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Kelley School of Business Admission Essays for 2004-2005

Your essays will give us an idea of your personality, perspectives, and opinions and will let us know how closely your professional objectives match the objectives of the MBA program.

Below you’ll find five essay areas. All applicants must answer number 1. You must also choose two of the next three essay questions (2 through 4). Number 5 is optional. Type or word-process each essay on a separate sheet of paper. Please limit each essay to no more than two double-spaced pages. Finally, please include the essay number, your name, and your social security number (optional) at the top of each sheet.

We encourage you to be informative, creative, and concise.

Mandator Mandatory:

1 Please discuss your post-MBA short- and long-term professional goals. How will your professional experience, when combined with a Kelley MBA degree, allow you to achieve these goals?

Choose two o of the next three:

2 What is the most significant change or improvement you have made to an organization with which you have recently been affiliated? Describe the process you went through to identify the need for change and manage the process of implementing change. What were the results?

3 Suppose you had to choose three people—people alive now or people from another era—to travel with you on a cross-country automobile trip. Who would you choose and why? What would you hope to learn from them? (Think carefully about the company you want on those long stretches through Nebraska or Kansas.)

4 Describe what there is about your background and your experiences that will contribute to the diversity of the entering class and enhance the educational experience of other students.


5 Is there anything else that you think we should know as we evaluate your application? If you believe your credentials and essays represent you fairly, you shouldn’t feel obligated to answer this question.

[此贴子已经被作者于2004-8-25 11:44:52编辑过]

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Weibo:  laowang_topway


Michigan Business School Admission Essays for 2004-2005

Application Essay Questions Required Questions You must answer all parts of the three questions below. 1. We believe the key to effective leadership is the ability to transform theoretical concepts and ideas into action that can change the world. Given this perspective, please describe your most significant professional leadership accomplishment. In doing so, please describe how you transformed an idea into action, the challenges you faced, and the impact your leadership had on your team or the organization. (500-word maximum) 2. Our unique approach to utilizing action-based learning and interdisciplinary experiences allows our students to develop the confidence and skills to build and lead organizations. In this environment, Michigan MBAs are active participants in the learning process and assume responsibility for co-creating their educational experience. Given this context, please respond to the following two questions: a. Describe the steps you proactively took to develop professionally and personally over the past two years. (500-word maximum) b. Describe how you will approach co-creating your Michigan MBA: What career goals have you set and what objectives will you establish for your Michigan MBA experience? How will you utilize the opportunities at Michigan to achieve your objectives and create an MBA experience that is right for you? How will you and your approach benefit other members of our community? (500-word maximum)

3. Describe a time when your personal ethics or values were a consideration as you resolved a dilemma. (500-word maximum)

Optional Questions You may answer one, both or neither of these questions. 1. Describe an experience or experiences you have had that highlight the value of diversity in a business setting. (500-word maximum) 2. If there is any other information that you believe is important to our assessment of your candidacy, or important to our understanding of you as a person, feel free to elaborate here. (500-word maximum)

[此贴子已经被作者于2004-10-20 2:08:45编辑过]

Your future. Our mission.
MySpace: http://forum.topway.org/sns/?11416
Weibo:  laowang_topway


MIT Sloan Admission Essays for 2004-2005

Cover Letter The application continues by asking for your cover letter, which should be up to 500 words. This is your first and best opportunity to make a strong, positive impression on us, so take the time to infuse this letter with your personal energy and character. Through what you write we hope to discover whether you will thrive at MIT Sloan, and how you can contribute to our diverse community. Résumé Please prepare a business résumé (as opposed to an academic c.v.) that includes your employment history in reverse chronological order, with titles, dates, and whether you worked part-time or full-time. As part of this résumé, also include a similar education history that includes dates and degrees, listed in reverse chronological order. The résumé should not be more than one page long. Essays Use the application's essays to display your writing skills and tell us more about yourself. You will be asked to organize a persuasive presentation to show us how you think about and approach business challenges.

More than that, the essays are a chance for you to discuss your passions, values, interests and goals. Emphasize those experiences that were most important and meaningful for you — which may not necessarily be those that were most outwardly prestigious. Be sincere and be specific. There is no one "right" kind of MIT Sloan student; in fact, MIT Sloan deliberately builds each class to unite varied strengths and perspectives. Tell us what particular experiences and expertise you will bring to the mix. The essay instructions and questions are included below.

We are interested in learning more about you and how you work, think and behave. Please answer the four questions below. For each essay, describe the situation, your thoughts and actions, and the outcome.

Essay One: Please give an example when your actions had an impact on a person, group, or an organization (up to 500 words).

Essay Tw Please give an example when your thinking was different from others’ (up to 500 words).

Essay Three: Please give an example when you were part of a high or low performing team (up to 500 words).

Essay Four: Please tell us something meaningful in your life over the past year (up to 500 words).

