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【求定位】再次求大家帮忙定位~ 申MBA或marketing,最惨的就是背景不好~

大学毕业一年 工作经验 外企私营(其实就是一个人在北京建的公司 规模就30人左右吧)

GPA 2.5 (我知道 超烂,大家就别指责我大学没好好读书了。。。)

GMAT 620

T 86

目标 不要求排名 但别超出200 就行

想要位置好的,比如城市 或者离城市近  因为想工作1,2年后再回国

学费别太贵(比如说drexel  听说光学费就8万!!)

当然 因为高中到大学都是小学校 所以非常非常向往大校园啊  

想要申MBA 虽然我知道有的学校需要2年以上工作经验才能弥补我的GPA。。。。

当然 我托福会再考到 争取90+  GMAT我是不想重考了 因为发过邮件问一些学校(当然排名是100-200的) 说我GMAT够了。。。

希望大家给我点意见啊!! 谢谢了!
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Hey there! And thanks for dropping us a line,
Well i'm not 100% sure you will like my ideas , but really as you
probably have guessed, the best thing you can do for yourself is
in fact to retake the GMAT and the TOEFL. Especially since you
have a 2.5 GPA which you can't really change. A good strong GMAT
is the one thing that will most boost your profile, and since we
have pleeeenty of time until round one, I think it is worth it to
work hard to do that even though I know you don't want to. But it
can make a HUGE difference between what school you can apply to,
what school you get accepted at, and whether or not you get an
offer for scholarship money. I hope I have convinced you!!!



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