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【版本2】jupiter的europa卫星的事情 说这个卫星表面很平没有陨石坑,然后探究了一下原因,最后给出两个模型解释the random distribution of the craters,然后又一一反驳了这两个模型。


【版本1】讲2种研究妇女的历史学家,第一种着重研究普通妇女 希望借此能提高妇女的社会地位

   第2种不喜欢研究普通妇女,而着重于从culture 和literature研究妇女

   最后是第1种历史学家批评第2种人 认为他们过于理论化

题目都是考这2种人的对比 相同点和区别


【版本1】开头就是说H是倡导这些研究的先驱。women historians的,说现在学者很喜欢研究历史上忽略的和women historians,大段都是在讲他们研究的人群是那些,区别于ordinary womens和谁和谁,这个研究用来提高女性地位,但是h学者认为他们的研究太学术,反正不好。


【版本3】Huffon提出一个观点就是focus on mass women,和traditional 不太一样。然后又有一种人focus less on mass women and men but more on literature作家阿什么的,同时质疑妇女运动是否改变妇女的equity(重要,考点)。然后huffon就critic这类人。 题目还有purpose,第2种观点和传统的相似之处    v40  q51  t760

RC300-261    版本4



两种不同研究方式的妇女历史学家, 一种是藉由看平常人 (ordinary) 的相关文献进行研究, 另一种是研究有影响力的人(题目有问到两派学者的共通点)




有一篇是在讲妇女研究。反正他提出了一个学者的研究,她是以研究ordinary妇女为主的。而另一派学者则是去研究一些涉猎art , literature的妇女为主。



这两个HIGHLIGHT出现在第一段的当中,women's historians和……(又忘了)反正两个靠的很近了注意两者的关系


第4篇 妇女运动
传统scholar认为history writing 推动了妇女平等运动。
一个哥们不同意,说历史研究应该focus on ordinary women.

题目,两哥们有什么观点相近?-〉他们都不认为history writing 推动了妇女平等运动。
main idea?


然后继她后来的一些历史学家和她不一样,他们更看重一些成名的女性,通过这些女性来分析女人的地位等。不过,他们和H之间也有共识,就是他们都怀疑或者不怎么认同historial writing about the female



2 两派学者的共通点(women's historians和……):他们都不认为history writing 推动了妇女平等equity运动


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RC-15: 关于公司strategy的评价



【版本1】--有一种观点认为公司长期成功的决定因素使meet the demand of its stakeholders (customer, employee, supplier…). 就记住了一句话 social performance和 financial preference 是正相关的关系。

---但是现在流行的管理结构使得公司tend to respond to the demand of its shareholders(股东) rather than that of the stakeholders. 比如说公司的高管只注意如何提高公司的股票价格。然后举例说这样的后果:如果一个公司被恶意收购takeover,公司股票会暴涨一阵,接下来就是layoff和关闭厂子。(问题1:有道题问,  以下那种可能使respond to the demand of its shareholders的结果---看清题问的是shareholders还是stakeholders,我选的是股票会狂涨,  然后狂跌。)

【版本2】开头说, 一个企业除了shareholder以外, 还要处理好和其它stakeholder (利益相关者) 的关系 (比如说,社区, 员工之类的). 在理论界,已经证明了这种模式对企业的长远发展是有好处的. However, 在现在的现实社会中, 情况并不是这样. 公司的管理者基本都只照顾到股东的利益, 往往忽略了stakeholder. 接下来就解释原因: 迫于股东的压力, 管理层很看重股票的价格, 而且现在有很多的hostile takeover (恶意收购), 更不得不让管理层有很多短期的行为. 同时, 管理层的利益往往也和股票价格挂钩, 促使他们有这方面的动力. 还有个因素, 现在的股东都很有背景 (比如说hedge fund). 在这样短期行为的促使下, 管理层往往不是去维护好和stakeholder的关系(equity), 而是有破坏作用, 比如开始裁员,然后市场对这种行为表现也很配合, 导致股票价格上升.

【版本3】后来是关于shareholders和stakeholders,还有什么恶意收购之类的文章,不长,也不难。大概说managers为了shareholders整得stakeholders such as employees 被炒掉了,作者觉得很没有社会责任。。。之类

【版本4】一篇是公司在考虑长远利益时应该考虑stakeholder的利益(这里主要讨论员工),但是由于存在恶性并购的行为,公司一旦被收购,管理层被迫考虑短期利益,而可能会裁员,因而只能考虑shareholder 的利益,而不能实施stakeholder 的战略。


【版本6】讲stockholder 我没看明白。

就记住了一句话 social performance和 financial preference 是正相关的关系。

后面有一题和这个有关感觉这篇文章比较专业 还有什么takeover 然后关闭厂,裁员,然后来让stock上涨高管控股容易操纵股价 通过调整公司pension fund 也过来掺和这个公司的股票,然后,基金经理喜欢通过股票波动赚钱。

【版本7】有一种观点认为公司长期成功的决定因素使meet the demand of its stakeholders (customer, employee, supplier…). 但是现在流行的管理结构使得公司tend to respond to the demand of its shareholders rather than that of the stakeholders. 比如说公司的高管只注意如何提高公司的股票价格。然后举例说这样的后果:如果一个公司被恶意收购,公司股票会暴涨一阵,接下来就是layoff和关闭厂子。(有道题问,以下那种可能使respond to the demand of its shareholders的结果,我选的是股票会狂涨,然后狂跌。)

