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For every positive even integer n, the function h(n) is defined to be the product of all the even integers from 2 to n,inclusive. If p is the smallest prime factor of h(100)+1, then p is

-Between 2 and 10

-Between 10 and 20

-Between 20 and 30

-Between 30 and 40

-Greater than 40


According to the directions on a can of frozen orange juice concentrate,1 can of concentrate is to be mixed with 3 cans of water to make orange juice. How many 12-ounce cans of the concentrate are required to prepare 200 6-ounce serving of orange juice?

- 25

- 34

- 50

- 67

- 100


If each term in the sum a1+ a2+ …….an is either 7 or 77 and the sum equals 350, which of the following could be equal to n?

- 38

- 39

- 40

- 41

- 42


For which of the following functions is f(a+b)=f(a)+f(b)for all positive numbers a and b?

-          f(x)=x^2

-          f(x)=x+1

-          f(x)=x

-          f(x)=2/x

-     f(x)= -3x


A certain library assesses fines for overdue books as follows. On the first day that a book is overdue, the total fine is $0.10. for each additional day that the book is overdue, the total fine is either increased by $0.30 or doubled, whichever results in the lesser amount. What is the total fine for a book on the fourth day it is overdue?

- $0.60

- $0.70

- $0.80

- $0.90

- $1.00


of the students who eat in a certain cafeteria, each student either likes or dislikes lima beans and each student either likes or dislikes Brussels sprouts. Of these students, 2/3 dislike lima beans; and of those who dislike lima beans, 3/5 also dislike Brussels sprouts. How many of the students like Brussels sprouts but dislike lima beans?

(1)       120 students eat in the cafeteria

(2)       40 of the students like lima beans



in the rectangular coordinate system, are the points(r,s) and (u,v)equidistant from the origin?

(1)   r+s=1

(2)   u=1-r and v=1-s


In the figures above, if the area of the triangle on the right is twice the area of the triangle on the left, then in term of s, S=2s
两个三角形,左边的底边为s 右边的底边为S,他们的内角都相等

In May Mrs.Lee’s earnings were 60% of the Lee family’s total income. In June Mrs.Lee earned 20% more than in May. If the rest of the family’s income was the same both months, then, in June, Mrs.Lee’s earnings were approximately what percent of the Lee family’s total income?

-          64%
-          68%
-          72%
-          76%
-          80%


Store S sold a total of 90 copies of a certain book during the seven days of last week, and it sold different numbers of copies on any two of the days. If for the seven days store S sold the greatest number of copies on Saturday and the second greatest number of copies on Friday, did Store S sell more that 11 copies on Friday? (1)   Last week Store S sold 8 copies of the book on Thursday.

(2)   Last week Store S sold 38 copies of the book on Saturday.


Is the integer n odd?

(1)   n is divisible by 3

(2)   2n is divisible by twice as many positive integers as n



Working alone at its own constant rate, a machie seals k cartons in 8 hours, and working alone at its own constant rate, a second machine seals k cartons in 4 hours. If the two machine, each working at its own constant rate and for the same period of time, together sealed a certain of cartons, what percent of the cartons were sealed by the machine working at the faster rate?

 -          25%
-          (33*1/3)%
-          50%
-          (66*2/3)%
-          75%


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For every positive even integer n, the function h(n) is defined to be the product of all the even integers from 2 to n,inclusive. If p is the smallest prime factor of h(100)+1, then p is

-Between 2 and 10

-Between 10 and 20

-Between 20 and 30

-Between 30 and 40

-Greater than 40


h(100) + 1 = 2*4*6*8* ... *100 + 1 = (2^50) * 50! + 1

h(100) + 1 同余于1 模 1 到 50



The correct answer is E   




According to the directions on a can of frozen orange juice concentrate,1 can of concentrate is to be mixed with 3 cans of water to make orange juice. How many 12-ounce cans of the concentrate are required to prepare 200 6-ounce serving of orange juice?

- 25

- 34

- 50

- 67

- 100




按照上述比例 需要浓缩液300盎司 水900盎司

而准备300盎司的浓缩液一共需要25个12盎司的浓缩罐 300/12 = 25


The correct answer is A 




If each term in the sum a1+ a2+ …….an is either 7 or 77 and the sum equals 350, which of the following could be equal to n?

- 38

- 39

- 40

- 41

- 42



39个7 1个77,n=40

28个7 2个77,n=30

17个7 3个77,n=20

6个7 4个77,n=10



The correct answer is C




For which of the following functions is f(a+b)=f(a)+f(b)for all positive numbers a and b?



