问:如果没有赶上early decision,是不是机会就很小了?另外,能介绍一下大陆过去金融背景的人都是early decision的吗?
问:请问online application /employment history中的duties是否需要长篇罗列工作业绩?请问adcom是否会看简历?谢谢。
Applicants wishing to be considered for Fellowships must submit a resume here. The Fellowship Selection Committee will review your resume in awarding merit-based fellowships. This section is optional for all other applicants, but is not to be used in lieu of the "Employment" section of this application.Applicants wishing to be considered for Fellowships must submit a resume here. The Fellowship Selection Committee will review your resume in awarding merit-based fellowships. This section is optional for all other applicants, but is not to be used in lieu of the "Employment" section of this application.
1 如果申请金融的话成功的几率大么?是否需要重考一次gmat或考gre? 2 如果申请的话什么专业适合我,继续学金融还是换学别的?
答:Columbia Business School通常不招收没有工作经验的学生。我知道有个学生也没有工作经验,但是她是泰国一个房地产集团sponsor的,毕业就回原来公司。
我不是很明白你说申请金融是什么意思,是不是说金融专业硕士呢?MBA有finance concentration, 但是没有finance MBA。
在中国建筑设计研究院工作三年 做建筑设计工作
GMAT780, TOEFL610, GPA,3.2 想申请哥大的realestate 方向,不知道希望大么?
答:不知你是否要申请mba,如果是,成绩和背景只是mba申请的一部分,更重要的是在essay中展示你的职业潜力和个人能力。并且在申请的时候是不会针对将来的专业方向来录取的,很难说你的房地产背景是否有帮助。如果是申请MSRE,我就不大了解了。可以去master and phd区问问。
问:HOUSING情况能说明一下吗, 我现在在网上发现还没法开始预约明年FALL的HOUSING, 什么时候能开始预约, 到时候不会超级紧张吧?
答:you can't apply until april i think. you'll find relevant information in your to-do list. don't worry about it now. yes school housing is limited, but as you are from shanghai you will definitely get one. UAH housing is not that bad especially when you take the location and the price into consideration. as for the policy, the farther you are from, the easier you will get housing. it's all distance-related. as china is on the other side of the globe, you get a very good chance the problem is, if you come too early, you cannot move in yet. the move in date shoud be in early august or late july.
答:请问是要申请master还是mba? 如果是mba, 申请的时候是不用分专业的,所以acca只是帮助增强职业方面的内容,对于其他的方面还是需要好好准备。如果是master,建议去phd/master区问问。
如果没有工作经验的话,在columbia是不是就会很累,或者你们都不愿意带他玩? 答:Without w/e, it's hard to maximize your MBA experience. Keep in mind that you can only experience it ONCE. Lack of w/e will make it hard for you to participate in class and conduct meaningful conversations with your classmates. You will also find it hard to leverage all the resources the school provides. After all, you might find you fail to get the best out of your time and your money.
问:1)是否知道你们2007录取时对TOEFL IBT成绩的要求 107分够么 25/27/26/29 2)不知道CBS是不是会鄙视工作年限短的申请者 我目前1年半的工作经验 但在自己的领域里工作表现还很不错
问:除了essays 其他的都准备好了。我想联系CBS的学生,一般是不是prospective students 都通过email 来联系?有没有其他更好的方式?例如见面,不过那个实在有点勉为其难,B school的学生多忙啊!学校方面会不觉得如果一个applicant不经常去联络学校的人,就是不是一个积极的申请人? 答:From my point of view, contacting the current students will not do any good to your application DIRECTLY, as we have no say in the admission process. However, by talking to current students/alumni you will be able to understand the program much better. The information we provide you may be useful in your selection process and be used in your interview. If you can come to Columbia, let me know in advance. I'd be glad to meet you.
问:另外,突然找不到CBS网页上有说paper application for Sep 07的。我很想很想online提交。可是我的recommenders不愿意网上提交(他们年纪较大,而且忙),而哥大以前又是明文写着只能选择一种,要么一个package的paper,要么全部网上。我尝试打电话给adcom,但是接不通,曾经写了邮件,但是尚未收到回复。我知道他们都非常地忙。 答:I've no idea about this, as I submitted everything online. If it is the case as you described, you'd better mail out your application as soon as possible as you don't want to miss the deadline because of delay of mails in the Christmas season... 我认为Round 1 的Deadline仍然是Jan 10, for Round 1, Adcom 从Jan 10 开始Review, 不过仍然是按照交的顺序看,也就是说先交的会被先Review。
Yes. The rolling basis is not strictly rolling basis except for ED. Therefore, your application will not be reviewed before Jan. 10, but will be reviewed first after Jan. 10
问:前面有朋友说,Columbia的rolling admission process仅仅适合于EARLY DECISION,但为何他们的WEBSITE上,关于September 2007(International Applicants)的申请,从Jan. 10,2007开始,到Mar. 1,2007 才结束。一般ROUND录入方法,不就只有一个DEADLINE吗?
另,对于中国的申请者,是不是只要在MAR. 1, 2007前提交申请就来得及?
答:Theoretically speaking, you won't miss the deadline as long as you submit before Mar. 1. Empirically speaking however, few mainland Chinese with no overseas w/e were admitted in that time slot.
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-10-22 13:27:51编辑过] |