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记得看过一个N人写的作文体会,当中写道AI作文要准备两个模板, 一种是agree/disagree的, 一种是on the one hand, on the other hand. 准备一下吧。祝好运
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GMAT作文黄金AI40题分类(仅供参考) 第一类:工商管理(19篇) 3、“有限公司和其他商业机构应该尽力消除根据员工经验和技术划分员工的许多职称和工资等级。一个扁平的组织结构更可能鼓励员工间的共同掌权和共同合作。”(奖励分配) 21、“工作保险和工资应该建立在雇员绩效的基础上而非工作年限上。主要根据工作年限奖励员工不利于人们保持高水平的生产力。”(奖励分配) 72、“公司不应该使用诸如奖金或礼物之类的刺激手段改善员工的表现。这种刺激鼓励不好的举动而非要把工作做好的真实兴趣。”(奖励分配) 9、“雇员应该保持他们的私人生活和个人行为尽量远离工作场所。”(关于雇员) 60、“没有雇员的同意时,雇主应该没有权力去了解他的雇员的健康状况和其他的私人生活方面的信息。” (关于雇员) 68、“由于物理工作环境影响雇员的生产力和士气,雇员自身应该有权决定如何设计他们的工作场所。” (关于雇员) 109、“雇员不应该有权接触到所有他们自己的个人文件。比如,如果雇员可以看某些证明文件的话,那么提供这些信息的人将可能不会公正地表达他们的意见。” (关于雇员) 130、“当评价一个潜在雇员的条件的时候,企业雇主应该主要依赖诸如推荐信和教育程度之类的客观信息。个人鉴定太过主观因此不是评判一个人是否对一份工作称职的有效依靠。” (关于雇员) 25、“管理生意或者任何企业的最好方法就是找到最有能力的人并给他们尽可能多的权力。”(如何管理) 36、“企业和其他组织过分强调了团队工作的重要性。很明显,在任何人类团体里,都是最强的个人,那个具有最多义务和能量的人,把事情完成的。” (如何管理) 107、“经理指派工作的最有效的方法是把负责的工作分成比较简单的组成部分。这样的话,每个工人完成工作的一小部分但对整体都有贡献。” (如何管理) 129、“与其依赖外部专家的建议,一个组织更应该看重那些只能来自它的内部的资深员工的建议。” (如何管理) 45、“商务人员在长期内实现利润最大化的最有效途径是遵循最高标准的道德。”(商业道德) 111、“最有效率的企业领导是保持最高道德标准的人。” (商业道德) 18、“如果一家公司最基本的责任和着眼点是挣钱,那么当这家公司也必须承担服务社会的责任时,矛盾是不可避免的。”(企业与社会) 24、“一个有力的企业领导比一个政府官员有更多的机会影响一个社团或国家的方针。” (企业与政府) 46、“企业和政府一样容易产生大规模的官僚机构,但是官僚机构对企业的危害比对政府的危害更大。” (企业与政府) 87、“当某项特定服务的技术和需求改变时,很多工人将失业。适应这种改变的责任属于每个工人而不是政府或企业。” (企业与政府) 132、“政府不应该对规范企业和其他组织负责。相反,如果组织自身承担建立和执行他们自己的标准和规范的责任,那么社会将会得利。” (企业与政府) 第二类:环境保护(2篇) 2、“指望单个国家独立地做出必要的牺牲来保存能源是不现实的。如果我们希望为下一代保护世界的能源资源,国际领导力量和全球性的公司是基本的。”(单个国家VS世界组织) 13、“保护自然环境的责任完全属于每个个人,而非政府。”(个人VS政府) 第三类:建筑估价(2篇) 16、“公众建筑反映了建造它的社会的许多态度和价值。例如,今天的新学校,法院,机场,图书馆反应了今天的社会的态度和价值。”(新建筑的价值) 78、“多数人会同意建筑是任何社会的过去的有价值的记录,但是当老建筑位于当代设计者认为用于现代目的会更好的地方时,争议就会冒出来。”(老建筑的价值) 第四类:教育与成功(7篇) 12、“教育已经成为我们的社会里个人机会的主要提供者。就像财富和金钱一度是成功的关键一样,经验现在已经成为确保成功的最重要因素。”(教育) 37、“由于对现代社会来说,科学和技术正在变得越来越基本,学校应该投入更多的时间教授科学技术而减少艺术和人文的教育。”(教育) 62、“教育没有教会我们的是把人类社会看成一个整体。与其把焦点集中在区分一个国家和另一个的独特不同点上,教育应该集中焦点于地球上所有人类和所有地方的相似之处。”(教育) 11、“当某些人在任何领域获得成功时,无论该领域时艺术科学政治还是商业,此人的成就比他或她的任何个人错误重要的多。”(成功) 29、“太多的人只想到得到结果。成功的关键是注意手边的特定事情而不担心结果。”(成功) 39、“人们要在不牺牲实现个人生活的重要方面的情况下达到专业成功是很难的。”(成功) 81、“没有人能在遵循传统的实践和思维方式的情况下达到任何真正的持久的成功或在做生意中‘变富’(get rich)。” (成功) 第五类:其他社会研究(10篇) 31、“经济收入应该是找工作时最重要的因素。” 32、“你可以从一个国家的广告辨别出它的思想。” 38、“礼貌正在从每日的交流中迅速消失。作为结果,我们都缺乏它。” 57、“看来有明显和确实的迹象说明所有地方的人们都变得对彼此的不同越来越尊重。” 75、“有两种驱使人们的基本力量:自私和恐惧。” 131、“我们可以通过观察一个社会的人们如何打发他们的休闲时间而非观察他们的工作来更多的了解这个社会。” 34、“所有的市民都应该被要求完成一定量的公共服务。这样的服务将不但从整体上给国家带来好处,也能给个人的参与者带来好处。” 40、“随着对全球经济和跨国公司的关注增加,人们需要理解他们作为世界公民的角色比作为一个特定国家的公民的角色更重要。” 65、“跨国公司的兴起导致全球一体化。因为所有地方的人们都开始需要同样的服务和产品,地区差异正迅速消失。” 112、“因为最近商业和技术方面的发展,大多数社会的总体社会质量前所未有的好。” 新增AI黄金题目: 33. “人们只愿意接受这样的领导:他能完成他要求其他人完成的任务。” 92. “政府应该建立规则减少或消灭环境中可疑的健康危害,哪怕关于这些健康危害的科学研究还不完全或者有矛盾。” 100. “如果一个国家要确保它的经济成功,它必须保持有高度竞争力的教育系统,在其中学生们相互竞争,还和国外的学生进行竞争。” 115. “技术最终分离疏远了人们而不是把他们聚在一起。”

