这题答案是A.本题的结论是good fund-raisers constantly try less-likely prospects in an effort to expand the donor base.即好的集资人是要扩大增量,而存量的集资人集资高不能说明他们工作好。在扩大增量方面——即原先没集资的人方面——根据原文S大学和其它大学做的差不多as frequently as 。而存量方面S大学做的好,而这恰恰不能说明S大学的集资有成效。和原文结论的意思是一致的。 C我觉得捐款方式应该是无关选项。 BDE都是在说新的捐款人和新的捐款如何多,是削弱,和原文意思相悖 I don't agree. the conclusion is: The high success rate shows insufficient canvassing effort. C)This year most of the donations that came to Smithtown
University from people who had previously donated to it were made without the university’s fund-raisers having made any contact with the donors. C says exactly what the conclusion wants to prove, hence it is the correct answer. |