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问一道CR 大全 C-5

5.    At many colleges today, regulations have been imposed that forbid the use in speech or print of language that “offends” or “insults” the members of any group, especially women and racial, ethnic, and religious minorities. Although these regulations are defended in the name of “democracy,” they restrict freedom of speech and the press in a way that opposes the true spirit of democracy.
The argument above attempts to prove its case primarily by
(A) impugning the credentials of an opponent
(B) providing examples that support a theoretical principle
(C) taking advantage of inconsistencies in the definition of “democracy”
(D) revealing a contradiction in an opposing point of view
(E) appealing to the patriotic feelings of its audience

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The last sentence "they restrict freedom of speech and the

press in a way that opposes the true spirit of democracy." That

is just what D says.


If you choose C, then show me the definition of democracy in

the stimulus. I cannot find it.


请问D的revealing a contradiction in an opposing point of view是什么意思?


pointing out a contradiction in an argument to which the author objects.




At many colleges today, regulations have been imposed that forbid the use in speech or print of language that “offends” or “insults” the members of any group, especially women and racial, ethnic, and religious minorities. Although these regulations are defended in the name of “democracy,” they restrict freedom of speech and the press in a way that opposes the true spirit of democracy.
The argument above attempts to prove its case primarily by
(A)impugning the credentials of an opponent
(B) providing examples that support a theoretical principle
(C) taking advantage of inconsistencies in the definition of “democracy”
没有提到民主的定义,而是the spirit of democracy,很有迷惑性
(D) revealing a contradiction in an opposing point of view
(E) appealing to the patriotic feelings of its audience



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