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Tuck(塔克)故事 by Tuck2012

"This, sir, is my case. It is the case not merely of that humble institution, it is the case of every college in our land... Sir, you may destroy this little institution; it is weak; it is in your hands! I know it is one of the lesser lights in the literary horizon of our country. You may put it out. But if you do so you must carry through your work! You must extinguish, one after another, all those greater lights of science which for more than a century have thrown their radiance over our land. It is, sir, as I have said, a small college. And yet there are those who love it!"

                                                               —— Daniel Webster (Dartmouth College v. Woodward)

在这里,我们选择了Daniel Webster在1816年的听证会上做出的著名陈词作为新一期Tuck故事的开始。1816年,New Hampshire州政府要求将Dartmouth College收回作为州立大学,而Daniel作为Dartmouth的律师,在听证会上为了捍卫自己的母校慷慨陈词。他最终胜利了。而他在陈词中所说的“It is, sir, as I have said, a small college. And yet there are those who love it!"也变成了所有Dartmouth校友的信条,在校园里随处可见。而他本人,也因为这次著名的申诉,成为Dartmouth’s favourite son。

可以说,没有Daniel Webster,就没有现在的常青藤Dartmouth College,更没有建于1900年的Tuck商学院。每一个Dartmouth的学生,不管是本科生、Dartmouth Medical School的学生、 Thayer School of Engineering的学生、还是 Tuck School of Business的学生,都因为“Dartmouth students”这个统一的身份连接起来,亲如家人。这是Dartmouth的传统,也是Tuck引以为豪的Close community的根源。


Tuck MBA是一个很小的program,两届学生加起来不过500人左右。而整个Dartmouth College也不过5000余人。Yes, it's small. And yet there are those, us, who love it!
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Tuck之Hiking篇 冻泳篇 宠物篇


虽然我是一只hiking的菜鸟,但Tuck的hiking可绝不是徒有虚名。在美国,有一条著名的徒步路线——Appalachian Trail,其中最美丽的一段就经过Dartmouth。站在Dartmouth校内,这条Trail就从校园里的Big Green(一块大绿草坪)中间穿过去,进入丛林深处。Dartmouth周围方圆几十公里的山都是属于学校的,而这个trail经过Dartmouth的这几十公里就是由Dartmouth的outing club维护的。

曾经校友讲过一个非常有趣的故事。话说这条路很容易走失,所以outing club的人在树上都做了标记,只要跟着标记走,就不会丢。这位校友是个hiking迷,有一天自己背着包就出发了。有标记是没错,画在树上,一面是白色,一面是蓝色。可是,这些树都是一种叫做白桦的植物,上面斑斑点点的花白图案,若不走近,很容易找不到标记。走了没几步,校友就发现自己迷路了,老老实实原路返回,决定以后跟着大部队再走一次。即使是hiking,也要teamwork的

这条几十公里的hiking路线是Dartmouth人的骄傲。在毕业的时候,outing club会组织一个叫做50 mile hike的活动,就是24小时不眠不休走完这条路,挑战自己的极限。走完的人,就是英雄。





一个关于Tuck的真实回忆 —— 来自Tuck中国校友的心声
作者:Jackie Chen, T'06
Vice President, EF Education Group, North China Operation

Before Tuck. My experiences were mostly in media management including six years with Dow Jones working on both the editorial and business sides, and acting as a co-founder, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of New Fortune magazine.

What I wanted from business school was a combination of life experience and finance learning. I did take a fair amount of finance courses at school; though I eventually ended up with a general management job in a training business.

After Tuck. I joined EF Education Group – a privately-owned Swedish language training organization. Despite my summer internship with Goldman Sachs and other brand name company opportunities available, I finally chose EF. It was a promising industry and the company seemed to understand the value of an MBA.

English training is a highly fragmented market, even more so in China. When I visited the EF offices in Boston, Hong Kong, and Shanghai I was surprised to see how many Ivy League alumni passionately worked there. I made my decision when the CEO said to me:
“We provide people general management challenges in their thirties that others may not
have the chance to try in their forties.” It did not take me long to find out why.

Armed with just a copy of the city map immediately after landing in Guangzhou, I was off on my journey to open the first EF English Learning Center in South China. After several months of struggling with site selection, building government relationships, hiring in a zero brand awareness market, and running office administrative work on my own, we finally opened the first center after six months. Starting there, I quickly opened nine centers in 16 months, the staff grew from one to nearly 400, and we helped over 20,000 students change their lives through the learning of English and western culture.

