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1.Two paleontologists, Dr Tyson and Dr. Rees, disagree over the interpretation of certain footprints that were left among other footprints in hardened volcanic ash at site G. Dr. Tyson claims they are clearly early hominid footprints since they show human characteristics: a squarish heel and a big toe immediately adjacent to the next toe. However, since the footprints indicate that if hominids made those prints they would have had to walk in an unexpected cross-stepping manner, by placing the left foot to the right of the right foot. Dr. Rees rejects Dr. Tyson's conclusion.
The disagreement between the two paleontologists is over which one of the following?
(A) the relative significance of various aspects of the evidence
(B) the assumption that early hominid footprints are distinguishable from other footprints
(C) the possibility of using the evidence of footprints to determine the gait of the creature that made those footprints
(D) the assumption that evidence from one paleontologic site is enough to support a conclusion
(E) the likelihood that early hominids would have walked upright on two feet
2.Mary, a veterinary student, has been assigned an experiment in mammalian physiology that would require her to take a healthy, anesthetized dog and subject it to a drastic blood loss in order to observe the physiological consequences of shock. The dog would neither regain consciousness nor survive the experiment. Mary decides not to do this assignment.
Mary's decision most closely accords with which one of the following principles?
(A) All other things being equal, gratuitously causing any animal to suffer pain is unjustified.
(B) Taking the life of an animal is not justifiable unless doing so would immediately assist in saving several animal lives or in protecting the health of a person.
(C) The only sufficient justification for experimenting on animals is that future animal suffering is thereby prevented.
(D) Practicing veterinarians have a professional obligation to strive to prevent the unnecessary death of an animal except in cases of severely ill or injured animals whose prospects for recovery are dim.
(E) No one is ever justified in acting with the sole intention of causing the death of a living thing, be it animal or human.
3.Whenever a major political scandal erupts before an election and voters blame the scandal on all parties about equally, virtually all incumbents, from whatever party, seeking reelection are returned to office. However, when voters blame such a scandal on only one party, incumbents from that party are likely to be defeated by challengers from other parties. The proportion of incumbents who seek reelection is high and remarkably constant from election to election.
If the voters' reactions are guided by a principle, which one of the following principles would best account for the contrast in reactions described above?
(A) Whenever one incumbent is responsible for one major political scandal and another incumbent is responsible for another, the consequences for the two incumbents should be the same.
(B) When a major political scandal is blamed on incumbents from all parties, that judgment is more accurate than any judgment that incumbents from only on party are to blame.
(C) Incumbents who are rightly blamed for a major political scandal should not seek reelection, but if they do, they should not be returned to office.
(D) Major political scandals can practically always be blamed on incumbents, but whether those incumbents should be voted out of office depends on who their challengers are.
(E) When major political scandals are less the responsibility of individual incumbents than of the parties to which they belong, whatever party was responsible must be penalized when possible.

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1、Two paleontologists, Dr Tyson and Dr. Rees, disagree over the interpretation of certain footprints 题目一上来就说disagree over the interpretation 而没有提过脚印不enough to support a conclusion 。也就是说,后面那人没有否定是人的,只不过是他不同意前一个所关注的证据的表述。


2、A)文章是说:此狗必死。故suffer pain is unjustified是不正确的,况且


况且anesthetized dog。怎会疼?
B)Taking the life =必死-------相关。这是其一。unless doing so would immediately assist in saving several animal lives or in protecting the health of a person. 与observe the physiological consequences of shock. 相勃。正好给 Mary 找了个不做实验的好借口。
C)这个实验assigned an experiment in mammalian physiology ,并不只对狗。
D)except in cases of severely ill or injured animals whose prospects for recovery are dim. 实验者不是因为狗是健康的狗而不做实验的,对吧!是因为让狗无谓的牺牲而不做的!


3、实际上这题除E外,都没涉及the scandal on parties。题目问的是,若选民遵循一个原则,以下哪个原则能最好地说明上面的反映差异。这个差异是:都受累---有人倒霉。
B)that judgment is more accurate 绝对无关
C)不但 Incumbents who are rightly blamed for a major political scandal 为无关的东西,而且they should not be returned to office只说了后面的
D)depends on who their challengers are.又是后面








对。ROBERT'S HOME里下载的东东真不少,大家可去看看。-----我不是托儿!


D中,丑闻通常be blamed on 在职者,但在职者是否会落选依赖于竞争者是谁。这不正是符合文中所说的吗?文中说:当丑闻be blamed on 所有党派时,在职者都可能继续当选;而丑闻be blamed on某一党派时,该党派的在职者可能落选。 E如何能体现上面选民反应不同,还是不明。
另外还想问,下面这道题选D,但我选E。题目问的是什么?阅读真是我提高一大难题啊。14. Professor: Members of most species are able to communicate with other members of the same species, but it is not true that all communication can be called "language." The human communication system unquestionably qualifies as language. In fact, using language is a trait without which we would not be human.
Student: I understand that communication by itself is not language, but how do you know that the highly evolved communication systems of songbirds, dolphins, honeybees, and apes, for example, are not languages?
The student has interpreted the professor's remarks to mean that
(A) different species can have similar defining traits
(B) every human trait except using language is shared by at least one other species
(C) not all languages are used to communicate
(D) using language is a trait humans do not share with any other species
(E) humans cannot communicate with members of other species

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