JHU Carey 国际生Summer Intensive Program简介【转载小米的帖子】
近来有拿到AD的同学问小米关于Summer Intensive Program的情况,小米给出以下简介,以供即将来报到的同学参考:
The Summer Intensive is a concentrated course of study focusing on helping incoming Carey Business School international students adjust to American life and culture. Daily practice in writing and speaking English in a variety of business contexts helps students prepare for the logistical, academic, professional, and social challenges international students will face. Through close readings of articles and case studies, students learn and apply essential business concepts and terminology from such core disciplines as economics, accounting, organizational behavior, and marketing. In addition, participants are introduced to resources and strategies to cope with the logistics of living in a foreign country, from housing and transportation to grocery shopping and health insurance and services.
小米去年自己也参加了Summer Intensive Program,当时是头一年办这个program,范围也只局限在GMBA专业的20个国际生~当时我们每天上两节课:一节是语言课,教授发音技巧、谈话技巧等;另一节是美国文化课,每天内容都不一样,涉及美国的新闻自由、城市建设、医疗卫生、金融等诸多领域~另外就是School Trip:参观博物馆,观看体育赛事,到美国餐厅用餐等等~还会安排老师带学生单独聚餐聊天(我们去年是1个老师和3、4个学生一起吃)~
值得一提的是,Summer Intensive这个“Intensive”不是盖的!小米去年整整三个星期都处于极度焦虑状态,才上完第一个星期,布置的阅读、作业已经突破天极,光从Blackboard下载的course document和assignment就有40多份文件!最后final presentation完了之后整个人瞬间放松得要暴走了……
以下是去年的Summer Intensive Program的日程表,收了AD准备来Carey的同学可以下载了参考参考~