问:I got some rumor that there is already a new Darden student from China choose to quit for the unbearable workload and pressure, is that true?
答:That's partially true. As Steven suggested she is not quitting but deffering because of personal reasons. In a way, yes Darden is a hard working school, requires high communication skill and hard working to succeed. So if you are expecting some parties everyday, please consider it again, there're many schools BUT darden to choose. But, in Darden, you learn real staff, and those are something you can count on in your whole life. The case methord, once you get used it, you will just LOVE it. Do you still remember the days in university that you either do not go to class or sleep in the class? In Darden that will never happen because you are so EXCITED to learn, discuss and lead! All Darden materials/cases are putting you in a general manager point of view to learn different perspectives of business. For example in accounting you are not learn to be a good accountant, that's the responsiblity of accounting department. Darden teach you to learn to use accounting as a management tool, and a business lauangue, thus you can make well-rounded decision with all the accounting information and analysis you get. And in the end, you are able to synegize all these stuff and thus build your own framework of managing business. This methord helps you to be a general manager and also benefit your career as a consultant, i-banker, cooperate finance...because all these jobs need a overall understanding of the business world. One word to describe my Darden experience so far: EXCITING! 问: what does Darden feature most? 答:Case methord, teaching quality, community, general management education, entrepreneurship are things I think Darden are really good at. 问:what kind of prospective students will Darden prefer? i have three years experience in traditional manufacturing industry, major working function covers strategy and marketing. 答:My personal opinion (not necessary the adcom's), strong leadership, communication skill, strong acemedic ability. Your working experience looks perfectly fits Darden! 问:what do you mean by "strong communication skills" in Darden? I am afraid American culture and communication will be most challenging if i want to do marketing in usa. i don't think two years b-school experience will change this situation tremendously. 答:Your communication will be largely improved after two year's class discussion EVERY DAY and party every week with US people. But, to survive the first several month, your English should be good Enough to keep up with the class discussion otherwise it will be a very hard experience. Also, you need to be not shy to speak up in the class - that's the whole point of case method. The culture staff is a challeng for every Chinese but I am not going to say that you never get chance. 1) there are some marketing job like product marketing that requires more analitical than culture understanding 2) there's always people who can adapt very fast into new enviornment. 问:you've mentioned a chinese person went to marketing function in us. would you introduce more about his/her background? 答:Not sure, but it should be rather easy to get into marketing functions other than consumer brand marketing. 问: i am also concerned about tuition fee and fellowship. will darden suggest other scholarships if they canot provide more scholarships to chinese students. 答:You can always try but do not count on it. 问:what is the brand image of Darden in consulting and industries? sometimes students are labeled with school features. 答:Great in both. I think (not sure, if someone can find the ranking it would be great) there's a Wall Street ranking, that Darden are on the top 5 about employer's satisfication rate. Also, Darden graduate's salary (especially if we count 5 year after graduation) are among top 5. 问:是不是G差700点就没有可能申请DARDEN?但是我MATHS 51 我在一家跨国的快速消费品公司做市场研究,所以想知道是不是有可能申请 还有我以前的老板是DARDEN MBA,如果让他帮我做个推荐是不是会更好呢? 答:No problem at all. The GMAT is not Darden's focus. Darden is looking at candidate who has strong acmadic ability but more importantly, leadership and communication skill. 680/690 is high enough! Marketing research in a consumer goods company is definately great experience to talk about when you apply... we have one Chinese from P&G this year. Yes Darden MBA will carries a lot of weight... if he know you much that would be great. 问:想请教一个问题,如果我申请的是early action,
那是不是意味着如果我拿到offer就要交deposit呢? 答:School will give you a deadline to submit the depost. 问:general management我们可以理解为就是通用管理人才么? 答:(说大了就是CEO,
说小了就是管一个P/L (Profit and loss) 比如企业中的HR管理、企划或者战略管理之类的(这些都是更专门的划分,general management 会包括这些。比如你去管一个business的时候你需要了解所以以上的东西。 在职业发展里一直有generalist和professionest之分,要看自己的喜好和专长。generalist的最高阶段就是CEO,
真的是需要了解很多东东。MBA 本身是一个generalist 的教育,与法律、医学不同。 关于找工作:你可以浏览一下你想去的目标公司,看他们在不在darden 的recuriting list里,还有就是他们来不来darden on ground. consulting/I-banking还有industry里的一些顶尖公司都会来darden recuriting,而且最近一两年公司数增加得很快。但因为darden 是一个小学校,来的公司总数可能会比一些大的学校少一些,但另一方面每个人的机会就更多一些。darden 的校友非常乐于提供帮助,这是darden 比较独特的一点。career center的作用我还不知道真得会怎样。 至于darden在雇主里的名声,你可以看一下business week 里最新的B-scholl ranking.虽然darden 总排名降到了15,
雇主的排名里关于 communication, teamwork, analytical skill 分别排到了 A+, A+ 和A, 这个排名比总排名靠前的很多学校都要好。 问:1000 USD的deposit如何是支付的?好像不能用信用卡?
答:可以在中国银行买汇票然后寄过来 问:刚换了工作,告知招生办会不会有负面影响.但是,我是由销售转为market research (u.s. consulting firm),虽不是那种管理/战略的大牛公司,但对录取来说是不是更有利一些。因为我的短期目标是咨询行业。 答:I believe the change you mentioned would bring extra credits to your applications. 问:本科专业EE GMAT 740(V40,M50), GPA<2.5(50% in class, 3.0以上我们班只有15%,惨。 Advanced programer cetification 5+ W/E in automotive industry, title: service engineer/team leader. 项目经验丰富:沈阳华晨,一汽海马,广西玉柴,南昌江铃,上汽大众,二汽东风。 concentration: GM GPA是个硬伤,也无法补救。请教各位校友Darden有多care low GPA。
我应该怎样convince admissions 我得quantitative skill is enough?
毕竟机电专业的数学要求和文科不一样 答:Your GPA is really a concern when you present your application package (I am sure you are in the lower 10-20 percent range), but as you said, there is nothing you can do at this stage to work on those numbers; you got a decent GMAT, which shows your intelligence, and your experience looks pretty good (but not sure if you were in a pure engineer role or a cross-functional role, the latter role would be more attractive). You do not have to worry too much about quan skills, because Americans never challenge your quan skills when you have engineering background. As an engineer, you need to focus more on how you develop leaderships in teams, how much business sense you have, and how you communicate with different people. As an international as well, you need to convince adcom that you are pretty good in the English-speaking environment, and you enjoy presenting your points and listening to others in the same time. Given your background in the auto industry, I would also suggest you adding the Ross
School at U of Michigan to your list; they have more connections to that industry in the state of Michigan.