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The war field was in dreadful disorder. Several big chimneys discharged smoke. But the soldiers displayed perfect discipline under the fire of the enemy. A soldiers Howard, was asked to send a dispatch to the front line. But he said he lostit. His expression disclosed the truth. The captain saw through his disguise. He discerned that Howard was lying. The captain dismissed the other soldiers then cried at Howard, "Can you discriminate good conduct from bad? Nothing displeased memore than your lie. Your behavior disgusted everybody. You are a dishonor to our regiment. Our regiment was disgraced by your conduct. I have known how to dispose of you. You are dismissed by way of punishment. Bob will displace you. Don't dispute with me. " The captain's words discouraged Howard. And the news of being dismissed dismayed him. He felt the army had discarded him. Though Howard thought he should not be discriminated against, he knew he was deserving. Someother soldiers surrounded to watch. The captain dispersed them. Howard had to go home and then worked at a store selling merchandise of a 20% discount. He was disposed for discharging the cargo.


战场上一片混乱。几个大烟囱在排出浓烟。但是士兵在敌人的炮火之下显示了他们的良好纪律。一名士兵,霍华德,受令送一份急件到前线去。但他说他弄丢了信。他的色揭示了事情真相。队长看穿了他的伪装。他认出他在撒谎。队长解散了其他士兵然后对霍华德大吼道:“你能辨别好的行为和坏的行为吗?没有什么比你撒谎更使生气了。你的行为使每一个人都厌恶。你是我团的不名誉。我团因为你的行为而蒙羞。我知道如何处置你了。作为惩罚,你将被解职。鲍伯会取代你。不要同我争执。”队长的话使霍华德泄气。并且被解职的消息使惊愕。他觉得军队已经抛弃了他。虽然霍华德认为他不该受歧视,他知道自己是应得的。其他一些士兵前来围观。队长驱散了他们。霍华德不得不回家,然后在一个打八折折扣的商店里工作。他被安排货。fficeffice" />


A chemist lived in a mountainous district. From his window, a church could be seen in the distance. The diversion of a stream changed the land. There were many beautiful flowers here. The chemist had something to do with a company. He worked for a research division of it. He distinguished himself as a great chemist. He was so crazy about diverse experiments that he disregarded his wife's feelings, which caused her in great distress. She was dissatisfied with his apathy. They had quite distinct ideas from each other and at last they divorced. their properties had been justly distributed. It's a fair division of everything. The divorce didn't disturb the chemist too much. Marriage was a thing he could do without. In fact, he thought this sort of thing should be done away with. As for his former wife, she would have nothing more to do with him. One day, the chemist dissolved some material in hot water. He tried to obtain another material by distillation. There was some distinct distinction between these two materials. Suddenly, he heard a cry, "Help!" The cry distracted him from his work. It's a boy in the ditch! The chemist dived into the ditch. Even though he felt dizzy, he did rescue the drowning child. But the newspaper distorted the facts, saying he pushed the boy down! The chemist wasn't angry at all. He had more interest in his experiment than the news.




Last week, we saw a documentary about two domestic animals. It seemed to be a farce and it made us doubled up with laugher. A donkey and a dove lived in a small domlitory. The donkey liked eating hot dogs and the dove liked playing with her doll. Somebody donated a black dress with white dots to the doll. They had faith in different doctrines, so they had a good many domestic troubles. From the very beginning their living together was doomed to failure. The dove was arbitrary. She always wanted to dominate others. The dome was her domain and she didn't allow others to get close to it. The worst thing was, she wagged her tongue day and night. But she met her doom after she made the donkey angry. The donkey disliked the dove there was no doubt about that. One day, the house next door caught fire. It was dangerous to stay at the doorway . Both of them escaped out of doors. Then the donkey took the dove down to the dock to see the ships. On the way, he persuaded her to take one dose of some kind of medicine. He's doubtful about whether he should do it. The dove took it and could speak no more than three words at a time. It was really magic medicine!


上周,我们看了一场关于两只驯养的动物的记录片。它看起来很像闹剧,我们都笑。一只驴子和一只鸽子住在一个小宿舍里。驴子喜欢吃热狗鸽子喜欢玩她的玩具娃娃。有人给她的玩具娃娃捐赠了一条带白圆点的黑裙子。他们信仰不同的教义,因此有许多家庭的纠纷。从一开始他们的相处就注定失败。鸽子很霸道,她总想要支配别人。圆屋顶是她的领域,她不准其他人*近。最讨厌的是,她每天唠叨个不停。但自从她把驴子弄火了之后,她的劫数就到了。驴子不喜欢鸽子,这是无疑的。一天,隔壁房间着火了。站在门口是很危险的。他俩逃出,来到户外。然后驴子鸽子船坞看船去。路上,他设法让她吃了一药。他有些怀疑他是否一定要那样做。鸽子吃了药后每次说话就不超过3个字了。那可真是神奇的药啊!fficeffice" />


Several good actors and actresses dropped out of this theatre. What the remaining ones did was to dress up to displaythemselves on the stage. So the audiences for the play had recently dropped off. A dramatist was asked to amend the play.He had painfully drawn up a first draft. Its drawback was obvious, so he locked it in a drawer. The boss dropped by him.They had a drastic dispute over the draft. After the boss left, the dramatist had a dozen buns for supper. Then he began to doze off. Suddenly he heard the drip of the water. Then he was surprised to find himself standing on a boat. The boat drifted helplessly along the drain until some people saw him. They helped him up. But the boat changed into a dragon all at once! The dramatist dreaded it so much that he dared not to see it. The others discussed draining the water first, and then they could drag it out of the drain. The dramatist sneaked away. He got on a train. The train drew in at 9 PM. When he opened the door of his house, he saw the dragon smiling at him ! The dramatist woke up with great fear. The dramatic dream inspired him a lot. He drew on all his talents to write an excellent play.




It is time in the future. But the dynamic dynasty has gone. The weather becomes protean due to the pollution's influence of long duration. Sometimes some crops died during the drought ; sometimes some animals were drowned by the heavy rainfall. Lots of garbage is dumped on the dump. People dwell in the houses made of durable material. They changed their dwellings from time to time. Human beings are not smart anymore. Most of the people become dull and dumb. Dynamical robots controlled them. The human beings were forced to dye their hair with different colors. They never dwell on any problems. They only go on duty at 8 : 00 AM and come off duty at 8 : 00 PM everyday. At dusk, a huge drum begins to beat. Everyone begins to eat supper. A few smart people. feel dubious about how to help others. One of them suggests duplicating the clever people. But it's certain that the suggestion is dubious. The above-entioned story hasn't come true yet. But it maybe...





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