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Washington University in St.Louis 金融专业招生信息

Washington University in St.Louis
金融--Washington University in St. Louis (Olin欧林商学院)   密苏里州(WUSTL)









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标准是两学期10个月的项目, 从09年起国际生推荐都是三学期17个月项目。

第一轮截止日期:11.16(第二年1.22通知结果)  第2轮截止日期:2.15(第二年2010.4.2通知结果)


($44,055 for the standard two-semester version of the curriculum, or $52,065 if you are required to take all of the foundations courses (6 credit hours) in addition to the standard curriculum.)

位于美国中部密苏里州最大都会区圣路易市Saint Louis,与北京时差14小时。

22名诺贝尔奖得主,包括1993年经济学奖获得者道格拉斯•诺斯。李小龙, 1961年进入该校学习哲学。


1. 该校金融专业相当于半个金融工程专业,对数学和计算机专业技能比较看重,喜欢以下这些专业的学生:finance, economics, engineering and mathematics.

2. 无奖学金,但是可以有私人Student Financial Services,grants and interest-free student loans(助学金和无息贷款)

2009年,100%的placement rate, 其中85%的人是在90天内找到工作的,5个月内所有人都找到了工作。08年差点,90天内70%+(以上为该校招生面试官所说,权威性待查)。在HONGKONG, OLIN有一个很大的校友团体,很有助于找工作

Background 1:GMAT710,TOEFL107,GPA:3.2,3年工作经验。

Background 2:排名top5% GMAT 740, IBT 108, 一个月外资银行实习 一个月美国短期交流。

Background 3:PKU金融小本,GPA 3.7,TOEFL 104,GMAT 740,PwC Advisory实习仨月,新加坡交流一学期。推荐信一封PwC的boss,一封新加坡国立的老师,一封PKU老师。


本帖最后由 doubletin 于 2010-8-20 16:14 编辑


We make our admissions decisions for the Fall 2010 entering class according to the deadlines listed below. Incomplete applications will not be considered for admission. They will be shifted to the subsequent rounds until all required materials have been submitted.

Application Deadlines for 2010

Round: Deadline:
Notification on or about:
1 November 16, 2009 January 22, 2010  
2 February 15, 2010** April 2, 2010
3 March 22, 2010* April 23, 2010

*After March 22 we move to rolling admissions, during which we continue to accept applications on a first-come, first-served space-available basis. If you intend to apply during rolling admissions, please contact our office at 314-935-7301 or e-mail us at MSFinanceInfo@wustl.edu to confirm that seats are still available.

**This is the last deadline for international students.


Application Process
We want to make the process easy for you. So for preliminary admission decisions, we prefer “unofficial” copies (a scan, fax or PDF) of test scores and transcripts. If you are admitted and decide to enroll at Olin, you’ll be required to submit your official results. Most application components, including recommendations and application fee, can be submitted electronically.

Apply Online

Submit the following to complete your application:

An Olin application – forms, essays and a résumé submitted online.
Academic transcripts – from all colleges or universities you’ve attended, including any graduate or professional course work. Transcripts should include all course work taken with corresponding grades and any transcript instructions/descriptions provided by the institution.

Submit by electronic upload into the online application (2 MB maximum) or email to apply@olin.wustl.edu. If you are unable to submit an unofficial copy, you may submit an official copy by mail. A copy of all official transcripts (with degree and degree conferred date) will ultimately be required for all enrolling students.
Standardized test scores
Submit by fax: 314-935-6309 or email: apply@olin.wustl.edu

GMAT or GRE – Olin requires either the GMAT or GRE, up to five years old. The GMAT institution code for the Master of Science in Finance is R4T-WG-53. The GRE institution code is 4938. For GMAT information or registration, go to www.mba.com.