Supplemental Information Use this part of the application to give us any additional information that might help us understand the choices you have made, your leadership activities and skills, and your scholastic and professional achievements. Please elaborate on your personal interests, activities and hobbies-as well as any special circumstances you feel are relevant. We would like to know what you've learned and how you learned it. Please tell us anything that will round out our impression of you as a unique individual.

Your future. Our mission.
MySpace: http://forum.topway.org/sns/?11416
Weibo:  laowang_topway


Kellogg application essays for 2004-2005

1. All applicants must complete A, B, or C as appropriate. A. Master of Business Administration applicants only. Briefly assess your career progress to date. Elaborate on your future career plans and your motivation for pursuing a graduate degree at the Kellogg School. (one to two pages double-spaced) B. Master of Management and Manufacturing applicants only. Briefly assess your career progress to date. How does the MMM Program meet your educational needs and career goals? (one to two pages double-spaced) C. Joint-degree applicants only. Briefly assess your career progress to date. How does the joint degree program meet your educational needs and career goals? (one to two pages double-spaced)

2. Each of our applicants is unique. Describe how your background, values, academics, activities, and/or leadership skills will enhance the experiences of other Kellogg students. (one to two pages double-spaced)

3. You have been selected as a member of the Kellogg Admissions Committee. Please provide a brief evaluative assessment of your file. (one to two pages double-spaced)

4. Complete three of the following five questions or statements. (two to three double-spaced paragraphs each)

A. What have been your most significant leadership roles to date? What was the most valuable lesson learned?

B. Describe an ethical dilemma that you faced and how it was resolved. C. Describe a situation in which you provided a solution that met with resistance. How did you address that situation? D. Outside of work I… E. I wish the Admissions Committee had asked me…

Your future. Our mission.
MySpace: http://forum.topway.org/sns/?11416
Weibo:  laowang_topway


NYU Stern School of Business Admission Essays for 2004-2005

The following essay questions give you the opportunity to more fully present yourself to the Admissions Committee and to provide insight into your experiences, goals, and thought processes. Your essays should be written entirely by you. An offer of admission will be withdrawn if it is discovered that you did not write your essays. Please note the following: • Essays 1, 2, and 4 must be typed and submitted on standard 8 1/2” x 11” paper, doublespaced, in 12 point font. • Please adhere to the essay limits provided for each question. • Label the top of each essay with the following: Name, SSN, Essay Number and Page Number Ex: Joe Applicant, 123 - 45 - 6789, Essay #1, Page 1

1. Think about the decisions you have made in your life. Describe the following: (2 pages maximum, double-spaced) PAST: What choices have you made that led you to your current position? PRESENT: Why is an MBA necessary at this point in your life? Why is Stern the perfect fit for your MBA? FUTURE: What is your career goal upon graduation from the Stern School of Business? How does this fit into your long-term career goal?

2. Please respond to the following question, giving relevant reasons and/or examples from your personal and professional experience to support your answer. (2 pages maximum, double-spaced) CONSTRUCTIVE FEEDBACK:What was the most difficult constructive feedback you have received, and what did you do as a result of it?

3. PERSONAL EXPRESSION: Please describe yourself to your MBA classmates. You may use any method to convey your message: words, illustrations, etc. (feel free to be creative). All submissions become part of the permanent records at the NYU Stern School of Business and cannot be returned for any reason. We do not recommend submitting anything that must be viewed or played electronically or that is perishable (e.g., food). If you submit a written essay, it should be 2 pages maximum, double-spaced.

4. (Optional) Please provide any additional information that you would like to bring to the attention of the Admissions Committee. This may include plans to retake the GMAT, gaps in employment, or any other relevant information. If you are unable to submit a recommendation from a current supervisor, please give your reason here. If you answered yes to either question on Data Form 4, please provide an explanation here.

[此贴子已经被作者于2004-8-27 17:37:11编辑过]

Your future. Our mission.
MySpace: http://forum.topway.org/sns/?11416
Weibo:  laowang_topway


Ohio State Fisher Business School Admission Essays for 2004-2005

1. The Fisher College of Business MBA program places a heavy emphasis on building teams. What from your past demonstrates your leadership, your ability to work with others and your skill at resolving conflict? (1 page)

2. What are your short-term and long-term goals? How will a Fisher MBA help you achieve those goals? (1 page)

3. If you are applying for admission to our program without three years of post-baccalaureate work experience, what unique contributions can you make to the class? (1 page)

[此贴子已经被作者于2004-10-20 1:53:01编辑过]

Your future. Our mission.
MySpace: http://forum.topway.org/sns/?11416
Weibo:  laowang_topway


Rochester Simon Business School Admission Essays for 2004-2005

Describe your post-M.B.A. or post-M.S. career plans. How will a degree from the Simon School help you to achieve these goals? How does your past education and experience support your career objectives? (500 word maximum)

Discuss 3 professional accomplishments which demonstrate your potential for a successful managerial career. (500 word maximum)

Answer one of the following three questions: (500 word maximum)

- Please cite and explain a specific situation in which you demonstrated initiative.

