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“Though they soon will,patients should not have a legal right to see their medical records. As a doctor, I see two reason for this. First,giving them access will be time-wasting because it will significantly reduce the amount of time medical staff can spend on more important duties, by forcing them to retrieve and return files. Second, if my experience is anything to go by, no patients are going to ask for access to their records anyway.”

Which one of the following, ig ture, establishes that the doctor's second reason does not cancel out the first?
(a)        The new law will require that doctors, when seeing a patient in their office, must be ready to produce the patient's records immediately, not just ready to retrieve them.
(b)        The task of retrieving and returning files would fall to the lowest-paid member of a doctor’s office staff.
(c)        Any patients who asked to see their medical records would also insist on having details they did not understand explained to them
(d)        The law does not rule out that doctors may charge patients for extra expenses incurred specifically in order to comply with the new law.
(e)        Some doctors have all along had a policy of allowing their patients access to their medical records, but those doctors’ patients took no advantage of this policy.
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The journalistic practice of  fabricating remarks after an interview and printing them within quotation marks, as if they were the interviewer’s own words, has been decried as a form of unfair misrepresentation. However, people’s actual spoken remarks rarely convey their ideas as clearly as does a distillation of those ideas crafted, after an interview, by a skilled writer. Therefore, since this practice avoids the more serious misrepresentation that would occur if people’s exact words were quoted but their ideas only partially expressed, it is entirely defensible.

Which one of the following is a questionable technique used in the argument?
(a)        answering an exaggerated charge by undermining the personal authority of those who made that charge.
(b)        claiming that the prestige of a profession provides ample grounds for dismissing criticisms of that profession
(c)        offering as an adequate defense of a practice an observation that discredits only one of several possible alternatives to that practice
(d)        concluding that a practice is right on the grounds that it is necessary
(e)        using the opponent’s admission that a practice is sometimes appropriate as conclusive proof that practice is never inappropriate.


Leona: If the average consumption of eggs in the United States were cut in half, an estimated 5,000 lives might be saved each year.
Thomas: How can that be? That would mean that if people adopt this single change in diet for ten years, the population ten years from now will be greater by 50,000 people than it otherwise would have been.
Which one of the following is a statement that Leona could offer Thomas to clarify her own claim and to address the point he has made?
(a)        It is possible for the population to grow by 5,000 people for every year if the base year chosen for purposes of comparison is one with unusually low population growth.
(b)        It is accurate to say that 5,000 lives have been saved as long as 5,000 people who would have died in a given year as a result of not changing their diet, did not do so----even if they died for some other reason.
(c)        If egg consumption were reduced by more than half, the estimated number of lives saved each year could be even more than 5,000
(d)        The actual rate of population growth depends not only on the birth rate, but also on changes in life expectancy.
(e)        For the average consumption of eggs to be cut by half, many individual consumers would have to cut their own consumption by much more than half.



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