C) Mercury is an effective treatment for venereal disease.
(D) Mercury poisoning can cause deafness in people with venereal disease.
(E) Beethoven suffered from psychological problems of the same severity as Newton’s.
3。该文中,B选项为特称否定命题,其矛盾关系的命题为:EVERYONE DO(全称肯定)


大全-10-14.        A company’s personnel director surveyed employees about their satisfaction with the company’s system for awarding employee performance ratings. The survey data indicated that employees who received high ratings were very satisfied with the system. The personnel director concluded from these data that the company’s best-performing employees liked the system.
The personnel director’s conclusion assumes which of the following?
前提是employees who received high ratings对系统满意,
而结论是best-performing employees喜欢该系统。
(A) No other performance rating system is as good as the current system.
(B) The company’s best-performing employees received high ratings.
(C) Employees who received low ratings were dissatisfied with the system.
(D) Employees who receive high ratings from a performance-rating system will like that system.
(E) The company’s best-performing employees were motivated to perform well by the knowledge that they would receive performance ratings.



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