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Weibo:  laowang_topway






一: 反对

The speaker here asserts/maintain/consider that . However, I disagree with the speaker for some obvious reasons.

One of the reason why I have such a view is (原因一 ) .To illustrate this point, there is an example that is very persuasive: (举例).

Secondly, from a practical point of view, (原因二). We can see that .(举例)

Admittedly, 作者的观点也有什么优点. However, its disadvantages certainly outweigh its advantages.

In conclusion, from what has been discussed above, we may finally draw the conclusion that .

二: 同意

The discussion of the issue among individuals and in society as a whole has come into vogue during the speaker and there are many instances supporting my view.

To begin with, . There is a good example to show that .

Further support can be found in the case that . If you see that , you can understand it more deeply.

The third and very important reason is that . For instance, . In conclusion, it must be explained that these three reasons sometimes intertwine to form an organic whole and thus become more persuasive than any one of them. So, any thinking person must believe that .

三: 反对

Contrary to the speaker’s statement, my view is that . My position well supported by common sense and by observation.

Regarding the first reason, .

There is a good example to show it: . Furthermore, .

As for the second reason, . For instance, .

Moreover, . Admittedly, .

Based on the above analysis, I disagree with the opinion that

Your future. Our mission.
MySpace: http://forum.topway.org/sns/?11416
Weibo:  laowang_topway


补充:写作用词 支持: support bolster endorse uphold fortify concord corroborate countenance reinforce strengthen enhance sustain 反对: disapprove dissent oppose condemn dispute resist impugn counter controvert antagonistic combat gainsay

Your future. Our mission.
MySpace: http://forum.topway.org/sns/?11416
Weibo:  laowang_topway



一: Which is better: A or B ? Different people have different answers due to their respective point of view. However, I shall agree that B is better than A, for the reasons addressed below.

To begin with, . In order to see this point clearly, let us see an example: .

Second, . For example, .

Third, . The reason for this is that .

In conclusion, due to the above-mentioned reasons, I believe that .


This controversy describes the dilemma faced by many people in this era. As far as I am concerned, I support B, because there are too many benefits that outnumber its disadvantages not to support it.

