问:能介绍下Kellogg的full-time programs吗?
答:Here is a list of full-time programs offered at Kellogg. 2-Year MBA: The largest program, and the program that most applicants will apply for. It has two-year, six-quarter, and one summer intern. 1-Year MBA: A one-year, four-quarter, no summer intern accelerated program. You are expected to have previous business education. MMM: A two-year dual degree program offered by Kellogg and the engineering school. It's very like the regular 2-year MBA, with some special requirements. Most MMM students have previous engineering education and/or background. JD/MBA: A program in which you can earn both JD and MBA within only three years. Besides, you don't have to take LSAT.
问:有人做过campus visit吗?
答:我虽然不是Kellogg的学生,但是我上周借公司在美国开会的机会,去我一直很憧憬的Kellogg做了个campus visit. 由于我在芝加哥只停留一天,周五早上9点飞机到,找到酒店,坐奇慢无比的CTA到达Evasten已经是下午2点半了。坐落在Evaston的northwestern的校园在Chicago CTA沿线的破旧的建筑的衬托下,显得就像童话里的小镇一样漂亮,打消了我原来的焦虑。参加了一个一年级学生做导游的Kellogg campus visit.其实也就是带你兜兜商学院那楼。不过那天那个英国帅哥到是很不错,回答了很多奇奇怪怪的问题,包括说他一开始也担心他的英国文化会和自大的美国MBA文化不合,但是他说在kellogg他的担心是多余的。但是讲老实话,去kellogg on campus interview的人都很严肃和紧张,至少那天下午我遇到的人都是这样。可能我是做销售的缘故,对人事都有些敏感。campus visit 结束后,我没啥特别的感觉,初感觉好像在kellogg里的人都蛮结棍的,而且个忙个的,相对没有duke校园里的人那样见到你不管认不认识先冲你笑笑,而且学校里亚洲学生非常少,不太能遇见中国人。但是随着之后接触到的人和事,让我逐渐改变了想法,他们都是一些smart的人,而且也很愿意帮助别人。
本来想回到Chicago downtown,做个city tour,因为我从来没有去过,但是想想,对kellogg那么憧憬就这么走了有些不甘心,就留下来参加了一个叫Women Business Association的讨论会,其实是2个女学生和你聊聊,看看你有什么问题需要解决的,由于她们希望增加女性的录取率。这样反倒让我有更多的机会单独问问题。我们在学校的一个公共区域聊天,无意中听见有人说中文。 呵呵,和WBA的人聊完,我就主动上去搭讪了。
由于我去的那天是周五,每个周五5-7pm,kellogg都会有一个team game,我遇到的是不同club的代表穿着橡皮桶一样的相扑服PK,哈哈,这个时候才感觉到Kellogg的学生是:study hard and play hard. 我遇到的这两位男生都是中国大陆来的。下面就来回答大家关心的问题: 2008界,即2006年入学Kellogg的大陆的人总共4个,且均为男性。很荣幸我遇见了50%。 我遇到的两位,一个是KPMG的外派到美国工作了1-2年,然后再申请的;另一个原来是德勤的。他乡遇同仁很是亲切,我和他们还有他们的一些朋友一起吃了晚饭,都是一些很nice的人。
答:Here is my take.  lease take it with a grain of salt, since I am not a marketing guy, Marketing is a very general term. If you are thinking about marketing in the traditional CPG firms, it is not easy, for two reasons. First, many CPG firms don't support H1. Second, you need to know their products and American culture very well. However, if you are thinking about marketing in some special area such as phamaceutical or IT, and if you have related background, I don't think it's that hard. Some IT companines even don't view their product manager position as a pure marketing position.
答:对不起,我只知道迈阿密分校主要是针对南美的Executive MBA Program. 如果你想读MMM 或者Full Time 的话,应该只有Evanston的校园可以申请.