- f(x)=√x


-f(x)= -3x



A f(a+b) = (a+b)^2 = a^2 + b^2 + 2ab 而 f(a)+f(b) = a^2 + b^2 不满足

B f(a+b) = (a+b) +1 = a + b + 1 而 f(a)+f(b) = a +1 + b +1 = a + b +2 不满足

C f(a+b) =√(a+b)  而 f(a)+f(b) = √a + √b 不满足

D f(a+b) =2/(a+b)  而 f(a)+f(b) = 2/a + 2/b 不满足

E f(a+b) =-3(a+b) = -3a + -3b  而 f(a)+f(b) = -3a + -3b 满足


The correct answer is E




A certain library assesses fines for overdue books as follows. On the first day that a book is overdue, the total fine is $0.10. for each additional day that the book is overdue, the total fine is either increased by $0.30 or doubled, whichever results in the lesser amount. What is the total fine for a book on the fourth day it is overdue?

- $0.60

- $0.70

- $0.80

- $0.90

- $1.00


逐步计算 第一天$0.10,第二天翻倍比增加$0.30少,所以为0.20$,第三天翻倍比增加$0.30少,所以为$0.40,第四天增加$0.30比翻倍少,所以为$0.70


The correct answer is B




of the students who eat in a certain cafeteria, each student either likes or dislikes lima beans and each student either likes or dislikes Brussels sprouts. Of these students, 2/3 dislike lima beans; and of those who dislike lima beans, 3/5 also dislike Brussels sprouts. How many of the students like Brussels sprouts but dislike lima beans?

(1)       120 students eat in the cafeteria

(2)       40 of the students like lima beans



题目说 所有人中2/3不喜欢利马豆,其中3/5不喜欢芽甘蓝 问多少人喜欢芽甘蓝不喜欢利马豆

条件1 总人数120,则不喜欢利马豆的为 120*2/3=80 而不喜欢利马都喜欢芽甘蓝的为80*(1-3/5) = 32 SUFFICIENT

条件2 40人喜欢利马豆,从而不喜欢利马豆的为 [40/(1-2/3)]*2/3 = 80 而不喜欢利马都喜欢芽甘蓝的为80*(1-3/5) = 32 SUFFICIET


The answer is D;

Each statement alone is sufficient.




in the rectangular coordinate system, are the points(r,s) and (u,v)equidistant from the origin?

(1)   r+s=1

(2)   u=1-r and v=1-s



(r,s)与(u,v)到原点的距离分别为 √(r^2 + s^2) 与 √(u^2 + v^2)


条件(1) r+s=1 无法证明 √(r^2 + s^2) = √(u^2 + v^2); NOT SUFFICIENT;

条件(2) u=1-r  v=1-s √(r^2 + s^2) = √[(1-u)^2 + (1-s)^2],仍然无法证明 √(r^2 + s^2) = √(u^2 + v^2); NOT SUFFICIENT;

条件(1)+(2) √(r^2 + s^2) = √[(1-u)^2 + (1-s)^2] = √(v^2 + u^2);SUFFICIENT


The correct answer is C

Tow statements together are sufficient 



In the figures above, if the area of the triangle on the right is twice the area of the triangle on the left, then in term of s, S=2s
两个三角形,左边的底边为s 右边的底边为S,他们的内角都相等


没想通就慢慢想... 相似三角形的性质而以,相似三角形面积之比为对应边长比的平方 (可以背下来)

事实上我们假定三个角分别为A B C 其中B所对的那个边的长度分别为S和s



大三角形的面积 = S^2 * sinA*sinC/(2sinB)

小三角形的面积 = s^2 * sinA*sinC/(2sinB)

大三角形的面积/小三角形的面积 = S^2/(s^2) = 2 从而S=2s



In May Mrs.Lee’s earnings were 60% of the Lee family’s total income. In June Mrs.Lee earned 20% more than in May. If the rest of the family’s income was the same both months, then, in June, Mrs.Lee’s earnings were approximately what percent of the Lee family’s total income?

-          64%
-          68%
-          72%
-          76%
-          80%


假定5月李太太收入为 X 那么家庭总收入为 X/(60%)=5/3 X  家庭剩余人员的收入为:5/3 X - X = 2/3 X

6月 李太太收入增加20% 为X (1+20%) = 6/5 X 家庭剩余人员收入不便 2/3 X

从而李太太收入所占百分比为:6/5 X / [6/5 X +2/3 X]= 64.3%


The correct answer is A




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