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GWD27-Q20 - 怎样准确理解答案?

Critics of certain pollution-control regulations have claimed that the money spent over the last decade in order to reduce emissions of carbon monoxide and of volatile organic compounds has been wasted.  The evidence they offer in support of this claim might appear compelling:  despite the money spent, annual emissions of these pollutants have been increasing steadily.  This evidence is far from adequate, however, since over the last decade a substantial number of new industrial facilities that emit these pollutants have been built.


In the reasoning given, the two portions in boldface play which of the following roles?


A.      The first identifies a claim that the reasoning seeks to show is false; the second is evidence that has been cited by others in support of that claim.


B.       The first identifies a claim that the reasoning seeks to show is false; the second is a position for which the reasoning seeks to provide support.


C.      The first is a position that the reasoning contends is inadequately supported by the evidence; the second is a position for which the reasoning seeks to provide support.


D.      The first is a position that the reasoning contends is inadequately supported by the evidence; the second is evidence used to support the reasoning’s contention.


E.       The first is a position that the reasoning contends is inadequately supported by the evidence; the second is evidence that has been used to support that position.

答案是D。请问E中的position和D中的reasoning’s contention有什么区别?如何区别呢?谢谢了!

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E.       The first is a position that the reasoning contends is inadequately supported by the evidence; the second is evidence that has been used to support that position.



嗯~~ 要看清楚指代~~~



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