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In a country of the ffice:smarttags" />Middle East, there was a man named Eagle. His high earnings came from his earthenware factory.He learned some economics to improve his management. In a word, he lived a life of ease. But something happened. It was reported that there would be an eclipse on Easter Day. It did appear and an earthquake followed! No one had realized what on earth was going on. Eagle fell off the edge of the  ground crack. Luckily enough, he was saved. His ankle was hurt. Heplastered it with some medicine. And the medicine took effect quickly. The next day, an earnest editor wrote an editorial.He appealed to everyone to help each other. The editorial was so popular that it had entered the seventh edition. Eagle was very economical, but the editor's words echoed in his ears. He donated much edible food to starving people. The country's economy was unstable after the earthquake. When the time was ripe, a new economic policy would be put into effect. The new one would not go into effect until the first of March. To carry the policy into effect, a lot of money was needed. In Eagle's opinion, the new one and the old one in effect were identical. Having gone through the earthquake, he cared for nature more than before. So he started to study ecology.


中东的一个国家,有个叫的人。他的高收入来自他的陶器厂。他学习经济学来改进管理。一句话,他过着舒适的生活。但有些事发生了。据报道在复活节会有日食现象。日食的确出现了,但紧接着一场地震也来了!没人意识到究竟在发生什么。从地面的裂缝上掉了下去。很幸运,他被救了。他的脚伤了。他敷了一些膏药。那药很快就起作用。第二天,一个诚挚的编辑写了一篇社论。他呼吁每个人互相帮助。社论如此受欢迎,现已是第七了。是个非常节约的人,但编辑的话回响在他耳边。他捐赠了许多可食用的食物给饥饿的人们。地震之后,这个国家的经济不稳定。时机成熟的时候,一项新的经济的政策将实行。新政策要到ffice:smarttags" />31生效。要使新政策生效,需要大量金钱。而看来,新旧两种政策实际上是完全一样的。在经历了地震之后,他比以前更注意大自然了,因此开始学习起生态学来。fficeffice" />


Mr. Marshall was an electrician with elegant manners. He mastered electrical engineering. Also he knew some elementary exercises for the piano. Mr. Marshall was efficient at his job. His labor efficiency was very high. So he was one of the elite in the electronics field. Either his boss or his colleagues agreed on this. Today his boss would come to check his work. The experiment building was at an elevation of 1.000 meters. The boss took the elevator to the eighteenth floor. Mr. Marshall had prepared an elaborate report on a new electronic device. He took his elbows off the desk and showed his boss the design. Then he elevated his voice slightly, "This kind of metal is a special element. If we electrify the electronic device, the electric current will cause the electrons to eject quickly...The new process can eliminate the need for checking the products by hand. And we don't need elastic rubber any more. "Mr. Marshall's eloquent words impressed his boss very much. He asked, " When can the new system become effective? Do it quickly, or else we will miss the Electronics Exposition next month. " "No problem." Mr. Marshall answered. Finally, his efforts were rewarded with success.


马歇尔先生是个有着优雅风度的电学家。他精通电学工程,还知道一些基本的钢琴练习。马歇尔先生工作很有能力。他的工作效率很高,所以他是电子学领域的一名出类拨萃的人物不论是他的老板还是他的同事都同意这点。今天他的老板来视察他的工作。实验大楼坐落在海拔lffice:smarttags" />000高度。老板乘电梯来到18层。马歇尔先生已经准备好了一份关于一个新的电子设备的详尽报告。他将胳膊从桌上移开,向老板展示设计。然后他略微提高了他的声音开始解释:“这种金属是一种特殊的元素。如果我们使这个电子设备通电,那么.流会使电子快速喷射…这种新方法可以消除人工检测产品的程序,并且我们不再需要弹性的橡胶了。”马歇尔先生有说服力的话让老板印象非常深刻。他问道:“这个新系统什么时候生效? 要弄快点,否则我们就要错过下个月的电子设备展览会了。”马歇尔先生回答说:“没问题。”最终,他的努力得到了成功的回报。


New  problems emerge everywhere everyday. A famousscientist and his family just emigrated from ffice:smarttags" />Italy to this empire. but two days ago, the scientist's son encountered several kidnappers when he was reading an encyclopedia. They kidnapped him. The boy's life was endangered. "This put the embassy In a very embamassing position. The emperor made aspeech with emotion. He encouraged the family to cheer Up. The police embarked on this case. They made a plan called Sword Action. Their plan embraced all aspects of the rescue. The emphasis of the plan was to save the boy. The team leader emphasized the importance of the rescue. Several witnesses said a ship embarked the suspects at the north port. This clue enabled the police to follow the tracks of the kidnappers. Every plainclothesman carried a pistol for use in an emergency. The kidnappers contacted the scientist by emitting the radio signals  the scientist kept in touch with the emission. At the same time. the police enclosed the ship with fishnet. The ship stopped. The police caught the employees and the employer ofthe ship. Then several entpirical policemen began to search the kidnappers and the boy. They embodied their courage and brightness. After the fierce fighting, the boy was saved safely. The scientist saw his son again. They embraced each otherwlth tears!


