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[求助]feifei-130,totally 不懂

130. The mind and the immune system have been shown to be intimately linked, and scientists are consistently finding that doing good deeds benefits one’s immune system. The bone marrow and spleen, which produce the white blood cells needed to fight infection, are both connected by neural pathways to the brain. Recent research as shown that they activity of these white blood cells is stimulated by beneficial chemicals produced by the brain as a result of magnanimous behavior.


The statements above, if true, support the view that


A.       good deeds must be based on unselfish motives lack of magnanimity is the cause of most serious illnesses.

B.        magnanimous behavior can be regulated by the presence of absence of certain chemicals in the brain.

C.        magnanimous behavior can be regulated by the presence or absence of certain chemicals in the brain.

D.       magnanimity is beneficial to one’s own interests

E.        the number of white blood cells will increase radically if behavior is consistently magnanimous




In my view, the reasoning in this argument is that:


magnanimous behaviorà beneficial chemicals produced by the brainà they activity of these white blood cellsà fight infection


So, the correct answer is D.


A is out of scope. Because unselfish motives is not mentioned in this argument.


B and C have the same mistake. From the above reasoning , it is clear that because of magnanimous behavior, some beneficial chemicals were produced by the brain. But the statement of B and C fail to convince us that magnanimous behavior can be regulated by the presence of absence of certain chemicals in the brain.


E is out of scope. The argument fails to establish the casual relationship between the number of white blood and the rate of magnanimous behavior.


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The statements above, if true, support the view that,是问以上的statement support以下五个选项中的哪个啊。我好像没有理解错。还是不理解怎么support D了。大虾指条明路。



MAGNANIMOUS BEHAVIOR  产生  beneficial chemicals ,接着beneficial chemicals 刺激白细胞活动,中间一句又解释白细胞可以对付感染





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