TOEFL – Required if your native language is not English, unless you have completed an undergraduate or graduate degree at a college or university where the primary medium of instruction is English.For TOEFL registration materials, contact the Educational Testing Service (ETS) at www.toefl.org or e-mail toefl@ets.org. The TOEFL institution code for Washington University in St. Louis is 6929. The TOEFL is not required for U.S. citizens or U.S. permanent residents.
Recommendations – Provide us with the names and contact information for two individuals whom we can contact for recommendations.
Application Fee. The application fee is $100. Checks must be in U.S. currency only, drawn off a U.S. bank and made payable to Washington University. Personal checks, money orders, cashier's checks and traveler's checks are acceptable.


If you are accepted for admission, you'll need to submit official transcripts and test scores. Request transcripts from each university or college you have attended. You must supply the original transcript even if the credit or grades are noted on another transcript. Enclose a self-addressed, postage-paid return envelope so the registrar can return the transcript to you.

Mailing Address:
MS/Finance Admissions
Olin Business School
Washington University
Campus Box 1133
One Brookings Drive
Saint Louis, MO 63130-4899
What does it take to be admitted to Olin's MS/Finance program?
We review each applicant on a number of factors, looking for individuals with strong academic, professional and extracurricular activities. We base our selections on your past performance, quantitative skills and communication skills. To ensure diversity in each entering class, we admit students with various backgrounds, experiences, talents and interests.

You must have completed an undergraduate degree from an accredited institution, comparable to Washington University's four-year bachelor's degree, at the time of enrollment in the MS/Finance program. Washington University undergraduate students wishing to enroll in the MS/Finance program on a four-semester basis must have completed at least 90 total hours of course credit prior to beginning the MS/Finance curriculum.

Although professional work experience is not a requirement for admission, most successful applicants have had significant internship and/or work experience prior to acceptance into the MS/Finance program.

Prior Course Work
While there is no preferred undergraduate major or other training required of applicants, the quantitative rigor of Olin's MS/Finance program tends to attract applicants with excellent quantitative skills including backgrounds in finance, economics, engineering and mathematics.

Required – You must have completed the following courses or their equivalents at an accredited college or university in order to be eligible for admission to the MS/Finance program:

Calculus I, II and III
Principles of Microeconomics
Probability & Statistics – minimum of 1 semester of calculus-based statistics (typically calculus-based statistics is offered as an upper-level course, with calculus as a prerequisite)
Note: While you may apply for admission to the MS/Finance program while you are in the process of completing some of these prerequisite courses, you must complete all prerequisites prior to enrolling at Washington University.

Recommended – While not necessarily required, we encourage that students have successfully completed course work in subjects such as linear algebra, differential equations, computer programming and multivariate calculus.


本帖最后由 doubletin 于 2010-8-20 16:14 编辑


We make our admissions decisions for the Master of Science in Supply Chain Management Fall 2010 entering class according to the deadlines listed below. Incomplete applications will not be considered for admission. They will be shifted to the subsequent rounds until all required materials have been submitted.

Application Deadlines for 2010

Round: Deadline:
Notification on or about:
1 November 2, 2009 December 11, 2009  
2 February 1, 2010** March 12, 2010
3 March 1, 2010* April 2, 2010

*After March 1 we move to rolling admissions, during which we continue to accept applications on a first-come, first-serve space-available basis. If you intend to apply during rolling admissions, please contact our office at 314-935-7301 or e-mail us at MSSCMInfo@wustl.edu to confirm that seats are still available.

**This is the last deadline for international students.

Application Process
We want to make the process easy for you. So for preliminary admission decisions, we prefer “unofficial” copies (a scan, fax or PDF) of test scores and transcripts. If you are admitted and decide to enroll at Olin, you’ll be required to submit your official results. Most application components, including recommendations and application fee, can be submitted electronically.


本帖最后由 doubletin 于 2010-8-20 16:13 编辑

Apply Online

Submit the following to complete your application:

An Olin application – Forms, essays and a résumé submitted online.

Academic transcripts – From all colleges or universities you’ve attended, including any graduate or professional course work. Transcripts should include all course work taken with corresponding grades and any transcript instructions/descriptions provided by the institution.