【版本8】关于公司管理“STAKEHOLDER” 理论的现实影响1段,一种说法,站在“STAKHOLDER“的角度,公司会获得长久的发展和好处。但是并不是这样的。公司怕股票价格下降,被人收购,于是被迫裁员。还提到了什么基金的??总是作者不认为这个方式象想象的高明。
【版本9】那道,说stackholder包括shareholder,还有employees,customers,等等。然后发现financial performance好的公司是那些work for the best interest of the stackholder。但是有一些事情会让stackholder成为victim。比如takeover,那些takeover的公司claim:通过takeover可以增加stock price,which is undervalued because of the incompetence of the companies being took over。但是实际上虽然takeover让公司股票涨了,公司却会裁员。这样损害了另外一些stackholder的利益。同样也适用于merger等等。有个问题问shareholder会怎样,我选了shareholder有的时候希望他们持有的公司股票涨,然后又的时候会产生一些不利于另外一些stackholder的事情。文章很短,也很容易懂。
【版本10】作者一开始就提出了stakeholder model是好东西,对social equity很好,考虑所有利益关系人,包括股东/员工/顾客等等。反正学术界就是推崇这一model。但现实情况是:目前的management还是主要关注shareholder的利益。为了shareholder的利益,management采取了多种不利于stakeholder的方式来compensate the management inefficiency。比如:。。。(这里作者一共举了4个措施),举到最后一个措施,全文结束。

1、management采取了什么方式来compensate the management inefficiency?选择除了作者列的4个措施以外的那个,我忘了如何表达,sorry!




management为了shareholder的利益最大化,仍然较少考虑social equity这一issue。

4. 只记住个细节题:股东认为只要看股市表现就能知道经理们经营的如何了,问那种情况support


5. 问什么的分开产生了什么问题,




7. 后面有题问which of the following is true about the model,反正就是说这个model有个不好的地方就是没有考虑到social equality,因为这种model下企业怎么做都是要裁员嘛



9.有道题问,以下那种可能使respond to the demand of its shareholders的结果


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背景资料:http://waterindustry.org/Water-Facts/water-1.htm  143





【版本3】关于该撞击体的来源就有分歧了。一种认为是来自tenonoids? between the jupiter and ??ter(我估计是两个行星之间的环状物质),证据是在该地区有20%左右物质是水。另一种解释是来自comet。证据是这个来源刚好解释了the duration of the period.大概就是说来自那么远

的彗星需要很长时间到达并且会拖拖拉拉很久。(细节题)however, 世事难预料,在哈雷等三大彗星上发现重水(类似这种物质反正水里的咚咚)的含量很高,明显不同于地球的水,因此这种理论也值得商榷。(出了逻辑问题:何种说法能够weaken 这个不利的证据?我选这3处彗星上的重水比例比一般的彗星高很多 atypical )



【版本2】就是机经里的那个考察雕像年代的.一抹一样,问题也一样. (这里谢谢整理机经的同学)

背景资料:http://www.nytimes.com/1991/08/04/arts/art-absolutely-real-absolutely-fake.html?sec=&spon=&pagewanted=all   144楼


【版本1】博物馆要鉴定一个文物 ,然后科学家用一个方法。接下来的段落就是在描述怎样,怎样。最后得出一个结论。

【版本2】第一段:博物馆的人怀疑一个叫Kursos (大概这样写)的艺术品(其实是一个statue, marble figure, 就是大理石雕像) 不是真品,于是请Geochemical 的人来鉴定。Geochemists先identify从哪来的,什么quarry。但是不能确定,只能初步认为是怎样,但是还是不能确定具体可以追溯到什么年代。

第二段:Geochemists initially 怎么怎么做,好像记得是研究statue表面的那层物质,crust, 以此来鉴别。然后说表面生成的那些物质什么什么不能判断。

第三段:Then, geochemist开始辨别crust里的carbon-18 dioxide-12和什么什么的carbon-14对比。发现ratio什么的不一样。 然后就说不能判断具体什么时候的, 就是说不能判断exact age 。。。。However, 可以知道是属于less 什么年代到什么年代,(有题,作用,选能够知道max age和 min age). 最后结论是这个Marble statue是珍品。有一题问文章的结构(organization),明显选:第一段先提出hypothesis,第二三断逐步验证,选项有steps这个词。第二三段的开头明显有Initially怎么做,then怎么做

【版本3】一个museum的curator鉴别一个什么东西看他是不是赝品,但是因为这个东西的marble现在也存在,不能date back 这个东西的真实年份。




P1:  为了鉴别雕塑的年代,先发现雕塑上有一种物质,p打头的,推断出雕塑的可能是哪个年代的,但是又说,这个是不准的,因为p物质到现在还在被使用(这里出了一道题,问研究p物质说明了什么)。

P2:  科学家又开始研究雕塑上的其它物质,发现d物质的外面有一层calcitic,是weathering作用形成的,而且d物质和calcitic中的各种元素含量都相同,说明这个雕塑是真品。

