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45、Some anthropologists study modern-day societies of foragers in an effort to learn about our ancient ancestors who were also foragers. A flaw in this strategy is that forager societies are extremely varied. Indeed, any forager society with which anthropologists are familiar has had considerable contact with modern, non-forager societies.
Which of the following, if true, would most weaken the criticism made above of the anthropologists' strategy?
All forager societies throughout history have had
a number of important features in common that
are absent from other types of societies.

Most ancient forager societies either dissolved
or made a transition to another way of life.

(0All anthropologists study one kind or another of
modern-day society.

Many anthropologists who study modern-day
forager societies do not draw inferences about
ancient societies on the basis of their studies.

Even those modern-day forager societies that
have not had significant contact with modern
societies are importantly different from ancient
forager societies.
这道题我不理解Indeed, any forager society with which anthropologists are familiar has had considerable contact with modern, non-forager societies.这句话的含义,OG解释上说这句话意思为:the contemporary foragers have had so much contact with modern societies.请大家帮我分析分析这句话~
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那句话是说: 现代forager 社会和非forager 社会是contact(有关连,互相影响的).所以不能用现代的forager 社会去类比原始的forager 社会.


谢谢LZ~~可是我看这句话的时候,理解的是anthropologists所熟悉的forage 社会与现代非forage社会有很大关联,我没有找到限定第一个forage的contempary,所以当我看到OG解释的时候,觉得有点莫名其妙~~




我这样理解的。先找结论,即strategy is flawed (这一研究方法有弊端)。接下来分2点阐述为什么有弊端。第一,因为现代F社会存在太多多样性,第二,任何时期的F社会都和modern,non F社会有contact.这样推出通过研究现代F社会来了解古代F社会是不对滴。
削弱结论的最佳选择A,提出无论现代F社会还是古代F社会都存在共通性,并且这个共通性不存在\不同于其他任何社会形态(这里指modern,non F社会),所以将现代F和古代F社会拿来对比是有意义的。这里削弱结论最好的方法就是反驳它。希望对你有帮助。





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