Submit by electronic upload into the online application (2 MB maximum) or e-mail to apply@olin.wustl.edu If you are unable to submit an unofficial copy, you may submit an official copy by mail. A copy of all official transcripts (with degree and degree conferred date) will ultimately be required for all enrolling students.

Standardized test scores – Submit by fax: 314-935-6309 or e-mail: apply@olin.wustl.edu.

GMAT or GRE – Olin requires either the GMAT or GRE, up to five years old. The GMAT institution code for the MS/SCM is R4T-WG-16. The GRE institution code is 4929. For GMAT information or registration, go to www.mba.com.
TOEFL – Required if your native language is not English, unless you have completed an undergraduate or graduate degree at a college or university where the primary medium of instruction is English. For TOEFL registration materials, contact the Educational Testing Service (ETS) at www.toefl.org or e-mail toefl@ets.org. The TOEFL institution code for Washington University in St. Louis is 6929. The TOEFL is not required for U.S. citizens or U.S. permanent residents.


Recommendations – Provide us with the names and contact information for two individuals whom we can contact for recommendations.

Application Fee – The application fee is $100. Checks must be in U.S. currency only, drawn off a U.S. bank and made payable to Washington University. Personal checks, money orders, cashier's checks and traveler's checks are acceptable.

If you are accepted for admission, you'll need to submit official transcripts and test scores. Request transcripts from each university or college you have attended. You must supply the original transcript even if the credit or grades are noted on another transcript. Enclose a self-addressed, postage-paid return envelope so the registrar can return the transcript to you.

Mailing Address:
MS/SCM Admissions
Olin Business School
Washington University
Campus Box 1133
One Brookings Drive
Saint Louis, MO 63130-4899

What does it take to be admitted to Olin's MS/SCM Program?
We review each applicant on a number of factors, looking for individuals with strong academic, professional and extracurricular activities. We base our selections on your past performance, quantitative skills and communication skills. To ensure diversity in each entering class, we admit students with various backgrounds, experiences, talents and interests.

If you are applying from another college or university, you must have completed an undergraduate degree from an accredited institution (comparable to Washington University's four-year bachelor's degree) by the time you would begin the MS/SCM program. Washington University undergraduate students wishing to enroll in the MSSCM program on a four-semester basis must have completed at least 90 total hours of course credit prior to beginning the MSSCM curriculum.


Master of Accounting Application Deadlines

We make our admissions decisions for the Fall 2010 entering class according to the deadlines listed below. Incomplete applications will not be considered for admission. They will be shifted to the subsequent rounds until all required materials have been submitted.

Application Deadlines for 2010

Round: Deadline:
Notification on or about:
November 9, 2009
December 18, 2009  
February 8, 2010**
March 19, 2010
March 8, 2010*
April 9, 2010

*After March 8 we move to rolling admissions, during which we continue to accept applications on a first-come, first-served space-available basis. If you intend to apply during rolling admissions, please contact our office at 314-935-7301 or e-mail us at MACCInfo@wustl.edu to confirm that seats are still available.

**This is the last deadline for international students.


Application Process
We want to make the process easy for you. So for preliminary admission decisions, we prefer “unofficial” copies (a scan, fax or PDF) of test scores and transcripts. If you are admitted and decide to enroll at Olin, you’ll be required to submit your official results. Most application components, including recommendations and application fee, can be submitted electronically.

Apply Online

Submit the following to complete your application:

An Olin application – forms, essays and a résumé submitted online.
Academic transcripts – from all colleges or universities you’ve attended, including any graduate or professional course work. Transcripts should include all course work taken with corresponding grades and any transcript instructions/descriptions provided by the institution.

Submit by electronic upload into the online application (2 MB maximum) or email to apply@olin.wustl.edu. If you are unable to submit an unofficial copy, you may submit an official copy by mail. A copy of all official transcripts (with degree and degree conferred date) will ultimately be required for all enrolling students.
Standardized test scores
Submit by fax: 314-935-6309 or e-mail: apply@olin.wustl.edu



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