P3:  接下去又研究了雕塑碳12碳13,氧16氧18的含量,提到了the thickness of the layer of calcitic


有一题问the thickness of the layer of calcitic,可以用来determine下面什么?文章定位最后一段,有说根据thickness只能推断出no more than多少年,no less than 多少年,然后有个选项是the maximum and minimum year什么的。

还有一题好像是关于最后一句,科学家最后认定那个什么CLAY是authentic,选项说虽然不能推断出actual age,但可以证明它是真品。


1.    有题,作用,选能够知道max age和 min age. 最后结论是这个Marble statue是珍品。

2.    还有一题好像是关于最后一句,科学家最后认定那个什么CLAY是authentic,选项说虽然不能推断出actual age,但可以证明它是真品。

3.    有一题问文章的结构(organization), 明显选:第一段先提出hypothesis,第二三断逐步验证,选项有steps这个词。第二三段的开头明显有Initially怎么做,then怎么做

4.    有一道文章结构题,我选了先提出一个PROBLEM,再给出解决步骤。

5.    有一题问the thickness of the layer of calcitic,可以用来determine下面什么?文章定位最后一段,有说根据thickness只能推断出no more than多少年,no less than 多少年,然后有个选项是the maximum and minimum year什么的。

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【版本1】活动导向型active-motivated strategy和结果导向型purpose/result-motivated strategy那篇。文章共两段,

第一段:先说活动导向型有些优点,但又Talked about 缺点是成本太高,收效却很少,the active-motivated strategy fails to achieves the major goal although has some success。段尾部举了个例子,是关于total quality的,来解释这个缺点

第二段:说后来有个结果导向型,很好啊,克服了活动导向型的缺点,效果很好。因为它目标明确,不像活动导向型那么泛泛。the author supports the purpose-motivated strategy overall

【版本2】activity driven 和result driven的decision making 这一篇很简单

很多公司用activity driven,但是成效不是很明显,因为它的投入基本都是long term 体现的。第一段结尾举了一个有投入得到一些回报,但是却与最初目标有些差距的例子

第二段介绍了result driven,说了一下这个方法的优点,能比较快的达到预期的效果

RC300-174  版本3

talked about a strategy followed by the companies to improve the employee productivity and ultimately the profits of the company. But this could improve the productivity that too only after 2yrs and then the second para an alternate approach is explained and it is concluded that the second one bears better fruits.



第一段是说许多COUSLTANT有关ACTIVE的方法来设定长期目标,战略决策, 已经员工培训等等,但是这种情况大概持续2年,就发现没有太大用处了,虽然在对EMPLOYEE的MOTIVATON 和 COMMUNICATION有好处,但并没有让公司得到PROFIT。

第二段开始介绍RESULT-BASED STRATEY,它跟第一个战略恰好相反,主要是设定短期的目标,还说了一些优点,总之让许多企业GAIN PROFIT了。


2 还有问哪个选项跟作者第一段的相关:我选的是虽然ACTIVITY- BASED STRATEGY 可以给企业一些BENEFIT,但它还是让企业失去了一些MAIN GOAL。


activity driven 和result driven   我的理解是这篇主要提供result导向比activity的好,因为



1主题题 是说一种比较好的改善方法(而不是提出各别的优缺点唷,和前人说的不太一样)。

2 另外,这文章有提到"quality control"的例子,用在说明activity导向通常只能达到一些不是重点的目标…

1主题题 是说一种EVALUATE THE WEAKNESS AND MERITS OF EACH STRATEGY或者/比较好的改善方法(注意看第一段对老观点的看法)。

2 还有问哪个选项跟作者第一段的相关:我选的是虽然ACTIVITY- BASED STRATEGY 可以给企业一些BENEFIT,但它还是让企业失去了一些MAIN GOAL。最初目标有些差距

3 另外,这文章有提到"quality control"的例子, 说明activity导向通常只能达到一些不是重点的目标…

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【版本1】月球表面的坑是怎么来的,逻辑结构清晰得让人绝望,第一段说有三种说法p s i(瞎编的) 第二段说三种都是错的,还分别给出了原因,最后一段说collision才是真正原因。





【版本2】讲Venus表面的lava。有学者说Venus上的lava和月球表面的什么什么rill差不多,作者说不对,差多了。lava很浅,很长,流的方式也不一样,还有沉积物,跟那个什么rill根本不同(有题:问以下都是lava不同于。。rill的地方,EXCEPT,有人推测说lava的形成是一种类似火山喷发的东西造成的,但是这推测不对,因为那玩意一喷发,出来的流质会很快凝固,并且会很深,不像lava那么浅。… … 最后提出lava根地球上一种的carbonate流质最相近

【版本3】第一段,There are three different theories about how moon becomes based materials that US astronauts brought back. The author point put that those three theories have some problems. 第二段, a new theory Clin.. can explain and has more evidence to support its theory.

