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[求助] 阅读-蓝皮书-GMAT 阅读加强篇-Passage 19 (第200页) - 20

Initially the Vinaver theory that Malory's eight romances, once thought to be fundamentally unified. were in fact eight independent works produced both a sense of relief and an unpleasant shock. Vinaver's the- ory comfortably explained away the apparent contradictions of chronology and made each romance independently satisfying. It was, however, disagreeable to find that what had been thought of as one book was now eight books. Part of this response was the natural reaction to the disturbance of set ideas. Nevertheless, even now, after lengthy consideration of the theory's refined but legitimate observations, one cannot avoid the conclusion that the eight romances are only one work. It is not quite a matter of disagreeing with the theory of independence, but of rejecting its implications: that the romances may be taken in any or no particular order, that they have no cumulative effect, and that they are as separate as the works of a modern novelist.

20. It can be inferred from the passage that, in evaluating the Vinaver theory, some critics were
    (A) frequently misled by the inconsistencies in Malory's work
    (B) initially biased by previous interpretations of Malory's work
    (C) conceptually displeased by the general interpretation that Vinaver rejected
    (D) generally in agreement with Vinaver's comparisons between Malory and modern novelists

    (E) originally skeptical about Vinaver's early conclusions with respect to modern novels

这道题的标准答案是(B),可是我觉得选项中的“by previous interpretations of Malory's work” 让人觉得似是而非。似乎文中并没有什么信息能被指向“previous interpretations of Malory's work”。请大家发表意见。
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