Someone buys 80 sweaters at a price of c dollars each. If the gross profit of each 40 of them is 20% of the cost each and the gross profit of the remaining each 40 is 25% of the cost each, what’s the total gross profit? (18C)
从集合(4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20,22)中选8个数组成新集合,问两个集合的MEDIAN是否相等 C
平均值为M, 标准方差为D, 落在标准方差内的概率是68%, 问less than M+D的概率。
My answer:84%
68% + (1-68%)/2
A股票有54%的可能性会在下月上涨,B股票有68%的可能性会在下月上涨。问下月these two events都不发生(即两只股票都不上涨)的最大可能性是多少? 32%