【版本4】关于Venus 上channel (原题是拉丁文名称) 的成因。有人说venus上的channel是月球channel(原文是另外一个拉丁文名称)一个特例。但实际上,是一种distinct 类型。根据channel里固化lava的状态推测lava的成分类型,和月球的性质根本不同,而和地球上的一种lava却具备那种特性。

【版本5】先说科学家发现金星上有某种lava channel, 以为跟月亮或者其它什么星球上发现的差不多。结果发现有诸多不同之处,好像说了4点不同(有考点,问哪项是这四点中没有提到的)。中间一部分记不定得了。Assumption, 主要解释为什么channel可以很长,说了一个形成长channel的process,其中好像说lava比周围的物质温度高什么的,然后又说在金星上并没有发现支持这个process的具体证据,但发现在8球上的channel找到了证据。(有考点,问提到地球上碳化的lava是为了什么?)另外还考到主题题。

【版本6】LAVA OF VENUS 60行左右
在VENUS 上有个LAVA CHANNEL (为CANAVALLI,斜体 ), 传统认为它是peculiar version of a type of ABC (一个特殊名词) of the moon. 然而,另外一个人认为不对,?に礳anavalli is more narrow and (细节题,问月球的ABC和CANAVALLI有不同之处EXCEPT: 有个迷惑选项: 3个都好区分,就是lava 和 exhibit different meandering behaviors弄得我头大 )

然后开始论证,说canavalli应该不是LAVA 的sediment, 因为Canavalli不大可能能流这么远的。因为:heat 不够支持lava流这么远,即使温度够的话,根据麦哲伦号的图片显示,流出的lava 根E不能被这个CHANNEL所包含(就是说流太多了,肯定要溢出来)。然后,有个人说了,它有可能能流这么远的,是因为熔岩的Viscosity比较低,所以可能流到那么远。Lava of silicate does not demonstrate such behaviors. Carbonate that are rarely found in Earth does. (这里有细节题,我记忆有点模糊了,反正就是对这个粘度和SILICATE和CARBONATE的关系,好像有2题)。



然后又说了,这种岩浆跟在地球上发现的一种carbonite岩浆也不一样。以前发现的各种岩浆,都跟venus上的特性不一样,所以流不远,除了地球上发现的carbonite岩浆。这里又考到一个题,what can be inferred about the carbonite岩浆。答案就是,这种岩浆流动性也很好,能够跑很远。然后全文结束。

主旨题,我有点吃不准。我还是选了A,比较Chilli的岩浆跟S岩浆的区别。C也很搞的,但是我没选,因为C是讲describe the properties of a lava。我觉得这篇文章不是讲lava,而是讲lava形成的一种channel: Chilli。

【版本8】在VENUS 上有个LAVA CHANNEL (为CANAVALLI,斜体 ), 传统认为它是peculiar version of a type of ABC (一个特殊名词) of the moon. 然而,另外一个人认为不对,canavalli is more narrow and (细节题,问月球的ABC和CANAVALLI有不同之处EXCEPT: 有个迷惑选项: 3个都好区分,就是lava 和 exhibit different meandering behaviors弄得我头大 )

然后开始论证,说canavalli应该不是LAVA 的sediment, 因为canavalli不大可能能流这么远的。因为:heat 不够支持lava流这么远,即使温度够的话,根据麦哲伦号的图片显示,流出的lava 根本不能被这个CHANNEL所包含(就是说流太多了,肯定要溢出来)。然后,有个人说了,它有可能能流这么远的,是因为熔岩的Viscosity比较低,所以可能流到那么远。Lava of silicate does not demonstrate such behaviors. Carbonate that is rarely found in Earth does. (这里有细节题,我记忆有点模糊了,反正就是对这个粘度和SILICATE和CARBONATE的关系,好像有2题)。


1.  先说科学家发现金星上有某种lava channel, 以为跟月亮或者其它什么星球上发现的差不多。结果发现有诸多不同之处,好像说了4点不同(有考点,问哪项是这四点中没有提到的)

2.  细节题,问月球的ABC和CANAVALLI有不同之处EXCEPT: 有个迷惑选项: 3个都好区分,就是lava 和 exhibit different meandering behaviors弄得我头大

3.  问提到地球上碳化的lava是为了什么?

4.  另外还考到主题题:
我还是选了A,比较Chilli的岩浆跟S岩浆的区别。C也很搞的,但是我没选,因为C是讲describe the properties of a lava。

5.  主题题:我选的是,用各种不同证据来否认某个VIEWS.

6.  反正就是对这个粘度和SILICATE和CARBONATE的关系,好像有2题

7.  这里考到一个题,问这种岩浆有什么特性,答案就是fluid性能比较好啦

8.  what can be inferred about the carbonite岩浆。答案就是,这种岩浆流动性也很好,能够跑很远。

9.  这里又考到一个题,what can be inferred about the carbonite岩浆。答案就是,这种岩浆流动性也很好,能够跑很远。然后全文结束。

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【版本1】GWD-27-Q3-Q6 鸟为什么会飞的两种理论

Two opposing scenarios,        两种解释鸟飞的假设:树栖和疾走。

the “arboreal” hypothesis and

the “cursorial” hypothesis, have

Line traditionally been put forward con-

(5)  cerning the origins of bird flight.

