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Kelley MBA 面试汇总(2009-2010)

具体的面试过程是这样的,12月提交的申请,很快收到学校的Interview Invitation,说可以选telephone, vedio面试,我倾向于face to face的,在网上也查到James几乎每年会来,就和对方商量看是否可以安排到下一轮等招生委员会的人来的时候面试,对方很快回复说可以,约到2月9日。因为我大多数学校都是第一轮申请,其实2月9日已经拿到了其他的offer,所以面试的时候不是太紧张,比较放松。

Why MBA now?我说可以给你花张图吗?他一怔,说为什么,我于是只能开始blabla说自己的长短期目标。。。感觉说的好费劲,因为头绪比较多。

Why Kelley? 我说之前公司有一个KELLEY毕业的同事,blabla,我很惊奇的发现我现在的公司居然在Kelley的recruiter list上,因为目前公司比较偏科技,很专业,比较小,后来又讨论了很久Kelley的天气。。。

Tell me about the tough person you handled, 这个我觉得回答的一般,还不是太深入。

What is the part you like most about you current job...我就把leadership那个例子又深入讲了一下,着重讲对行业的innovative Impact。

Your contribution. 这个和Essay几乎一样。

Your favorite travel destination? 我说我喜欢日本,因为非常崇尚自然,规范,有秩序,他也表示赞同,其实我没去过太多国家,大多数在亚洲。。。

Any Question?我很直接的问了在目前的经济环境下Kelley的location对找工作的影响大不大,还问国际学生找工作的情况如何?我后来觉得可能有些太DIRECT,心想虽然 我很想知道,但是估计有些offensive.

其他的记得不多了。面试共持续了45分钟左右,后来他也没有告诉我什么时候出结果,我当时感觉很一般,觉得可能没戏了,后来太忙也忘记写thanks letter,没想到能拿到录取,确实没想到。

个人感觉,top 20的学校我觉得Kelley可能是最不看重GMAT分数的。
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Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.

In @ Kelley and Johns Hopkins
Will receive mail including information regarding scholarship offer within two weeks…
应版主大人要求, 我把Kelley的面经提供如下, 只是我是在一月中James亚洲行时面的, 时间有些久了大概都忘了…真的不好意思, 我用力回忆了一下, 整个面试过程真的不像在面试像在闲聊, 气氛真的很轻松, 我还开了James小玩笑, 说他本人比网上那张照片年轻多了应该换张照片….那张照片选得不好….因为我是航空业, 他就聊到说他从首尔搭机到台北时在机上的奇遇, 一个醉汉怎么怎么了….然后面到一半一对新郎新娘从他背后出现, 我们又扯开了话题, 我们还跟那对新人挥手, 我说我们会被那摄录机拍进去耶…..他说我们等下去跟那个录像的要带子…..我们就这样哈哈笑了好几回, 真的我服了James先生,不知他是否故意营造easy环境, 这样才容易看出一个人的不设防本性, 至少有些心理学理论是这样认为的…..面试的目的不就是要看穿,要透彻一个人吗?James温和有礼亲切真诚的态度很容易让人在不紧张的状态下说出自己内心的想法….好了….不废话了,下面是一点点面经:

Why MBA?
Why now?
Why Kelley?
What do you expect to learn from Kelley School of Business?
What’s the most challenging thing in your work?
How do you solve it? What makes the best teamwork environment?
Any questions about Kelley program?

<Johns Hopkins> …不知是怎的,我没面试就直接录取了….
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


Interview @ Kelley's Campus

首先,告訴大家問了什麼問題. 否則,我會忘記.  我花了很多時間準備這次interview. 我知道我做得很好!! Interview了40 分鐘.  通常的時間為30分鐘.  The assistant director of admission interviewed 我.  The Campus is 非常大. 學校有車去機場, 機場也有車直接去學校 - 很方便. 學校裡面有小規模hotel, 我在那裡一晚.  下一站 UNC and Georgetown!!
1) Tell me something about yourself.

2) Why MBA

3) Why Kelley

4) Example of leadership at work and some challenges you faced

5) What motivates you (She asked "What makes you tick")

6) What is your boss going to say about you?

7) What do your friends say about you?

8) What bothers you?

9) Any question for Kelley?

Forgot one more -> What is your great achievement in your career?
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


720/103, 6WE /industrial real estate SOE (3 finacial analysis, 3internal auditing /leadership experience)

实在意外,因为面试实在太曲折了。先是网络视频,看到一美国2年级同学,不是adcom的,心凉了一半,网速卡得厉害,只好作罢,要求改电话。没想到竟然碰到了一印度哥们,那口音啊真叫我绝望啊,他还喜欢讲一堆过渡性的话,我的听力水平让我怀疑是不是英文,有的问题我p了三遍都不确定,  面完就开始一顿诅咒。最后竟然让我过了。。。看来这位印度仁兄没有因为这些而影响对我评价

Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.




Why MBA?

Why Kelley?

Tough thing in your job?

pround achievement?

what are two aspects you need to improve?

How to persuade your teamworker?

post-graduation goal?
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


我也面了,问题差不多, 好像还有个failed leadership example的问题
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.





另外要和我面试的是Brad Rosenwinkel (Associate Director of Admissions – MBA Program),关于他和面试的问题,大家有什么建议吗?

Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


I was interviewed by phone in early Feb, still waiting for the decision now. (What a torture!) About phone interview, it really lasted in a very short time(in my case: 25min.) But the questions were quite typical, such as Why Kelley? Career goal? Leadership?..... Normally, the phone interviewer will be the second-year student, not the admissions commitee. My interviewer was an Indian male I guessed, so be aware that sometimes the interviewer might have accent. Just be prepared, keep the confidence! 加油!
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


[原创]IU Kelley面经

上午10:25, 希尔顿二楼沙发,一共25分钟。

算算已经是第三次见到亲切的James了,依然很nice. 运气比较好James问的基本都是传统的问题。谢谢前面贡献面经的CDer.

1) Why MBA?

2) Why Kelley?

3) Tell me about your job in xxx

4) Greatest achievement in career

5) How does your colleague say about you?

6) What kind of team do you like to work with?

7) What do you do in spare time?

8) Anything that you would like to know about Kelley?



b)要提前点到。通常我们的思维是面试的点可能会比计划晚些。但实际是约的时间10:30,10:20James就下来了,10:25分正式开始。他说自己习惯严格控制时间,这样计划不会被搞得面目全非。顺便恭维了下James, 呵呵。



9) How do your friends think about your decison for MBA?
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


我应该是第一个,八点十五,我七点三刻就到了。等了好久。James确实是提早五分钟下来的。太早了,我都不是很清醒,感觉james也不是很在状态。到最后他要我问问题的时候,我本来准备了两个问题,问了一个,第二个怎么也想不起来了,就跟他说,我还有一个问题,但是我现在想不起来了,我回去给你发email问你吧。 -_- 汗啊
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.



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