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我目前在国外学习MBA,出国前我提前预习了商科,金融和财会的内容, 并上了一门课叫“留学商科专业英文入门课程” (English for Business Studies),本课程是美国和英联邦高等教育预备课程,包含了管理学、制造业、金融、销售、财会、社会学和宏观经济学中最重要的领域和内容。此课程是一门针对专业方向的英语课程,它为学生提供MBA专业方向的词汇,专业方面的预备知识及专业的英文表述方式。
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1.市场营销  Marketing

Match up the words or expression on the top with the definitions below.

1. Distribution channel   2. to launch a product  3. market opportunities  4. market research  
5. market segmentation  6. packaging  7. point of sale  8. product concept  9. product features
  10. sales representative

A.        all the companies or individuals involved in moving a particular good or service from the
producer to the consumer.

B.        an idea for a new product, which is tested with target consumer before the actual product is

C.        attributes or characteristics of a product: quality, price, reliability, etc.

D.        dividing a market into distinct groups of buyers who have different requirements or buying

E.        places where goods are sold to the public- shops, stores, kiosks, market stalls, etc.

F.        possibilities of filling unsatisfied needs in sectors in which a company can produce goods
or services

G.        someone who contacts exists and potential customers, and tries to persuade them to buy goods
or services

H.        collecting, analyzing and reporting data relevant to a specific marketing situation(such as
a proposed new product)

I.        to introduce a new product onto the market

J.        wrappers and containers in which products are sold


1 A  2 I  3 F  4 H  5 D  6 J  7 E  8 B  9 C  10 G



2.市场营销  Marketing

Here is a definition of marketing. Complete it by inserting the following verbs in the gaps.

design   develop   identify   influence   modify    persuade

Marketers have to(1) ………….or anticipate a consumer need; (2) ……………. a product or
service that meets that need better than any competing products or services;
(3) ……………..target customers to try the product or service; and, in the long term,
(4) …………… it to satisfy changes in consumer needs or market conditions. Marketers can
(5) …………. particular features, attractive packaging, and effective advertising, that will
(6) …………… consumers’ wants. Marketing thus begins long before the product or service is
put on the market; it combines market research, new product development, distribution,
advertising, promotion, product improvement, and so on.



1 identify  2 develop  3 persuade  4 modify  5 design  6 influence





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