The “arboreal” hypothesis holds      树栖论说鸟祖先爬上树滑行下来,随

that bird ancestors began to fly       着羽毛越来越大,最终飞了起来。

by climbing frees and gliding

down from branches with the

(10) help of incipient feathers: the

height of trees provides a good

starting place for launching flight,

especially through gliding. As

feathers became larger over time,

(15) flapping flight evolved and birds

finally became fully air-borne.

This hypothesis makes intuitive       树栖论的问题:始祖鸟和M恐龙没有

Sense, but certain aspects are         明显的栖树适应性,如合适的脚。

Troubling. Archaeopteryx (the

(20) earliest known bird) and its

maniraptoran dinosaur cousins

have no obviously arboreal

adaptations, such as feet fully

adapted for perching. Perhaps        没分析显示始祖鸟曾用前肢爬树和飞,

(25) some of them could climb trees,

but no convincing analysis has

demonstrated how Archaeopteryx

would have both climbed and

flown with its forelimbs, and there

(30) were no plants taller than a few       始祖鸟化石发现的地方也没有发现高

meters in the environments where      树。

Archaeopteryx fossils have been

found. Even if the animals could       即使它会爬树也不表明会滑翔。

climb trees, this ability is not

(35) synonymous with gliding ability.

(Many small animals, and even

some goats and kangaroos,

are capable of climbing trees

but are not gliders.) Besides,

(40) Archaeopteryx shows no obvi-

ous features of gliders, such as        它没明显的滑翔特征。

a broad membrane connecting

forelimbs and hind limbs.

   The “cursorial”(running)

(45) hypothesis holds that small           疾走论认为鸟为了躲避猎食者,奔跑

dinosaurs ran along the ground        并张开双臂平行

and stretched out their arms for

balance as they leaped into the

air after insect prey or, perhaps,

(50) to avoid predators. Even rudi-         前肢的原始特征能帮助身体稍微升高

mentary feathers on forelimbs

could have expanded the arm’s

surface area to enhance lift

slightly. Larger feathers could         然后鸟慢慢就飞起来了。

(55) have increased lift incrementally,

until sustained flight was gradu-

ally achieved. Of course, a leap

into the air does not provide the

acceleration produced by drop-

(60) ping out of a tree; an animal

would have to run quite fast

to take off. Still, some small

terrestrial animals can achieve

high speeds. The cursorial

(65) hypothesis is strengthened by

the fact that the immediate the-         兽脚亚目恐龙祖先拥有各种疾走的

ropod dinosaur ancestors of            特点。

birds were terrestrial, and they

had the traits needed for high

(70) lift off speeds: they were small,

agile, lightly built, long-legged,         另外,

and good runners. And because         它们用两足走,双臂有空用来拍打。

they were bipedal, their arms

were free to evolve flapping flight,

(75) which cannot be said for other

reptiles of their time.



Q 3:

The primary purpose of the passage is to

 A.    present counterevidence to two hypotheses concerning the origins of  bird flight

B.     propose and alternative to two hypotheses concerning the origins of bird flight

correct certain misconceptions about hypotheses concerning the  origins of bird flight

C.     (missing)

D.    refute a challenge to a hypothesis concerning the origins of bird flight

E.     evaluate competing hypotheses concerning the origins of bird flight



Q 4:

The passage presents which of the following facts as evidence that tends to undermine the arboreal hypothesis?

 A.    Feathers tend to become larger over time

B.     Flapping flight is thought to have evolved gradually over time

C.     Many small animals are capable of climbing trees.

D.    Plants in Archaeopteryx’s known habitats were relatively small

E.     Leaping into the air does not provide as much acceleration as gliding out of a tree



Q 5:

Which of the following is included in the discussion of the cursorial hypothesis but not in the discussion of the arboreal hypothesis?

 A.    A discussion of some of the features of Archaeopteryx

B.     A description of the environment known to have been inhabited by bird ancestors

C.    A possible reason why bird ancestors might have been engaging in activities that eventually evolved into flight

D.    A description of the obvious features of animals with gliding ability

E.     An estimate of the amount of time it took for bird ancestors to evolve the kind of flapping flight that allowed them to become completely airborne



Q 6:

The passage suggests which of the following regarding the climbing ability of Archaeopteryx?

 A.    Its ability to climb trees was likely hindered by the presence of incipient feathers on its forelimbs.

B.     It was probably better at climbing trees than were its maniraptoran dinosaur cousins.

C.     It had certain physical adaptations that suggest it was skilled at climbing trees.

D.    Scientists have recently discovered fossil evidence suggesting it could not climb trees.

E.     Scientists are uncertain whether it was capable of climbing trees

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【版本1】是说实际的消耗的商品都可以以市场的供求关系确定价格.但某些商品像能源就不好确定价格.一个是因为不是人人都拥有能源,另一个是因为人们很难去估算这些商品对自身的意义(benefit).所以文中提出用一种假象的方式来确定这种商品的价格.比如说可以通过调查人们如果要购买国家公园的annual pass,愿意付多少钱.后来又提出这种方法有局限性.因为人们的想法是会根据环境因素而改变的.问题不太记得了.有一个问文章结构的.还有一个是问文中提到的调查应包括什么问题.


