(A) The averagelength of time nursing-home residents stayed in nursing homes
increased between1985 and 1988. 理想的状况下,Admission rate(我翻译为:允许入住率)和实际居住率应该是相等的。 前一个阶段,Admission rate(我翻译为:允许入住率)比实际居住率高,可能的原因是:某
些人被允许入住而没有入住;或者入住后不久就走了。 后一个阶段,Admission rate(我翻译为:允许入住率)比实际居住率还低,那么可能的原因
(B) Theproportion of older people living in nursing homes was greater in 1988 than
in1975. 老人多寡?与入住率无关,排除。 (C) Nursing home admission rates tend to decline whenever occupancy rates rise. C选项是对现象的总结,可以作为结论,但这个词whenever是“绝对化倾向”,原文没有这样的
(D) Nursinghomes built prior to 1985 generally had fewer beds than did nursing
homes builtbetween 1985 and 1988.(A) 床铺多少?与“率”无关。 (E) The more beds a nursing home has, the higher its occupancy rate is likely to
be. 床铺多少?与“率”无关。 |