每天,每个地方,新问题都会出现。一位著名的科学家和他的家人刚从意大利移居到这个帝国。但两天前;科学家的儿子在读一本百科全书的时候遇到几个绑匪。他们绑架了他。男孩的生命受到危害。这让大使馆处于很窘迫的境地。皇帝充满情感地发表了演讲。他鼓励这个家庭振作起来。警方着手这个案件。他们制定了一个名为“利剑行动”的计划。他们的计划包含了营救的方方面面。计划的重点是救出男孩。队长强调了这次营救任务的重要性。几个目击者说一艘船在北面的港口搭载了嫌疑犯。这条线索使警方能够跟踪绑匪的踪迹。每个便衣刑警都携带了手枪以在紧急情况下使用。绑匪通过发射电波信号同科学家联络。科学家保持电波发射联络。与此同时,警方用鱼网围住了那只船。船停住了。警方抓住了那条船的雇员雇主。然后几名凭经验的警察开始搜查绑匪和男孩。他们体现了他们的勇气和智慧。在激战后,男孩安全获救了。科学家再次见到他的儿子。他们热泪盈眶地拥抱在一起!fficeffice" />


When Philip was very young, he was enlightened on engineering. He enrolled at a famous University. Alter the graduation, he became an engineer in a big enterprise. Just like the police enforced the law seriously, Philip worked very hard. He engaged in his work and he enjoyed himself very much. The more he worked, the more energetic he was. Philip was a man of great enterprise. He invented a new kind of engine. The invention enriched him and enhanced his reputation. One day,philip met a lovely girl. He watched her with enormous interest. Then he enquired everything about her. After that, Philip endeavored to please his beloved lady. He entertained her with music and cookies at home. He showed his remarkable endurance throughout the courtship. He could not endure a day without seeing her. But he could not ensure that the girI could be moved. The girl enquired whether he really loved her. She enforced herself not to think of him, but she could not. Now,I am glad to tell you that the story has a happy ending. Phili got engaged to the girl when traveling last winter. Their engagement was announced in the papers. And they planned to enlarge their engagement photograph.


当菲力浦很小的时候,他就在工程学方面受到启蒙。他入学一所著名的大学。毕业之后,他任职于一家大企业工程师。正如警察认真执行法律,菲力浦工作很努力。他忙于他的工作并且过得非常快乐。越是工作,他越是精力旺盛。菲力浦是个事业心很强的人。他发明了一种新的发动机。这项发明使富足并且提高了他的声誉。一天,菲力浦遇到了一名可爱的女孩。他怀着巨大的兴趣观察她。然后他打听有关她的一切。那之后,菲力浦努力使他心爱的女子快乐。他在家用音乐和饼干招待她。他在求爱期间展现了非凡的忍耐力。他不能忍受一天见不到她。但他不能确保女琴被感动了。女孩调查他是否真的爱她。她强制自己不去想他,但她做不到。现在,我很高兴地告诉你们这个故事有个快乐结局。菲力浦与那个女孩在去年冬天旅行的时候订婚了。他们的订婚消息已在报上宣布,并且他们计划放大他们的订婚照片。fficeffice" />


Mr. Loewi was a geography professor. His teaching method marked a new epoch in education. His students welcomed him with enthusiasm. They often waited for him at the entrance of school. His best essay entitled him to win a national prize. Also he compiled a dictionary that had over 10,000 entries. He entitled the dictionary "Our environment" . Many people envied his good fortune. But he did believe in equality of opportunity. In fact, Mr. Loewi's most essential quality was kindness. He was in entire agreement with an opinion, that is, the equation of wealth with happiness could be dangerous.They were not equivalents. So he always was enthusiastic about helping others. Last summer, Mr.Loewi led his stu-dents to inspect a mountain at the equator. They prepared enough food. Though it is the computer era, the food is essential to life. Also they put some medicines against an influenza epidemic in an envelope. The entry to the mountain was behind lush trees. They erected their tents there. It was an erroneous choice. They ignored the erosion of the mountain by the volcanic ash! The mountain was different in essence with normal mountains. It was a volcano! The second morning, the  volcanic erupted suddenly. To save one student, Mr. Lowei sacrificed his life. The students never could erase the episode from their memories.





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