【版本1】第一段,一个是maya(某种动物)的灭绝是因为人类的殖民发展,它在亚洲和非洲可能会上升..和美洲想比 balabal之类(我认为作者是认同这个观点的)




【版本1】史前(P开头的那个单词)大动物(M开头单词)灭绝理论 Quaternary extinction event

(1)P时期大动物灭绝很快,最早在亚非,接着到澳洲和美洲(都有具体年份说明的,比如15000年前),好奇怪。为什么呢?学者A说是因为人类活动。因为这些时间都对应着相应地区的人类频繁活动。为了进一步说明,A还说一:灭绝的都是那种又大又笨的,容易被人抓到,二:亚非的大动物灭绝的不如澳美的 drastically,是因为人类是突然到澳美洲的,大动物都来不及反应。(有题问道亚非动物灭绝的为什么比澳美缓慢)


(3)但是这个解释又两个counterargument,(但最后还是被作者反对掉了,说明作者是支持A的)counterargument一:根据fossil,P时代人类主要靠collect植物什么的过活,化石没有反映出人类hunting,作者反对,提出一句话:if hunting evidences are "small", then the collecting evidence are nonexistent. (这句话有考题,但有点忘了);counterargument二:在那个时代人类捕猎水平不够,根本不可能造成那么多物种灭绝,说道要用rifle之类的才能造成,另外还说到,大动物如果被捕猎死的话,死相会有挣扎的痕迹,但是没有。最后作者还是把这个反对了下(没仔细看了)。720 (M50 V37)


相关文章, 背景知识

Pleistocene megafauna    更新世动物

In broad usage, the Holocene extinction event includes the notable disappearance of large mammals, known as megafauna, by the end of the last glacial period 9,000 to 13,000 years ago. Such disappearances have been considered as either a response to climate change, a result of the proliferation of modern humans, or both. These extinctions, occurring near the Pleistocene–Holocene boundary, are sometimes referred to as the Quaternary extinction event or Ice Age extinction event. However the Holocene extinction event continues through the events of the past several millennia and includes the present time.

These species appear to have died off as humans expanded out of Africa and Eurasia, the only continents that still retain a diversity of megafauna comparable to what was lost. Three theories have been given for these extinctions: hunting by the spreading humans, climatic change, and spreading disease. A combination of those explanations is also possible.


Human Hunting

This hypothesis was proposed 40 years ago by Paul S. Martin。This theory holds Pleistocene humans responsible for the megafaunal extinction. One variant, often referred to as overkill, portrays humans as hunting the megafauna to extinction within a relatively short period of time. Some of the direct evidence for this includes: fossils of megafauna found in conjunction with human remains, embedded arrows and tool cut marks found in megafaunal bones, and cave paintings that depict such hunting. Biogeographical evidence is also suggestive; the areas of the world where humans evolved currently have more of their Pleistocene megafaunal diversity (the elephants and rhinos of Asia and Africa) compared to other areas such as Australia, the Americas, Madagascar and New Zealand, areas where early humans were non-existent. Based on this evidence, a picture arises of the megafauna of Asia and Africa evolving with humans, learning to be wary of them, and in other parts of the world the wildlife appearing ecologically naive and easier to hunt. This is particularly true of island fauna, which display a dangerous lack of fear of humans.

The most convincing evidence of his theory is that 80% of the North American large mammal species disappeared within 1000 years of the arrival of humans on the Western Hemisphere continents. World wide extinctions seem to follow the migration of humans and to be most severe where humans arrived most recently and least severe where humans were originally – Africa (see figure at right). This suggests that in Africa, where humans evolved, prey animals and human hunting ability evolved together, so the animals evolved avoidance techniques. As humans migrated throughout the world and became more and more proficient at hunting, they encountered animals that had evolved without the presence of humans. Lacking the fear of humans that African animals had developed, animals outside of Africa were easy prey for human hunting techniques. It also suggests that this is independent of climate change

Circumstantially, the close correlation in time between the appearance of humans in an area and extinction there provides weight to this theory. This is perhaps the strongest evidence, as it is almost impossible that it could be coincidental when science has so many data points. For example, the woolly mammoth survived on islands despite worsening climatic conditions for thousands of years after the end of the last glaciation, but they died out when humans arrived around 1700 BC. The megafaunal extinctions covered a vast period of time and highly variable climatic situations. The earliest extinctions in Australia were complete approximately 30,000 BP, well before the last glacial maximum and before rises in temperature. The most recent extinction in New Zealand was complete no earlier than 500 BP and during a period of cooling. In between these extremes megafaunal extinctions have occurred progressively in such places as North America, South America and Madagascar with no climatic commonality. The only common factor that can be ascertained is the arrival of humans.


Climate Change

The size of a short faced bear compared with a human.An alternative explanation offered by many scientists is that the extinctions were caused by climatic change following the last Ice Age. Critics object that since there were multiple Ice Ages in the evolutionary history of many of the megafauna, it is rather implausible that only after the last glacial would there be such extinctions.

Some evidence weighs against this theory as applied to Australia. It has been shown that the prevailing climate at the time of extinction (40,000–50,000 BP) was similar to that of today, and that the extinct animals were strongly adapted to an arid climate. The evidence indicates that all of the extinctions took place in the same short time period, which was the time when humans entered the landscape. The main mechanism for extinction was likely fire (started by humans) in a then much less fire-adapted landscape. Isotopic evidence shows sudden changes in the diet of surviving species, which could correspond to the stress they experienced before extinction.

