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Exposure to certain chemicals commonly used in elementary schools as cleaners or pesticides causes allergic reactions in some children.Elementary school nurses in Renston report that the proportion of schoolchildren sent to them for treatment of allergic reactions to those chemicals has increased significantly over the past ten years.Therefore, either Renston’s schoolchildren have been exposed to greater quantities of the chemicals, or they are more sensitive to them than schoolchildren were ten years ago.

Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?

A.The number of school nurses employed by Renston’s elementary schools has not decreased over the past ten years.

B.Children who are allergic to the chemicals are no more likely than other children to have allergies to other substances.

C.Children who have allergic reactions to the chemicals are not more likely to be sent to a school nurse now than they were ten years ago.

D.The chemicals are not commonly used as cleaners or pesticides in houses and apartment buildings in Renston.

E.Children attending elementary school do not make up a larger proportion of Renston’s population now than they did ten years ago.

这道题答案选了C,可是我认为D是对的,因为题目说的是schoolchildren ,D选项不是正好排除了他因吗,为什么C是对的呢??


Which of the following most logically completes the passage?

Each species of moth has an optimal body temperature for effective flight, and when air temperatures fall much below that temperature, the moths typically have to remain inactive on vegetation for extended periods, leaving them highly vulnerable to predators.In general, larger moths can fly faster than smaller ones and hence have a better chance of evading flying predators, but they also have higher optimal body temperatures, which explains why ______.

A.large moths are generally able to maneuver better in flight than smaller moths

B.large moths are proportionally much more common in warm climates than in cool climates

C.small moths are more likely than large moths to be effectively camouflaged while on vegetation

D.large moths typically have wings that are larger in proportion to their body size than smaller moths do

E.most predators of moths prey not only on several different species of moth but also on various species of other insects

这道题虽然选了B,因为只有B跟题目的higher temperature有关,但是想不明白题目说大的飞蛾有较高的体温,那么答案因该是more common in cool climates than in warm climates, 为什么答案是反过来的
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C.Children who have allergic reactions to the chemicals are

not more likely to be sent to a school nurse now than they

were ten years ago.



D.The chemicals are not commonly used as cleaners or

pesticides in houses and apartment buildings in Renston.


when air temperatures fall much below that temperature,

the moths typically have to remain inactive on vegetation

for extended periods, leaving them highly vulnerable to

当气温<体温时,moth停止活动(保持体力) > 导致moth容易被吃


B.large moths are proportionally much more common in warm

climates than in cool climates


请问E 选项为什么错?现在学生多了,基数大了,所以送去看病的人多了


因为题目已经说了 proportion of schoolchildren sent to them for treatment of allergic reactions to those chemicals has increased significantly over the past ten years 是这些学生中的比例上升,那就跟学生在人口中的比例没什么关系了
另外 E选项中的population  我觉得吧 看着就像无关项 排除得



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