- Please describe a failure or setback in your professional or academic life. What, if anything, would you do differently if confronted with this situation again?

- Based on the six styles of leadership at Simon, please relate how you would exemplify one of these styles of leadership.

[此贴子已经被作者于2004-10-20 1:53:36编辑过]

Your future. Our mission.
MySpace: http://forum.topway.org/sns/?11416
Weibo:  laowang_topway


Stanford Business School Admission Essays for 2004-2005

Please answer both Essays A and B. The length of your responses is up to you. You should feel free to take the space you need to answer the questions fully; most applicants find that the equivalent of three to seven typed, double spaced pages per essay is appropriate.

Essay A: What matters most to you, and why?

Essay B: What are your short-term and long-term career aspirations? How will an MBA education further your development? Why does the academic experience offered at the Stanford GSB, in particular, appeal to you?

Note on Essay B: If you are applying for either of the joint degree programs, Essay B should support your rationale for pursuing this direction.

[此贴子已经被作者于2004-10-20 1:53:57编辑过]

Your future. Our mission.
MySpace: http://forum.topway.org/sns/?11416
Weibo:  laowang_topway


McCombs (U of Texas-Austin) Essays for 2004-2005

Note: Please submit your McCombs MBA essay questions online. You are required to answer all three questions. The Admissions Committee is not looking for any “correct” answers to these questions; we simply want to get to know you better.

1. Discuss your intermediate and long-term career goals, as well as a current vision of your desired employment upon graduation. Your explanation should include, but is not necessarily limited to the following: how you will leverage your professional and personal experiences in pursuit of these goals; why an MBA is necessary to achieve them; and why McCombs is the right MBA program for your career path. (Limit 1000 words)

2. Please choose one of the following (Limit 500 words):

A. What non-professional accomplishment are you most proud of and why?

B. If a friend or family member were to describe your most defining quality, what would it be and why?

3. Please choose one of the following (Limit 500 words):

A. Discuss a time when you were faced with a professional disappointment. How did you handle the disappointment and what did you learn from the situation?

B. Are there any aspects of your application which you feel require further clarification that are not addressed here?

Your future. Our mission.
MySpace: http://forum.topway.org/sns/?11416
Weibo:  laowang_topway


Haas Essays for 2004-2005

Here are the supplemental data, short answer questions, required essays, and optional essays that you will need to provide when completing the Haas Fall 2005 application.

Supplemental Data:

Please identify the course(s) you have taken or intend to take to demonstrate quantitative proficiency. Provide the course number, date, grade if any, and institution at which the course was or will be taken. If you wish, you may discuss other ways in which you have demonstrated strong quantitative abilities.

If you have not provided a letter of recommendation from your current supervisor, please explain; otherwise, enter N/A.

List in order of importance all community & professional organizations and extracurricular activities in which you have been involved during or after university studies. Indicate the nature of the activity or organization, dates of involvement, offices held, & average number of hours spent per month.

Please explain all gaps in your employment since earning your university degree.

List full-time and part-time jobs held during undergraduate or graduate studies, indicating the employer, job title, employment dates, location, and the number of hours worked per week for each position held prior to the completion of your degree.

If you have ever been subject to academic discipline, placed on probation, suspended or required to withdraw from any college or university, please explain. If not, please enter N/A. (An affirmative response to this question does not automatically disqualify you from admission.)

Short answer questions:

Describe something you feel passionate about. (250-word maximum)

Who is someone that you consider to be an inspirational leader? Why? (250-word maximum)

Tell us about your most significant accomplishment. (250-word maximum)

At Haas, we value individual differences. Beyond nationality or citizenship, what makes you unique compared to other MBA applicants? (250-word maximum)

If you have visited Haas, please let us know what about your visit made the most lasting impression on you. If you have not visited Haas, what steps have you taken to familiarize yourself with our MBA program? (250-word maximum)

Required Essays

Describe your greatest professional challenge and how you resolved it. (500-word maximum)

What are your professional goals? How do your past and present experiences relate to these goals? Why do you want an MBA from Berkeley at this point in your career? (1,000-word maximum)

Optional Essays

(Optional) Please feel free to provide a statement concerning any information you would like to add to your application that you haven’t addressed elsewhere. (500-word maximum)

(Optional) If you wish to be considered for the Haas Achievement Award (for individuals who have overcome significant economic, educational, health-related and/or obstacles), please use this space to address the obstacles you have overcome. (750-word maximum)

Your future. Our mission.
MySpace: http://forum.topway.org/sns/?11416
Weibo:  laowang_topway



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