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主要是讲两帮科学家,一帮认为DNA在考古方面有很好的应用,举了个什么magano leaf(m打头,具体怎么拼忘了)的例子。





【版本2】科学家利用现代DNA技术鉴别museum里面的relic。虽然relic 留下的可以推测的东西不多,但是还是能提供一些信息的。然而,the need 区别是relic的DNA,还是科学家鉴别时候带的 modern contaminant 的DNA 是crucial的。之后有个举例。快结尾了,作者提出一个solution,但条件是relic的DNA differ from现代生物的DNA  才能起作用。DNA用于relic研究必须先排除DNA样品被污染的可能。




(molecule technology)。这一方法与以前的动物学家zoologist所采用的不同,也带来了一些不同的结果。第一类:zoologist已有定论,RNA方法给出了印证,例如,人类和大猩猩;第二类,zoologist中仅有极少人赞同,但RNA方法证明这些少数人是对的,例如,人类和海豚虽然在外形上很不相似;第三类,RNA的发现与已有zoologist的观点截然相反,例如zoologist一直认为某种生物A与B亲缘关系很近,但RNA方法发现A其实与C亲缘关系更近。 

重點在第一段兩邊觀點互相驗證和互相矛盾的地方  建議動物專有名詞可以先用代號記起來 回文定位比較快

考了4题, 有三题都在第一段, 其中一题是出在第一段最后一句 (举了一些动物说明第三类,RNA的发现与已有zoologist的观点截然想法), 问in order to。


第二段忘了,很短。延申了一下, 这个理论(molecule technology)也是有局限的, 只能说明提供现在物种的信息, 而不能像fossil那样证明究竟是如何进化的,不能对过去的东西有帮助。

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RC-24: 动物的social learning  GWD-28-Q3-Q6

【版本1】Social learning in animals is said to occur when direct or indirect social interaction facilitates the acquisition of a novel behavior. It usually takes the form of an experienced animal (the demonstrator) performing a behavior such that the na?ve animal (the observer) subsequently expresses the same behavior sooner, or more completely, than it would have otherwise. One example of social learning is the acquisition of preferences for novel foods. Some experiments have suggested that among mammals, social learning facilitates the identification of beneficial food items, but that among birds, social learning helps animals avoid toxic substances. For example, one study showed that when red-wing blackbirds observed others consuming a colored food (30) or a food in a distinctly marked container and then becoming ill, they subsequently avoided food associated with that color (35) or container. Another experiment showed that house sparrows consumed less red food after they observed others eating (40) red food that was treated so as to be noxious.  Studies on non-avian species have not produced similar results, leading researchers to speculate that avian social learning may be fundamentally different from that of mammals.
But Sherwin's recent (50) experiments with domestic hens do not support the notion that avian social learning necessarily facilitates aversion to novel (55) foods that are noxious or toxic. Even when demonstrator hens reacted with obvious disgust to a specific food, via vigorous head (60) shaking and bill wiping, there was no evidence that observers subsequently avoided eating that food. Sherwin's research team speculated that ecological or social constraints during the evolution of this species might have resulted in there being little benefit from the social learning of atability, for instance, selective pressures for this mode of learning would be reduced if the birds rarely encountered noxious or toxic food or rarely interacted after eating such food, or if the consequences of ingestion were minimal. (80) In a related experiment the same researchers showed that if observer hens watched demonstrator hens react favorably to food of a particular color, then observer hens ate more food of that color than they ate of food of other colors. These results confirmed that avian species can develop preferences for palatable food through social learning.

28-3: The primary purpose of the passage is to discuss the

A: techniques used in certain experiments on social learning in birds

B: reasons for the differences between social learning in birds and in mammals

C: question of how social learning manifests itself in birds

D: basis for a widespread belief about a difference in behavior between birds and mammals

E: possible reasons why birds may or may not learn from each other in a particular way

28-4: missing

28-5: According to the passage, which of the following is true of the experiments on domestic hens conducted by Sherwin’s research team?

A: Only a small number of observer hens appeared to learn to avoid food that was demonstrated by other hens to be noxious.

B: Observer hens ingested food preferentially only after numerous instances of witnessing demonstrator hens preferentially ingest that type of food.

C: Observer hens appeared unable to recognize when demonstrator hens found a particular food especially palatable.

D: Observer hens appeared unable to recognize when demonstrator hens found a particular food especially palatable.

E: Demonstrator hens altered their behavior less obviously in response to noxious foods than in response to highly palatable foods.

28-6: It can be inferred that the author of the passage would be most likely to agree with which of the following statements regarding the results of the recent experiments conducted by Sherwin’s research team?

A: The experiments demonstrate that social learning in avian species facilitates the identification of noxious or toxic foods.

B: The experiments suggest that social learning has made avian species less adept than nonavian species at learning to prefer beneficial foods and avoid noxious and toxic foods.

C: The experiments undermine the notion that most avian species have evolved in environments where there is little benefit to the social learning of unpalatability.

D: The experiments suggest that the acquisition of food preferences in avian species is largely unaffected by social learning.

