Finally it's over...
我先發点牢騷,代会補上jj ..我考了各机肋分,但老實说已經很滿意也夠了
我VERBAL 沒做完。28提時就剩10 mins...自己都不知道前面怎麼這麼慢?
做Math 時我心裡覺得頂多48分,太多不敢肯定的,分数一出來51,眼淚都快掉下了
我想说一件事~认真整理JJ 所以托了大家的福也才考得滿分
要thank 的人太多 我一定会漏写 所以要thank EVERYONE这葛月和我以同讨论JJ 的人!
AWA questions (both are easy..i wrote more than 5 段)
AA: 112. The following appeared in a memo to the LACE w:st="on">SaludaLACE> town council from the town’s business manager.
“Research indicates that those who exercise regularly are hospitalized less than half as often as those who don’t exercise. By providing a well-equipped gym for LACE w:st="on">SaludaLACE>’s municipal employees, we should be able to reduce the cost of our group health insurance coverage by approximately 50% and thereby achieve a balanced town budget.”
AI: 72. “Companies should not try to improve employees’ performance by giving incentives — for example, awards or gifts. These incentives encourage negative kinds of behavior instead of encouraging a genuine interest in doing the work well.”
Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion stated above. Support your views with reasons and/or examples from your own experience, observations, or reading.
(i am going to copy jj from this month directly, but i will add my answer)
Math JJ (old) 6. 一个线段,表示的是从-8到4,问是表达下列哪个不等式的图形
ama: |x+2|<= 6
11. Company A has x addresses, Company B has y addresses, Company A combined with Company B, total 3 times of Company A, 问,how many addresses belongs to both Comany A and Company B?(我答y-2x; A交B=A+B-A并B)
ama: agree
25. 民主党和共和党人数比较, ANS:300 ama: agree (after adding some people, 民主党: 共和党 = 4/5 (I remember I got 1200/1500), so the difference is 300)
47. n除以6的餘數?? (1)n除以12餘7 (2)n除以3餘1 --->a ama: agree
114. x<y<z,三个数的平均数是10,z-x=3,求中数. 1。9,2。10,3。11
a.1 b.2 c.3 d.1,3 e.1,2,
ama: this question, there is another important part: x<=y<=z, 有條件说xyz are intgers!
I chose 1) 9 and 3) 11
129.5女3男,选出3人,至少有一个男的概率.ama: my version is 4 female, 3 male, ans 46
168. 一个正三角形,内切一个圆,用圆半径R来表示正三角形的边长。ama: Circle is inside the triangle = 6r√3
228.某样东西每件成本是c,若用每件x卖,每件利润d, 若售价下降25%,每件利润3元,c为多少? (1) d=7; (2) 降价后的售价是12 ama: D
There is another frequent JJ, cannot find the Q..40% in A dep and 60 in B dep will not choose insurance coverage, How many in the company choose? (1) xx people more in B dep to not choose (2) total how many not choose
ama: C
Math JJ New
1. 2…*10^14/xx * 10^4 = ama: I remember very clearly the answer is 5.9*10^9
2. 8^-3 = ? ama = 1/512 (my last question)
3. What is n? when 4/n is between 2 and 3, Choices are: 1.2, 1.4, 2.3. 2.5.. ama: 1.4
4. is xy = 35? (1) x = √49 (2)( x-7) * (y-5) = 0 , ama: E (because x can be -7 or 7) i wrote x-7*x-5 earlier..sorry
5. DS A machine can produce 2700 units in 1 hour, how long can B produce 7500 units
(1) when A+B work together, how long does it take them to produce 1 units, (2) B produces XX more units per min
ama: D
6. A machines produces r units in p hours, How long does it take for a machines that takes 5 hours less than A machine?
ama: pr/(r-5) (I used 距離的覌念來解這题 TOTAL DISTANCE = Pr, 除新的速率=r-5 )
7. 有一个三位数,问其十位数是多少?(1) ?(1) 百位数比十位数大4(2) 十位数比个位数大3 ama: E
8. a, b, c are three angles of a triandle, is a = 60? (1) b+c = 120, (2) a+b = 100, ama: A
9. a* = 1-1/a, a*-(a-1)* = ama: 1/(a-1)(a)
10. 8 people average weight or score = 42, two more are added, then the average is 64.6,
those two people, one weights heavier than the other, everyone’s weight in this group is an integer, What’s least weight that heavier person of the two cane be?
ama: long question, but easy, the additional weight = 310, 310/2 = 155, so I chose 156
11. A person buys a products, if it’s over $10, she pays all, if it’s over $10, then her company pays a certain percentage. How much does the product cost? (1) She pays 12% of the original cost? (2) if it costs another two dollars..then the total would be..
ama: D (I was thinking about hitlzc mm …b/c I always chose C, and she would correct my answer)
12. A products is $800, in A city charges T% tax, in B city charges C% tax, How much more to pay when a person buys in B city than in A city?
(1) t = 3 c, (2) t = c+3, ama: B
13. If x even number? (1) 9x + 7 odd number (2) 13x + 4 even number ama: D
(i need to take a nap..add verbal jj later! i had boycotting RC ...thanks 哪位把全文po上的mm)
14. i remember one more question..
p q R are midpoint of the square...what is the unshaded area?