GMAT 没有失败的, 只有放弃的。 着些话都牢记在我心中, 陪我度过我几乎否定我自己的日子。 最后我还是东山在起。 教训篇已太多啦,大家肯定和我一样看不过来。 我就不写啦。 但是, 我想告诉那些犹豫该考不考第二次,第三次,甚至第四次的朋友们, 你们一定行。GMAT 没有失败的, 只有放弃的。
我做了很多边遍 PowerPrep, 赶觉数学和真考差不多,语文要从PowerPrep -3.分左右。
还有一个重要的是 PACE. PACE 一但乱了就会把你水平打个折扣。 数学要(55-35-15)
语文要(55-35-20), 是每做10道体应剩的时间。
废话不多说啦。 Lets Do it.
Math: 三道我牢记的 JJ 给大家
X^3 > 4X, what is the value of X. A: -2<X<0, X> 2
5 Apples, one is bad, pick 2 from 5, what is the chance one will be bad
A: (1 * C(1,4)) / C(2,5)
X < Y ?
(1) X^2 < Y^2
(2) X^2 < Y ^4
A: pick LACE>C
SCLACE>: African squirrals, except specie x, have wings? <--- use plural verb to modify the main subject, which is squirrels.
Not an ironic exposition, the play for Tom's thesis ......? <--- the exposition refers to the play.?I am going to save lots of people on this one.? This is a hard one if you don't know what exposition means or refers to....?I understood what it roughly mean, then used elimination to be 100% certain, took me 3 min to do. Now you don’t have to.
The female CEO, presented employee retention program ...., in her email.<-- this took me a while too. The email part NEEDS to be at the end to make the sentence clear.
Last year, Town A lost 2000 jobs, but gained a net of 1000 jobs. If this is consistent, what could have happened.
---A production cut twice as many jobs as a new plant added.
What is the main conclusion: Some advocate claim that the government should reform to increase economic revenue. However, we can’t be sure that reform will have this affect. Modern statistical examples show that although the current political agenda is reflected in the equation for economic progress, there are no set valuables to use for government factor in the formula.
--This is a very long question and one of the hardest CR I faced. The choices all sound good. But it asks for the main conclusion. And I believe the conclusion is stated in the middle of the sentence. “ We can not guarantee that reform will increase revenue.”
The government proposes to cut back billboard that displays advertisements along highways. However, since the billboards will be fewer but demand will stay the same, the billboard company will charge high prices for advertisements.
---I think the central idea is that Billboard Company’s revenue will stay the same or be even higher.
Birds use sun and other factors such as wind speed for navigation. The birds use this information to randomly or systematically seek where they are going. (Stated Fact). Tome conducted an experiment with LACE>SterlingLACE> by first placing it in a cage. The bird flew around everywhere at first. However, when it is migrating season, the bird flew to a fixed direction according to the sun. Therefore, the bird uses the sun as navigation tool. Then Tom used a mirror to reflect the sun’s light 90 degrees. Then the bird changes its direction 90 degrees also.
Then a question is raised, the sun is at different position during the day, and during different seasons. How can the bird know. It is guess that the bird has an internal mechanism to adjust to that. ( I basically typed the whole essay here)
Now lots of emphasis is placed on innovation. Why? Because innovation generates direct revenue. There are not lots of emphasis on business practice such as personnel placement, advertising… Why? Because they don’t generate direct revenue.
However, innovation can’t make money without having a good company process. Without these good processes that can advertise, produce and deliver products to consumers, competition may catch up before it can make profit. Therefore, a good company process is the key to generating revenue with new innovations. (Almost complete also
This women essay is way too long for me to type, it is about 65 lines. Aren’t all of the women essays long??? Lol Here it goes:
Before WWII, women were thought to be feminine and should stay home to take care of house,…. However, during WWII, men are fighting, so government needs women to work. Therefore, it modified the common held view and created propaganda saying women should work outside home.
A scholar studied two magazines that did the propaganda. Magazine A targeted toward middle class women. Mag B towards working class women. Then similarities and difference are compared between the women. Similarity: Both said women are feeling accomplished by helping the war effort(answer to a question).
Difference: magazine A told about women working in special jobs such as engineering, consultant… Mag B was more conservative about what women can do. |