09年kellogg MBA interview面试精华汇总
? interviewd by a woman from mckensey time:11:30am - 12:00am, 1.20.2008 location: 1F 0f starbucks at Xintiandi, Shanghai very causal talking, she brought the resume and put it on the table, we just reviewed my experience on by one. 1 working on your resume, 2 during your three period of working experience, which one you like most? why? (这个很突然,我本来想说我每一段都很好,最后还是选了第一段经历,因为我的career goal是做entrepreneur, 这一段工作经历是我独立的壮大了一个team,我强调了一下我的entrepreneurship sspirit) 3 could you talk about one challange in this period of work? (晕,我准备的challange story不在这一段,只好随机应变说我遇到泰国人罢工时我是怎么处理的,三段论描述的不是很清楚,强调了国际环境的管理style方法,我在遇到困难之前是怎么和他们处理关系的,以及最终结果 ) 4 why mba. why kellogg?(没有问short term goal and long term goal,但是我在提why mba时,说了一下我的career goal是什么,why mba) 5 team work 6 leadership story 7 hobby 8 which kind of clubs i am interested 9 questions?