5. The author refers to the “financial and operating problems”(line 38 ) encountered by MESBIC’s primarily in order to 也就是说财务和运营问题是MESBIC遇到的问题,而不是赞助企业遇到的。 文中那句话应该翻译如下:
Following early financial and operating problems, sponsoring corporations began to capitalize MESBIC’s far above the legal minimum of $500,000 in order to generate sufficient income and to sustain the quality of management needed.
因为MESBIC在早期遇到了财务及运营方面的问题,所以赞助企业开始对其加大 投资力度以达到刺激充足进帐及维持应有管理水准(这里是指赞助企业希望帮 助MESBIC提高收入和管理水平)的目的。 虽然这个following从语法角度应该修饰sponsoring corporations,但其实是 修饰MESBIC。 文中"MESBIC'S"是MESBIC的复数形式,可能所有大写字母缩写的复数都是加 ['s]。