There are numerous reasons why I support B. And I will in here explain a few of the most import ones. The main reason is that . For example, .

A further reason why I support B is that . There is a good example to show that .

A on the other hand, also has some benefits, such as . But its advantages are no more than its disadvantages. We can see this clearly in a case that .

From the above discussion, we see that even though the dilemma still exits, it is not difficult to draw the conclusion that .

模板三: The issue of whether to choose A or choose B is a complex one, since it involves a conflict between . The choice, nevertheless, is not easy to make. In my view, the final judgment should depend on a case-by-case analysis of the two situations.

A is very important under some circumstance, for example, . On the other hand, .

B is sometimes important as well. We can see that . On the other hand, .

In sum, decision should be made an a case-by-case basis, .

Your future. Our mission.
MySpace: http://forum.topway.org/sns/?11416
Weibo:  laowang_topway




模板一 In conclusion, this argument is unconvincing. To strengthen the argument, the author would have to show that . Moreover, . To better evaluate this argument, we would also have to know .

模板二 Since the author commits the above mentioned logical mistakes and fails to consider the whole situation comprehensively, his idea should not be adopted. If he wishes his idea to be of any value, he has to take the following condition into consideration: .

模板三 In conclusion, the author provides an incomplete analysis of the problem and, as a result, provides a questionable solution. To better the argument, the author would have to show that . To better evaluate this argument, we should .

模板四 With some essential information still in absence, there is no ground to support the conclusion. Therefore, it is questionable whether .

模板五 In conclusion, the persuasiveness of the argument made by the author is undermined by the lack of fairness in the reasoning that .

模板五 In an attempt to , the article claims that . The evidence cited is that . Additionally, the author points out that . This argument is unconvincing because several questionable assumptions must be made for the stated evidence to support the author’s conclusion.

模板六 The survey that indicates lead the author to predict that . Moreover, the author argues that . This argument is problematic in three important respects.

模板七 The conclusion of this argument is that .The author employs several lines of reasoning to reach this conclusion. In the first, the author reasons that . In the second, the author points out that . This argument is problematic for a couple of reasons.

模板八 The speaker proposes that . Two reasons are offered in support of this argument. First, . Second, . The argument is unfounded because the speaker oversimplifies the problem and its solutions.

模板九 Based upon a correlation between A and B , the author argues that . The author further argues that . The author’s reasoning is unconvincing, since it suffers from two critical problems.

模板十 According to this newspaper article, . The author supports this claim by pointing out that . Furthermore, the author reasons that . Despite these impressive statistics, I am unconvinced by this argument for two reasons.

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MySpace: http://forum.topway.org/sns/?11416
Weibo:  laowang_topway



一: To begin with, the author’s line of reasoning is that A was the cause of B. However, although A coincided with B, it does not establish a general causal relationship between A and B. For example, it is quite possible that . Thus, .(结论错误)

二:(它因) This article concludes that . Very likely and but not necessarily, other factors such as (其他因素) are ignored as possible causes for B. The argument can be sustained only if these and other possible factors can be completely ruled out as contributing to B.

三:(两事根本没因果关系) The argument commits the fallacy of assuming that just because one event follows another, the second event has been caused by the first. The mere fact that A occurs before B does not necessarily establish a causal relationship between A and B.

另一种表述: To begin with, this argument is a classic instance of “after this, therefore because of this” reasoning. The mere fact that A preceded B is insufficient to conclude that A was the cause of B. Many other factors could bring about these same results. For example, (一个他因). In addition, (另一个他因).

Your future. Our mission.
MySpace: http://forum.topway.org/sns/?11416
Weibo:  laowang_topway



一: Second, the author assumes that B was caused by A. However, no evidence has been given to substantiate this assumption. It is also possible that other factors might contribute to the B. For instance, . So, the author’s failure to consider and rule out other possible factors that might influence the result renders this argument suspects.

二: To begin with, the argument depends on the assumption that . however, the author provides no evidence that this is the case. It is possible that .


if it works for A, it will work for B.

In the first place, the argument depends upon a misleading comparison between A and B. A .(A的情况) On the other hand, B .(B的情况)

另一种表述: These two businesses are too dissimilar for meaningful comparison. The author assumes that what is true of A will likewise be true of B. But there are all kinds of important differences between A and B. We cannot safely assume that .

时间上的前后 两年前,两年后 时间的跨度 一个星期够不够长


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Weibo:  laowang_topway



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