第四篇是讲CO2和SO2的,这篇我没在狗狗里看到过,因为后来时间紧,就没太细看,大致是说:第一段说shipment散发SO2进入云层,使得气候变冷,第二段说,但是同时也散发CO2 使得气候变热,文章不长,题目有一道好像是问飞机和shipment之间散发的气体的比较(有点记不太清了)
还有一篇讲用一个动物作实验证明它们是不是有logic thinking 的能力
P2讲第一个实验。。。证明那个动物是有logical thinking 的能力地
P3讲了另一个试验。。。。再次证明那个动物是有 logical thinking的能力的 (慎用,俺verbal只有33)
以下考古 By XYXB
第二段就讲很多动物在试验中也可以一步一步的来获取复杂放置的食物.但是他们都是通过不断试错(这里有一道题)和研究人员在这个过程中每一步的食物鼓励做到 的,这个并不能说明这些小动物有逻辑思维能力.当然,有一种针对乌鸦试验的反驳观点认为乌鸦是在那个复杂行为中每一步发现肉更近了来获得精神激励,(这里 有道细节题,为反驳的观点是什么)不说明他们能逻辑思考.作者反驳了这种观点,提出一个有点复杂的理由.(总之知道作者不赞同就行了)
解 释:这里的意思是,因为乌鸦在那个复杂的行为中,每做一步就会发现肉离它更近了一点,所以受到了精神上面的鼓励,所以才会这么一步一步做下去.如果这个解 释成立的话,那么乌鸦就和那些在实验室中被研究人员一步一步用食物鼓励的小动物的行为没有差别了.那么这就说明了乌鸦没有逻辑思维能力,只是一种觅食本能 的反应. 这种解释就被用来反驳文章第一段中研究人员认为乌鸦有逻辑思维能力的推论.作者认为这个解释是不合理的,提出了一堆比较复杂的理由,认为这个反驳是不成立 的.
其 他细节题都在上面我提示了,有一个推理题要注意:讲猴子怎样的行为才能说明它有逻辑思维能力.这个需要理解全文才能作.原来没有见过这个题型,所以记忆深 刻.我选的E.就是猴子通过一系列复杂的行为来获取水果.比较确定.其他选项很迷惑,但是仔细分析都是文章中用来说明乌鸦没有逻辑思维能力的理由,所以不 能证明猴子有逻辑思维能力.
Clever ravenproves that it's no birdbrain
Logic andpuzzle-solving come naturally to highly intelligent scavenger, claim biologists
by Robin McKie,science editor
guardian.co.uk,Sunday April 29 2007 00.13 BST
TheObserver, Sunday April 29 2007
Article history
Scientists have revealed an unexpected candidate for the title of the world's second smartest creature - the raven. According to a pair of researchers, a bird brain is no longer a sign of stupidity; indeed, it could be a sign of surprising intelligence.
In the latest issue of Scientific American, Bernd Heinrich and Thomas Bugnyar - scientists based at Vermont University in Canada and St Andrews University in Scotland, respectively - reveal a series of experiments that provides startling backing for the idea that ravens are the brain boxes of the natural world. 'These birds use logic to solve problems and some of their abilities even surpass those of the great apes,' they say.
One startling experiment they outline involved ravens who were allowed to sit on perches from which pieces of meat dangled from string. To get a treat, a raven had to perform a complex series of actions: pull up some of the string, place a loop on the perch and hold it with a claw, then pull up another section of string and hold that loop on the perch. By repeating this process half a dozen times, a raven could reach the end of the string and get the meat.
'Some animals can be taught how to get food this way,' Heinrich said. 'However, I found ravens could perform this complex sequence of actions straight away. I was extremely surprised the first time I saw one of them do this. These birds have never seen string before or encountered meat hanging this way, yet they worked out exactly what they needed to do to get a treat.'
Many animals, birds and insects are capable of carrying out complex actions: nest-building, for example. However, such creatures are programmed genetically to undertake the different steps involved in such behaviour. Little intelligence is involved. By contrast, ravens have demonstrated that they can work out complex sets of actions, involving no tests or trial and error. This implies that they use logic. 'The birds acted as if they knew what they were doing,' the two researchers say in Scientific American. 'Ravens have the ability to test actions in their minds. That capacity is probably lacking, or present only to a limited extent, in most animals.'
Other experiments by biologists have shown that ravens often let other animals do work for them. In the wild, they have been known to make calls that bring wolves and foxes to dead animals so that these large carnivores can break the carcass apart, making meat accessible to the birds. Birds related to the raven also show surprising intelligence. The New Caledonian crow has been shown to fashion tools of leaves and to use them to extract grubs from crevices in trees, for example.
Scientists such as Heinrich and Bugnyar believe that ravens evolved their surprisingly high intelligence because of their complex social lives and scavenging lifestyles.
The birds have to be able to assess very quickly how close to a wolf or fox they can get when one is eating a dead animal: they need to get close enough to get food, but not be attacked themselves. However, Heinrich cautioned against stating unequivocally that the raven is the cleverest animal on Earth after humans. 'It is up there with the great apes and dolphins,' he said, 'but I think it is very difficult to say which is cleverer. There are different types of intelligence. I am good at biology but hopeless using computers, for example. Nevertheless, it is now clear the raven is one of the very smartest creatures we know about.'
最后一个是说Tc 什么的, 就是一种物质可以吸收空气中的污染物。第二段说怎么吸收,吸收什么,最后一段说这物质还是有个问题。 题都不难。 但也可能是我掉进低分题库了,大家不一定能用上。
p1有科学家Federick S这个人在研究这个biomarker通过trace这个,可以知道到底哪些有害物质对人体造成哪些影响和病症。然后说这个研究的范围是limited,因为人身体的变化不光是由外界的pollutant造成的,更多的是饮食,生活习惯,还有其他原因。研究的时候这些原因都是不好排除的。
p2.说Federic终于找到了一个valid的实验方法。说他们找到一个小城市,这个城市里has severe air pollution.然后这个城里的工厂因为污染严重所以要关闭了。他们实验的对象就是那些工厂关闭前2年生出来的小孩子和关闭后生出来的小孩子。研究发现这个biomarker has a higher concentration in blood for those children born before the factory close than the ones born after. 然后说通过trace这些biomarker,有一个有毒物质缩写是BaP什么的,发现这个BaP在那些born before the factory close的孩子身上多。
但是,他们最近做了一个实验,号称很好。是选了一个small city,这个小地方有个什么工厂。最近关闭了。所以,可以前后对照(before-and-after comparison,注意这是考点)。工厂有pollutant。研究人员研究了在关厂之前2年出生的孩子,和关厂之后2年出生的孩子的健康状况。说,前面出生的有什么问题,后面的没有。furthermore,他们的blood concentration也不同。具体不记得。
(1)为什么这个实验有效,就是before-after comparison,当然选项是改写过的
(3)下面哪个选项是imply的。我在两个选项中纠结了很久,一个是讲人发病后可以看出biomarker,一个是biomarker可以prior to ailment
一个是BIOMARKER,与JJ的内容一致,补充两个题目:1、第二段XX学者的研究为什么使得BIOMARKER可以有用,因为他们的研究对象是?选项里面有:A. small city B. children … 我选的B,因为原文说研究新生儿童受污染之害,可不受DIET和遗传的影响。
2、如果有以下发现,学者们对儿童的BIOMARKER研究的结论就削弱了?我选的是这些受害儿童的父母们体内的污染物含量,在生出孩子之前早就很高了。(其他选项不记得了) |