Now. I joined EF as a Sales & Marketing Director four years ago, and I am now Vice
President responsible for EF’s South China operation. Most recently, I’ve accepted the
offer to move to Beijing to take over the North China operation. It is definitely a new challenge as Beijing is the most important market for training businesses. Unlike the South
where I started from scratch, my next team is a mature team calling for next-stage development.

Turning Point. Today. The tears are still there with my team after the announcement
that I’ll move to Beijing. It is a hard decision to say goodbye, but I know I am good to go
because the team is ready. It is also a turning point because my whole family is leaving the
city we’ve lived in for over 15 years. We hope everyone can cope with the lifestyle change
smoothly, and we keep a positive attitude all the time.

Most fulfilling part of my job. Watching people develop. The majority of my staff were born in the 1980s. Managing them is by and large a coaching job. When I am stuck at work (or life), I go to talk with my youngsters. By helping them think through one or two key challenges, I always find myself getting unstuck as well.

What I miss about Tuck. My study group (boys, you scared me so much at the beginning with your power and talent, and amazingly you all turned out to be my best friends!) who taught me to speak up in public. I am grateful for the extremely friendly environment that allowed me vast opportunities to try new things. Sally Jaeger allowed me to cry hours in her office when I was homesick. The Career Development
Office – networking was painful to start with, but you’ve successfully trained me into naturally loving it because you arranged enough events to practice.

Without Tuck, I would not have the confidence to be running my big job today.
Most significant accomplishment. My son.
Favorite toy. Lego’s “City” line. (Actually
my son’s favorite.)
Favorite book. Love reading lots of books,
a recent reading: Influencer: The Power to Change Anything by Kerry Patterson, Joseph Grenny, David Maxfield, Ron McMillan, and Al Switzler.
Worst job. Consultant to a State Owned Enterprise – fortunately a short stint.
Advice for students. Genuinely appreciate what you have now, because you’ll miss everything after graduation. Go the fireside chats, keep up with hockey practice, and even enjoy Byrne Hall. Well, at least for me, I miss these much!


可算从Outward bound活着回来,又过了忙碌的Orientation,地狱般的Fall A term即将开始~

故事从Outward bound开始。我们是OB II,很不幸遇到了风暴,三艘小船在惊涛骇浪中起伏颠簸,船上的instructors都貌似镇定,下船后私下里说,其实害怕的不得了。而我们这群初生的牛犊们完全不知危险,除了晕船晕的一塌糊涂,倒还是开心的。风平浪静后,夕阳下的航行,也变得分外美丽了


如前辈所说,outward bound最残酷的是每天早上都要在5点跳进冰冷的海水里。未经历前在紧张,不知会如何。可真正经历过之后,才明白,那是整个过程中最美妙、最轻松的时刻。水大概十几度,真正跳进去后,冷也是一瞬间的事。不会游泳?没关系,带着救生圈,照样跳,没有逃避的借口。


OB其中有一天是在岛上做community service,大雨过后,在满是雨水的树林里安营扎寨,第二天一早,睡袋、衣服全湿了。但Dip照样不能免掉。不免佩服美国人民的冒险精神,在25英尺高的岩石上跳进海里。换上泳衣,同船一个不会游泳的印度小gg问我,跳不跳?我说,跳。于是一同跳。


晚上,为了避免被其他船撞,需要安排anchor watch,每人值夜一小时。宁静的海面,一轮明月,满天繁星,清凉的空气。几乎没人会忘记,是在这里,我们看到了最美的月光








痛苦的Fall A结束了,在Fall A和Fall B的break里去了纽约拜访各大bank,收到了校友们的热烈欢迎。在纽约的每一天,都会想念Hanover平静祥和的生活。几个美国同学问我们对纽约什么印象,我说大城市都差不多,纽约可能更像香港,但Hanover,绝对是天堂。回到学校后,在break的最后一天,根据惯例,一位Tuck的教授举办每年一度的BBQ。这位教授是创业成功后来到Tuck教学,每年在他家举办BBQ,所有的faculty、students、partners都会来参加,今年更是达到了空前的300人的规模。一路上看着Hanover美丽的秋景,再累也值了~




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