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GWD-26-Q32-Q35 中国人改进了英国人测量珠峰高度的方法

In 1975 Chinese survey teams remeasured Mount Everest, the highest of the Himalayan mountains. Like the British in 1852, they used the age-old technique of “carrying in” sea level: surveyors marched inland from the coast for thousands of miles, stopping at increments of as little as a few feet to measure their elevation, and marking each increment with two poles. To measure the difference in elevation between poles, surveyors used an optical level—a telescope on a level base—placed halfway between the poles. They sighted each pole, reading off measurements that were then used to calculate the change in elevation over each increment. In sight of the peaks the used theodolites-telescopes for measuring vertical and horizontal angles—to determine the elevation of the summit.

The Chinese, however, made efforts to correct for the errors that had plagued the British. One source of error is refraction, the bending of light beams as they pass through air layers of different temperature and pressure. Because light traveling down from a summit passes through many such layers, a surveyor could sight a mirage rather than the peak itself. To reduce refraction errors, the Chinese team carried in sea level to within five to twelve miles of Everest’s summit, decreasing the amount of air that light passed through on its way to their theodolites. The Chinese also launched weather balloons near their theodolites to measure atmospheric temperature and pressure changes to better estimate refraction errors.

Another hurdle is the peak’s shape. When surveyors sight the summit. there is a risk they might not all measure the same point. In 1975 the Chinese installed the first survey beacon on Everest, a red reflector visible through a theodolite for ten miles, as a reference point. One more source of error is the unevenness of sea level. The British assumed that carrying in sea level would extend an imaginary line from the shore along Earth’s curve to a point beneath the Himalaya. In reality, sea level varies according to the irregular interior of the planet. The Chinese used a gravity meter to correct for local deviations in sea level.



It can be inferred from the passage that refraction would be most likely to cause errors in measurements of a mountain’s elevation under which of the following conditions?

When there are local variations in sea level

When light passes through humid air

When theodolites are used relatively far from the mountain peak.

When weather balloons indicate low air temperature and pressure.

When sea level has been carried in to within five to twelve miles of the summit.

答案为D。实在想不通,其它选项如何排除呢。D中那个low air temperature and pressure是如何推出的?

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个人感觉大案应该是c,文章中提到atmospheric temperature and pressure changes 是引起误差的原因,注意,是change,而不是绝对温度的高或者低,所以d错。


我不同意楼上选C 因为原文有引用1,One source of error is refraction, the bending of light beams as they pass through air layers of different temperature and pressure

2,The Chinese also launched weather balloons near their theodolites to measure atmospheric temperature and pressure changes to better estimate refraction errors.

因为REFRACTION是由穿过different temperature and pressure导致,而如何判断有没有refraction的方法是measure atmospheric temperature and pressure changes to better estimate refraction errors.

我得出的结论是,定位不仅要看1处,前后如果说的是一件事还是多看看,仔细对比文章和选项才好,  才疏学浅,见谅!!


本人认为D 有问题, 逻辑上与原文不吻合 "CHANGE" VS. absolute value of pressure and temperature.
我选择 C, 随有点牵强但觉得比D 有根据.
LINE 29 :"Because light traveling down from a summit passes through many such layers..." 由山顶射下, 暗示了光走的路程长, 因此难免要经过不同的气压和温度带. 所以说距离长可以看成是温度和气压改变的代名词.
有哪位高人能再给疏通一下C 的观点?


我也选C,因为折射现象和距离有关,同样的折射角度,距离越大,误差越大,所以说,CWhen theodolites are used relatively far from the mountain peak,当theodolites离峰顶越远,测的数据误差也许越大(most likely to cause errors )
d选项在原文有很相似的文字出现,The Chinese also launched weather balloons near their theodolites to measure atmospheric temperature and pressure changes to better estimate refraction errors.
在GMAT的思路里面,属于干扰,原句说的是better estimate,只是说这样做在carried in sea level to within five to twelve miles of Everest’s summit, decreasing the amount of air that light passed through on its way to their theodolites这种主要方法的基础上,进一步的减小误差,不管ballon测出来的温度和气压是多少,只要有数据,就可以相对的对结果进行修正








refraction 是因为 change in temperature and pressure

c:科学家为了减少refraction 把theodolite方得离peak更紧的地方,当然远了 refraction就多了


我觉得应该选B。因为产生误差的原因是因为光会产生折射,因此看到的可能是成像。而humid air折射率大,更容易产生幻象(大概海市蜃楼的原理),因此误差更大。



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