问:1)Kellogg有个The Social Enterprise,我想知道The Social Enterprise program毕业生是否一毕业就进了Non-profit field? Kellogg Career office 是否可以提供最近2年的The Social Enterprise项目毕业生就业信息?在The Social Enterprise项目中有没有中国学生在读或者已经毕业?
2)在The Social Enterprise项目所有课程教学中,最受欢迎的几个教授是哪些?他们分别教什么课程呢?
答:Yes, the program is called SEEK (Social Enterprise at Kellogg). The programs at Kellogg are simply a way to provide curriculum, career help, and coordination among different departments and centers. You can take SEEK courses, but it doesn't mean you belong to that program. And where you go afterwards is really up to you. As to the details about SEEK courses, I am not sure. If you are really interested, send a message, and I'll see if I can connect someone to you who knows more about SEEK.
问:是否在consulting公司里面也有做marketing职位呢? 我看了一下kellogg今年的毕业的情况. 好象大多数都是传统的行业(制造业,快消).高科技的公司(生物制药和IT)有,但不是很多.这是不是就说明kellogg毕业生还是重点在这些行业呢? 我还想知道kellogg 在finance方面实力怎样?
答:Here is the link I looked at: http://www.kellogg.northwestern.edu/career_employer/employment/2005/industry_ft.htm
It seems that, in 2005, "pharmaceuticals / biotechnology / health products" is 7%, "food/beverage" is 7%, and "household/personal products" is 4%. So, the percentage of pharmaceuticals is pretty high. Or you were referring to something else? As to finance, Kellogg is not viewed as a strong finance school among the top b-schools. I agree that compare to Wharton or Chicago, not that many students are interested in finance. However, as I said before, the fact is that finance is a very popular major in Kellogg, Kellogg has excellent faculty and curriculum in finance major, and 1/4 to 1/3 students go to finance related jobs every year. Actually, because all students are not pursuing a career in finance, it's somewhat easier for you to get an i-banking job, if that is what you want.
问:关于teaching method i heard that teaching method covers 30% case studies, 30% lectures, 30% projects, around 30% learning team and some others. what is your comment on each teaching method according to your personal experience? more and more b-schools use case study as the major one. what is the value of lectures? which one do you think is most efficient?
答:I did some research on half of the top 15 b-schools last year, and only one of them was using more than 40% case study. Unless they changed dramatically in the last one year, it seems that most schools are using 30-40% case study, and Kellogg is one of them. Different teaching methods have different cons and pros. I personally don't think one is always bettern than another. For example, for accounting, especially at the beginning, case study doesn't seem to make much sense to be when I don't even know the basic terms. I learned all my undergrad stuff in China under lectures, and it certainly has some value.
问:study pressure as far as i know, study pressure is not that much at kellogg in comparison with hbs, esp. in the first year.a woman who is taking one-year program at kellogg currently said no much academic pressure is put on students. do you feel stressful at school now? how do you balance study and social network? schools normally provide you tons of exposures to various activities.
答:I won't say it's stressful, but it's certainly extremely busy. The school doesn't give you pressure on anything. It's up to you to figure out what you want to do and where you want to put time in. We just finished one exam. There are still many students who care a lot about their scores. It's not because of any pressure from anyone (most recruiters won't ask you GPA at all), but because they want to learn from the course. With that said, there definately are some other people who are pretty happy with a "B" (that's why they call it B-school. kidding). I am still learning how to balance study and social life, so I don't have a good answer for you yet. From what I heard, you need to prioritize your task well and to manage your time wisely. Easier said than done though.
问:financial aid …will kellogg offer scholarship to chinese students? what is the max amount? is there any sholarship only to women at kellogg?
答:The info about some school scholarships is available online. The max should be full-tuition waiver. Then there are some other corporate and individually funded scholarships, whose have a big range. There are scholarships for women only. I cannot remember the name though, as I am not qualified. You can check with the financial office for details.
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-10-19 15:29:18编辑过] |