出题规律: 文章:文章改写,风格固定,套路统一 题目:题型固定,解题有章 一.GMAT阅读文章分类 1.按题材分三类:社会科学类(美国历史、弱势群体、少数民族、印第安人、黑人、妇女)、经济管理类、自然科学类,前两类占90% 2.按写作手法分两类:presentation, argumentation 重点是presentation, 即论述一个理论的文章。 例1:presentation的结构 ① Recently, the extinction of the dinosaur has been a mysterious phenomenon that puzzles scientists. ② Rosen’s three major findings have contributed much to the progress of explaining the dinosaur’s extinction. a. sedimentation
b. fossil remains, skeleton
c. isotope, chronology ③ Therefore…… 例2:argumentation的结构(作者观点:喜新厌旧、标新立异) ① Traditionally, most scientists believed that the extinction of the dinosaur was caused by the impact on Earth of massive meteorites. ② However, no sign of the impact, such as a huge pit, has been discovered. On the other hand, Smith found two things that had been overlooked by his predecessors. ③ Thus…… 3.长文章按具体分类,分四种:新老观点对比型、现象解释型、问题解决型、结论解释型。特别套路; 短文章:可套用长文章套路的、罗嗦语言、无明显套路 下载回复可见 本帖隐藏的内容需要回复才可以浏览 |