今天刚考完, 害怕忘记, 所以先把jj 向上.又因为大家忙着过年,jj 较少
RC:1 是说一种生物好象是....butterfly 和另一种生物illis是植物的共生现象. butterfly can recoginize the shape of that illis leaves.
then a study found sth like egg not real egg on the leaves ...
2 women 的有小孩的工资会比无小孩的工资要底. 有几种explani. a, attitude; b, whether these women take part time job c, ....
3还有一篇也是women的, 可就是想不起来!!
then, these explains can not indeed explain the remained 2 percent of the wage gap, even if considering that such above--listed explain
Cr, 有一个电影院pop corn ----gwd
还有一个电力dryies in the restroom 和paper- towel 一次性 的比较
sc, ,,.....on the groud, at which point they can raised ...
math::zuo 去年2月份的很多,我做完了 还有半小时不难建议大家作数学不要急
AWA:选工作,money is the first thing ?
ARGU:editer:ineractive commputer instructions 在'''.....说学校实行有good performens, should be adopted by the other school in the strict |