E: The experiments show that social learning in avian species can promote the preferential consumption of beneficial foods but do not support the claim that social learning in avian species promotes the avoidance of noxious or toxic foods.

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【版本1】讲story about 历史是通过口述的方式,一代代传下来,让我们了解社会的形成。但是这样子精确性降低,因为一方面受到讲述着的order of the social,一方面被一代代interpret后就可能Misinterpret了。第二段讲这也不一定,如果我们能够对一个事件有多角度的口述,especially when 这个讲的人和讲的事本身没有利害关系,那么就会精确很多。此外,我们如果只是想知道历史是否发生,而不是知道其背后的intention和culture meaning的话,口述还是很好的东西。





【版本1】有一篇是讲美国支持小企业发展的,说了direct 方面要做些什么,indirect方面要做些什么,然后还说到了non-profit Organization 可以从政府那里等到一些好处,比如税收减免等。


1.   GWD-1-Q35 to Q37企业对于供应商的选择战略

      In corporate purchasing,        在企业采购里,竞争力审查只限于与终端

     competitive scrutiny is typically           产品有直接关联的物品供应商。

     limited to suppliers of items that are

Line directly related to end products.

  (5)    With “indirect” purchases (such as    对于“非直接”购买(如电脑,广告,法

computers, advertising, and legal      律服务),不与生产直接挂钩,企业常偏

services), which are not directly        好“供应伙伴关系”(购买者放弃寻找替

related to production, corporations     代供应商的权力),这可能使供应商避过

often favor “supplier partnerships”    严格的审查,从而令购买者的经济优势丧

 (10)    (arrangements in which the          失。

purchaser forgoes the right to

pursue alternative suppliers), which

can inappropriately shelter suppliers

from rigorous competitive scrutiny

 (15)    that might afford the purchaser

economic leverage.  There are two    有两个独立变量- 替代品可用性和更换供

independent variables—availability     应商的便利性- 可让公司用来评估是否要

of alternatives and ease of changing    间接采购供应商接受竞争力审查。

suppliers—that companies should

 (20)    use to evaluate the feasibility of

     subjecting suppliers of indirect

     purchases to competitive scrutiny.

This can create four possible         分以下四种情况。


 (25)          In Type 1 situations, there are   1,替代品多,更换容易。可能的话,经

many alternatives and change is        常公开出价效果最好。

relatively easy.  Open pursuit of

alternatives—by frequent com-

petitive bidding, if possible—will

 (30)    likely yield the best results.  In        2,替代品多,更活困难- 如员工福利供

Type 2 situations, where there          应商- 保持检验市场并用检验结果保证

are many alternatives but change       现在的供应商让步是最重要的。

     is difficult—as for providers of

employee health-care benefits—it

 (35)    is important to continuously test

the market and use the results to

secure concessions from existing

suppliers.  Alternatives provide a       替代品是可靠的对供应商威胁,尽管换

    credible threat to suppliers, even if         供应商的能力有限。

 (40)    the ability to switch is constrained.

In Type 3 situations, there ate few       3,替代品少,更换容易,公司可利用

alternatives, but the ability to switch      威胁与现在的供应商谈判让步。

without difficulty creates a threat that

companies can use to negotiate

 (45)    concessions from existing suppliers.

In Type 4 situations, where there        4,替代品少,更换困难,伙伴关系就

are few alternatives and change         可能不能避免了。

is difficult, partnerships may be




1P: indirect purchase, favor “partnership”. Two variables to evaluate. Four possible situations:

2P: type 1,2,3,4



Which of the following best describes the relation of the second paragraph to the first?


A.   The second paragraph offers proof of an assertion made in the first paragraph.

B.   The second paragraph provides an explanation for the occurrence of a situation described in the first paragraph.

C.  The second paragraph discusses the application of a strategy proposed in the first paragraph.

D.   The second paragraph examines the scope of a problem presented in the first paragraph.

E.   The second paragraph discusses the contradictions inherent in a relationship described in the first paragraph.



Which of the following can be inferred about supplier partnerships, as they are described in the passage?


A.   They cannot be sustained unless the goods or services provided are available from a large number of suppliers.

B.  They can result in purchasers paying more for goods and services than they would in a competitive-bidding situation.

Which can inappropriately shelter suppliers from rigorous competitive scrutiny that might afford the purchaser economic leverage.

C.   They typically are instituted at the urging of the supplier rather than the purchaser.

D.   They are not feasible when the goods or services provided are directly related to the purchasers’ end products.

E.   They are least appropriate when the purchasers’ ability to change suppliers is limited.



According to the passage, which of the following factors distinguishes an indirect purchase from other purchases?

A.   The ability of the purchasing company to subject potential suppliers of the purchased item to competitive scrutiny

B.   The number of suppliers of the purchased item available to the purchasing company

C.   The methods of negotiation that are available to the purchasing company

D.  The relationship of the purchased item to the purchasing company’s end product定位2-3

E.   The degree of importance of the purchased item in the purchasing company’s business operations

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美国top10 MBA VIP申请服务

自2003年开始提供 MBA 申请服务以来,保持着90% 以上的成功率,其中Top10 MBA服务成功率更是高达95%
